-307 They just discovered a cure for depression, its called getting over yourself, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Depression is a real illness that is often due to a chemical imbalance in the brain. Do some fucking research before you go bashing people with nothing to back it up. You, sir, are an ignorant insensitive prick.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

How come anytime 2 people on the internet disagree, at least one of them becomes a rediculous random spout of various profanities?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

When did one word become a 'ridiculous spout'? And way to turn the attention to my profanity, rather than acknowledge the fact that you were wrong. Take your own advice and get over yourself.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I am not wrong, but you will never see that, good day sir!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You haven't even attempted to prove yourself. I wonder if that might be because all the medical evidence is against you.... Hmm!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

When was the last time you heard that someone in a developing country was depressed? If someone said, "*Sigh* I don't think I'll go to work today, because I am extremely sad" People would laugh at him, then kill him, because he would be dimmed unworthy of living. Or at least they should... anyways I guess what I'm trying to say is that, the only people who get depressed are the ones who have life good, then when they are no longer being treated like kings or queens, they become depressed

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

no. a lot of people I know IN developing countries are depressed. And you have no right to judge people you don't know.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You need to go out and see the real world, not just this happy little bubble you've been brought up in. Go to a group therapy session for something like rape, or cancer, and tell those people to get over themselves. See how well that works out. I'm curious to know. Go to Xinjiang, China, where people are pulled off the street and beaten for being Muslim. Tell them to get over themselves. I dare you to try it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

My sister died of cancer, don't tell me I've grown up in a bubble and don't k ow anything about the 'real world'.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Depression is a serious medical issue. If you don't get your way or whatever you are only sad for like, a day, and you get over it. You are depressed when every single day you feel apathetic (uncaring) about everything. Nothing is fun anymore. You don't understand why you are alive, or what the point of life is. Saying that people with depression need to get over themselves is horribly ignorant.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I bet if he went to China and met the guy who got beat up for his religion, he would be all better, because life goes on, other than the wounds, he probably has gotten over it and gone back to what he was doing...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Come to Soviet Russia, where everything is apathetic(uncaring) to you!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Are you gonna tell me that when your sister got sad while she had cancer you just told her to "get over it?"

by Anonymous 13 years ago

My sister didn't get sad. She is/was the most optimistic person I know/knew. My mom spent the night with her 99% of the time she was in the hospital, and she told me she never complained. Not once. Besides, there is a difference between being sad and being despressed.

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

You're a... there needs to be a word to express the loathing and abhorrence I feel for you.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

dick? i cant come up with a good enough one. :(

by Anonymous 13 years ago

If you're Amish, then what the hell are you doing on the computer?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I kind of agree, I'm tired of everything being treated as a mental health issue. We have gotten to a point where nothing is our fault. Drugs? Not your fault you broke the law. Cheating? You're a sex addict. Murder? You're psychologically insane.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

This might give you a general idea of what depression is: https://health.google.com/health/ref/Major+depression It is a very real mental disorder, and affects the lives of about 19 million Americans, without regards to race, religion, age, gender, or economic status. Depression can be triggered by stressful life changes or events, and sometimes chemical imbalances. Depression is not something that comes and goes easily, so telling a depressed person that someone else's life is worse than his would NOT help the problem. Sadness and anger are simply emotions that will wear off soon enough, but depression is much more complicated. It's not just a matter of "getting over yourself." I hope this helps you understand :)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I literally just yelled at my computer in frustration. You're a dumbass. Depression is a CHEMICAL IMBALANCE. You can't just "get over yourself" when you're depressed. Do some research before you start talking shit about things you know nothing about.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The qualifications of being diagnosed as depressed are quite literally the same as what an optimist would call sad. OP has a not so nicely stated point. Of course some people wallow in sorrow more than others, maybe therapy is even a good idea, but do they need a clinical diagnoses and pills? Likely not.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Have you been diagnosed with depression? I have, and trust me, being depressed is a hell of a lot more than being "sad." Some people use depression as an easy word for feeling blue every now and then, but serious depression needs to be treated and dealt with.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Oh... you do not know how mad this makes me >.<. Trolling troll doesn't deserve an answer, but I'm just going to humor him this one time because I'm so freaking ticked off. Depression is a CONDITION. I know this point has been driven home by many people on this post, but I thought I'd reiterate. You think people freaking WANT to be sad? Want to subconsciously alienate themselves from their friends? In a situation where people 'just need to get over themselves', wouldn't it be the opposite, where they need their friends? No, depression is bloody different. It can even be triggered by another condition, a serious illness or so. Even after the illness fades, the mental connections may stay because of the depression that's already been triggered. Maybe one day you'll grow up and freaking realize that. Oh, and I've had close relatives die, and others be diagnosed and successfully treated for cancer. Not a legitimate excuse to be a jerk. Rant over.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Oh, oops, I lied. "Jesus is my Lord and Savior! Because I'm a (true) Christian, who believes the whole Bible, many people think that I'm a troll. However, I am not a troll. I am the salt in a bland world, a light in the darkness, an island of sanity in the seas of today's political and moral maddness. I am a humble servent of the amazing Lord Jesus Christ. " From your profile, you self contradicting... I'm a Christian. Think Jesus went around telling sick people to 'get over themselves'?! And you spelled "madness" and "servant" wrong, by the way...and the third sentence doesn't sound very "humble", either

by Anonymous 13 years ago

If I may, Jesus went around claiming to be the messiah. Humility is not something well taught within Christianity.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Jesus also told people not to treat him like a king :/...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

