-1,774 let me get two things straight, PEOPLE AND BUGS ARE NOT ANIMALS! people aren't animals because we are way to smart and we aren't wild. Do you see us going around eating other animals? Bugs are way too small to be and animal and they're too stupid to be one, if you don't agree, then there must be something wrong with you, it's stupid to think that people and bugs are animals, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

>> people aren't animals because we are way to smart ** too >> and we aren't wild. Wild and crazy sex anyone? >> Do you see us going around eating other animals? Our meat comes from plants, obviously. >> Bugs are way too small to be and animal and they're too stupid to be one So are animals smart or stupid? Fucking pick. >> if you don't agree, then there must be something wrong with you, You're fucking stupid, you opinionated prick. >> it's stupid to think that people and bugs are animals, amirite? NW. TL;DR version: You're fucking stupid, troll harder, dipshit.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Wow, stop being so rude. You sir, are the idiot. it's obvious that people and bugs aren't aniamls.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You're the fucking dumbest troll I've ever seen. Go back to MLIA, faggot.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm a winner because I get third post on this page... I agree with the bugs, but not with the human part.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(NoraNeko):Im surprised by how many +'s your comment is using the second 'f' word. Even though I already dislike you...Humans/insects: KINGDOM: ANIMALIA.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You aren't even good enough to be called a troll. Either way, if what you said is true you would qualify as a bug.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No i wouldn't. First of all, i'm much smarter than you, and second, i'm not small. You can barley see bugs sometimes because they're so small. Animals are so stupid, but humans are smart. Animals don't have any intelligence, they have no emotion, they can't speak, and they can't think.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Oh, I neglected to realize that you were actually THAT fucking stupid. Let me speak in a language that you will understand. DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

by Anonymous 13 years ago

@619249 (AndyBlacksmith): Oh, now you're trying to insult me? Probably becuase you know i'm right so you didn't know what else to say.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Nope, I just don't feed poor people and I don't feed trolls. You fit into both of those categories I am sure.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

God damn, you're an idiot. FOR THE LAST TIME I AM NOT A TROLL!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Either you are a troll or a complete dumbass. I am going to have to go with both.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Dude, I actually personally know who this girl is and trust me, she is a retard. She was probably being serious, sadly.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

What?! Who are you? Are you John? Well fuck off!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Bugs have the classification of an animal. they have the common ancestors for animal. that is it! they are stupid! And us humans are kind of too elite to be considered animals. i totally agree with you on this, even if it is politically incorrect

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Thanks you! at least someone who understands! Except i don't agree with the bugs are animals part.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I mean i understand completely. all these people who disagree are just trying to be unoffensive to bugs

by Anonymous 13 years ago

your so stupid. its amazing

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I cannot even begin to think about all of the things that are wrong with what you just said. Animals are incredibly intelligent. If they weren't they wouldnt be able to survive. We also wouldnt be able to train them if they werent smart. And as for them not having emotions? Go Fuck Yourself! Animals feel exactly as we do, which is exactly why Im a vegetarian and an active supporter of animal rights. There wouldn't be organizations like Peta if animals had no feeling. Yes they have no voice, but thats what were here for. You cant honestly look into the face of an animal thats been abused and tell me they have no emotions.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

"Animals are so stupid, but humans are smart. Animals don't have any intelligence, they have no emotion, they can't speak, and they can't think." Let me point out everything wrong with that statement. Actually animals are very intelligent, much more intelligent than you. They have emotion, some can speak and I'll explain more on that in second, and they can think. If animals weren't intelligent, then look up Alex the African Grey parrot. He has the intelligence of a 5 year old child, he shows much emotion. With the video i'll show you, he even says "wanna go back" because he's bored. Alex could speak and understand what other people were saying, and with the questions he was asked, he had to think to answer correctly. Here's a video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6KvPN_Wt8I Now tell me that's not smart. BTW Dolphins, apes and many other animals are smart too.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

First of all, alot of animals are way smarter then you dipshit. Secondly yes, humans ARE considered animals because we share alot of the same characteristics as they do, thirdly you're a fucking idiot! Sincerely a 12 year old who's smarter then you are

by Anonymous 13 years ago

ya you are 12, you're name is "sexybest911"

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Are you making fun of my name or implying that you don't think i'm 12? Because either way, i don't care

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Oh, and you used the wrong "they're" so basically you said "ya you are 12, you are name is "sexybeast911" YOu were supposed to use your

