+290 When you see your cat retching and getting ready to puke all over, you get that "for fuck's sake" face and want to beat the shit out of it for eating so goddamn fast/much, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

My older cat does this every few weeks in the middle ofthe night for a week in my bed. I wake up an I'm like, ugh. Again?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

My fat cat is the culprit usually. She'll be on my lap and I hear the noises so I shove her ass off the bed as quick as I can like it's a countdown until kitty puke bomb detonation T.T

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Oh my gosh that made me laugh. And he always comes in MY room to puke. And then it stains wherever he does it because I don't clean it up well until morning :(

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Lol I always get excited when I realize it's a hairball and not her undigested food that's all over my carpet. Small things make me happy u.u

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Awkward....... Same. The food is much worse to pick up.. >_< especially because jesters is usually still in the form that it was when it was in the bag. Fish and pellets are not attractive.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

My service dog threw up in English a few weeks ago, which was annoying enough by itself, but then the bitchy girl in class just HAD to stand over me while I was cleaning it up, going on and on about how I shouldn't have allowed this to happen and I'd better clean faster. Like, HOW exactly was I supposed to stop the thing from puking?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

olawd dogpuke. Probably bigger than cat puke. But just as gross.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I had just let my cat inside the house after he had been outside all day. Not even five minutes later, he puked all over one of the rugs. Happened again the following day. And he barfed on my bed once.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

they don't know to run to the toilet when they puke. when you were a baby and puked did your parents want to beat you? probably not. like BonslyGuy said, move on with your life.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Ughh I know how you feel! (X_X) It got worse when we started to feed my cat wet food! So gross! If I'm nearby when my cat does puke I wait until she's done then I chase her into another room while yelling and flailing my arms... maybe one day she'll get the message!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

If the animal is throwing up often maybe try changing it's diet. My cat's puke but I at least get them outside (or make my brother clean it up). Just like humans, animals get sick and can have upset stomachs. If you see your pet eating grass, it usually means it has an upset stomach.

by Anonymous 13 years ago