And that one's called a fact. Plus, he wouldn't let anybody wash his feet, instead, he once washed the feet of one of his disciples which was usually the job of the household servants

by Anonymous 13 years ago

YOU are the one who needs to get over yourself. Fucking asshole.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Get over YOURself, you ignorant douchebag. How dare you.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

smh. you obviously have no idea what depression is. why dont you go up to a depressed person, not someone who is just sad for a day or two, but a person who is honestly depressed because of a traumatic event in their life, and say "get over yourself". Raped as a child? Get over yourself. Emotionally abused? Get over yourself. Parents are drug addicts? Get over yourself. You are a terrible person.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

*punches computer*

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You mean *Punches Amish_Allosaurus*

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Depression is real. I went through a major depression and nearly lost my life to it. For me it wasn't situational, it was caused by a hormone imbalance. Even though I have family and friends that I love, I still felt alone and sad all the time. Depression symptoms can be physical too; I gained a lot of weight and felt sore and fatigued all the time. A major depression is not something that a person would normally fake to get attention. I actually tried to avoid the subject as much as I could because I hated talking about it. I also made a lot of stupid decisions because I felt out of control.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

They just discovered a cure for being a dick, it's called not being a dick. Amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Phil, you always find a new way to piss me off. Ever had depression? You never want to do anything. You don't care about anything, including life. You want to kill yourself. You can't just get over it.When your dad gets sent to jail for sexually abusing someone, you have a hereditary chemical imbalance in your brain, a family member dies, AND your family doesn't accept you for who you are, then you MIGHT be able to talk. But depression is life consuming and destroys you as a person. Dude, you're such a douche. Plus, your post is grammatically incorrect.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You remind me of this chick that told me "I don't believe you have a problem because you look too normal to me". Then said that I'm wasting my time seeing a psychiatrist when it's obvious that I'm just overreacting. The sad part was that she did witness me being in a complete state of anxiety a few days before. Like most people who've witnessed me during an attack, she just assumed i was drunk(this gets funnier because I was in the mountains with no alcohol nearby). I hate people.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I don't agree with thise post, but maybe this guy has been exposed to the "wrong" type of depresed people, like annoying teenage girls who are for maybe a couple days over a stupid reason, then are happy again the next week and try to pass it off as a "serious dark time in their life". But maybe he has never met a person who was truley depressed. It reminds me of a girl who was suicidal, but now she tries to get attention for it and thinks she's so much more emotinly evolved that everyone else our age. And sorry for any typing errors, I'm on my phone.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I don't agree with thise post, but maybe this guy has been exposed to the "wrong" type of depresed people, like annoying teenage girls who are for maybe a couple days over a stupid reason, then are happy again the next week and try to pass it off as a "serious dark time in their life". But maybe he has never met a person who was truley depressed. It reminds me of a girl who was suicidal, but now she tries to get attention for it and thinks she's so much more emotinly evolved that everyone else our age. And sorry for any typing errors, I'm on my phone.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Wow. And to think, only one person caught the grammatical mistake in this post. From a depressed point of view, this is awful. Then again, it was slightly better than everyone acting as if I were a freaking time bomb when it came out that I've been depressed for seven years.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Unless you have depression yourself I suggest that you shut the fuck up.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Depression is a really serious illness, it's a chemical imbalance, a lot of people can't even control it. Sure, a lot of people face serious issues, and don't get depressed, but some DO. You may not understand it, but it really is a struggle for some people. And even though you say you've had worse, or anything really, you have to get that not everyone is like you, not everyone is strong enough to just face it, and they lapse into this condition. I've seen it first hand.IT IS A DISEASE. When people have Cancer or something of the sort, you don't say they need to "get over themselves", it's a condition. NO ONE WANTS TO BE DEPRESSED, they are faced with situations and people that push them into it, though maybe not intentionally. And again, everyone is different, they have different brain set-ups, and thus some are more susceptible than others. I am, it runs in my family, so I need to "get over myself" because of my genes? Please do not insult people that may be trying to overcome it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Dude. I honestly don't even know what to say. Majority of the times I see you, you're saying something that makes me want to hate you. I have one word for you: wow. loljk I have two letters: fu

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Heres some more letters: ck you Amish_Allosaurus

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Thank you OP, for providing me much amusement going through these absolutely ridiculous comments. I also respect your decision to stop replying to the comments. These arguments that I've read over aren't legitimate at all, but are rather insulting and pointless attacks on you, and not your idea.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Look, I know OP isn't reading these anymore, so I'll just address this to all the YYAs. As someone who has had depression, and is healthy now, I have to say, you just don't get it. As others have said, it's a chemical imbalance, specifically a lack of a hormone called serotonin. This is what kills people who try to quit heroin without going to a doctor; their brains stop making it. It's not just your feelings; it's a legitimate physical problem. Serotonin is what's responsible for giving you happiness, attention, and motivation. Without it you have none of those things. It sucks. You want to get better so badly, but you don't have the mental capacity to do so. This is why people commit suicide when they're getting better, not when they're at their worst--they don't even have the energy or motivation to kill themselves at the bottom, and even when it's a little better you still can't think of a solution, you just do the only thing you haven't tried.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

In other news, the new vaccine for ignorance has apparently proven to be ineffective.

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

Fucking idiot

by Anonymous 13 years ago

***** I HAVE CHANGED MY POSITION SLIGHTLY ***** I think that there are some cases of depression that are actual medical problems, however, a lot of people over dramatize it and think that any time they get sad they are depressed. There is a difference between being sad and being depressed. ***********

by Anonymous 13 years ago

than make that a follow up

by Anonymous 13 years ago

A what?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

*facepalm* k so when you see ur post press the button that says "create a follow up" they're the little green things

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm on mobile...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

oh ok. you not knowing what a follow up is is excusable now.

by Anonymous 13 years ago