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Animals don't think, hmm? So what, are they like, robots who run off of computer chips or something? The only reason you say animals have no emotion is because you've probably never seen them show emotion. When a wolf dies, its pack will mourn that wolf. When my rabbits see me coming toward their enclosure with a treat, they prick up their ears and hop along beside me with these bright, eager looks. If that's not emotion, what is? And you say that because humans can talk, they're not animals. Babies can't talk, does that mean they're animals until they say their first word? No. Think about what you're saying here. There are heaps and heaps of evidence against you.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Here's a quote from Jane Goodall, well its not exactly right, but it was like this: "A person can't spend time with any animal with a reasonably developed brain and not realize that animals have personalities."

by Anonymous 13 years ago

yeah, I barley see bugs. I also barely see people spell barely as barley.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

"Animals don't have any intelligence, they have no emotion, they can't speak, and they can't think." Umm ever seen a monkey use a stick to get termites out of a hole? or even a dog do a trick? yea that requires a little bit of smarts. how bout when a pet gets crazy excited when their owner comes home. Id say they're pretty happy wouldnt you? how bout if everyone around you starts speaking swahili? Just because you cant understand them do that mean they aren't speaking? And well if they didnt think, they would lay on the ground and not move or do anything else. Figure it out.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

k u r kinda retarded, bc if u hit a dog or get mad at it it becomes sad. also we are almost always the savages. u dont see other animals torturing each other the way many cultures do. So get educated befor you post. k? k.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

scientifically, people and bugs are animals. also, you are also scientifically stupid

by Anonymous 13 years ago

everything you said is so stupid it's frustrating... smh if you would watch Discovery Channel or Animal Planet for 2 seconds you would understand why you are so wrong

by Anonymous 12 years ago

oh my god. BEST. COMMENT. EVER

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You're right, we also kill and torture other humans, that's pretty stupid.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

We do eat other animals..

by Anonymous 13 years ago

/but do we go and hunt them? no.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

@619228 (awesomeGirl): Ummm, how does that make a difference?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

@619234 (handsy): It makes a difference beacause you don't see us going around chasing animals and then eating them, raw. Why do animals eat their prey raw anyways? that's stupid, they could get sick from that.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Because wolves can totally make a fire

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well they could find other ways to get something to eat or to cook it, well, if they were smart.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

They don't need too. Their bodies are built differently than ours, the same things that make us sick don't make them sick.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

they dont need to fucking cook their food you dumbass. Their bodies are built to eat things that our bodies arent capable of eating anymore. Did you even know thats what your appendix was orginally for? But now that we've gained the use of fire and other means of cooking our food, over time the appendix became nonfunctional. So yeah we used to eat raw meat after hunting it down as well.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Your comment isn't entirely true. The appendix has a function. As does your coccyx, which is not a tail.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

well I had talked to my Bio teacher about it and she said it really doesn't serve a purpose. Scientists have theories about things it may do, but no one really knows. All they do know is that we dont need it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That really doesn't mean that it doesn't have a purpose. You don't need both kidneys, but both serve a purpose. Our gall bladder stores bile from the liver, but you can remove that. There used to be 180 "vestigial" organs in your body back in 1935. We're gonna find a use. It may be unneeded, like the gall bladder, but it has a use.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

lol! and also, throwing dead animals into fire to eat them is soo much more humane!!! amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Ever heard of sushi? That's raw, we don't get sick from that. The earliest homo sapiens (humans, if idiots like you don't understand) ate their animals raw to. In fact, many animal and yes, bug colonies have more complex social structure than those early humans. I'm sorry, but people like you are what really piss me off about the world.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

We used to do that, when we were hunter-gatherers...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Animals have developed the immunity to eat things raw and humans can eat raw meat

by Anonymous 13 years ago

animals eat other animals all the time. And once upon a time all "humans" ate was raw meat. Fire hasnt been utilized since the beginning of time. Go back to science class.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

A lot of people hunt animals.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yeah, but do you see them eating it right after?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

raw meat will not necessarily make you sick you fucking retard. the danger of sickness comes mostly from the processing of the raw meat. and also, animals are immune to the diseases that humans get from eating raw (processed) foods. thats like saying that if you eat raw eggs you will get salmonella. thats completely ridiculous. and you clearly dont understand the concept of biology, because what other kingdom would bugs and humans be put into? the plant kingdom? i dont think so.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yes they will get sick you dumbass. Why do you think we don't eat raw meat?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

wow you're fucking retarded. i just explained to you why we dont eat raw meat. or perhaps you're just too fucking stupid to understand the English language.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

we don't eat raw meat because compared to a many species, we humans have very sensitive stomachs. We can however eat raw fish.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

We can eat more than just raw fish. I've eaten raw moose meat, it doesn't make you sick.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

How can you say that we aren't animals and then try to say that our bodies are built the exact same way? Humans MIGHT get sick from raw meat IF there is something wrong with it. Animals that are carnivores will die if they don't get meat. If raw meat made them sick, all carnivores would go extinct.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

i hunt animals its not cruel. The reason wild boars are in hunting season all year round is because they are a nuisance and they ravage the natural lands of mid-Florida and other areas.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yes. Deer meet. Very popular among hunters.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Does it matter? No it doesn't matter.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Someone's never watched an episode of Man vs Wild.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Um, if you don't think we hunt the animals, how do you think we get their meat? Magic? And yes, anything that breathes, moves, and eats is an animal.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Are you aware of what a hunter is? You know, Elmer Fudd, camo, guns... any of this ringing a bell?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

that is exactly what we do

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Actually we kind of do. Of course, we don't hunt in the whole 'jump and bite' kind of thing. So yeah.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yes, we do hunt them, idiot.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

ever heard of deer hunting? and rabbit stew?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yes, we do hunt them. And yes, we do eat raw meats. The Inuit eat raw whale meat as a delicacy, also most Sushi is raw. How dumb are you?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Epic Fail

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

I love trolls

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm not a troll dumbass

by Anonymous 13 years ago

If you're not a troll then I'm moot.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'll say it again, I personally know this girl, and she is a retard, so she was probably being serious. I yya just because I feel bad for the girl, she's so stupid!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

John, if that's you, get the hell of this site! No wonder why no one likes you at school, you're too damn mean, making fun of people!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

how do you know it's John. it could be someone else.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Because, you're the only other person I know that goes on Amirite.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

When you say "retarded" you don't mean actually mentally challenged right? Just someone you think isn't smart? If you're going to insult her, at least have the guts to do it in person.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I have this sneaking feeling that this john has indeed insulted her on person lol

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

yes you are a dumbass and a troll

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Cats sometimes sit on fences, therefore are also not animals.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

1. human: A member of the species Homo sapiens; a human being. 2. species: any group of related animals or plants not necessarily of this taxonomic rank therefore humans=animals

by Anonymous 13 years ago

or any of the other kingdoms:)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

you could even go more broad than that. insects and humans are both in the animal kingdom , therefore, we are animals, and so are they.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Alright, this is seriously, sad. I woud like to point out that it's actually HEALTHIER for animals (dogs, cats, ect) to eat raw meat. Cooking it takes out most of the nutrition for them and makes it more fattening as opposed to actually helpful. Another thing, insulting doesn't help ANYONE. And that goes for both parties here. It's really just rude and fuels the fire, not eliminate. Last point: This is a sight to post YOUR opinion. She has every right to be here, post it, and defend it. If you don't agree, then press "No Way" and then move on. If you feel you must post a comment correcting there is no need to continue arguing back to their reply. And there most certainly isn't any use in insulting them in it. They'll either listen or they won't.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

"then there must be something wrong with you, it's stupid to think that people and bugs are animals" that's not stating an opinion, that's just her being biased.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

There's no such thing as an unbiased opinion, so you can't get mad at someone for being biased. You can however get mad at them for failing to do the research.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I didn't mean a biased opinion, what I'm trying to say is that she was prejudiced against the people that might disagree with her, maybe insulting some people (like biologists)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yes, people are entitled to their own opinions, but there is a HUGE difference between fact and opinion. Saying that humans and bugs aren't animals can be proved false; it's not an opinion.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Evolution can be proven false yet people call it a science.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's all about your own preference for how things got here. Intelligent design can be proven false yet people insist that it's correct.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

this still isn't an opinion its fact, and she was wrong.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

We are mammals

by Anonymous 13 years ago

yah because the scientific requirement for not being an animal is "to smart and we aren't wild"

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Look up the definition of animal in the dictionary before posting something like this again. Thank you.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

onoonoonoono...i bet you're still feeling that burn from the first comment ...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Wow, What are you 12? We eat animals you retard. For one thing bugs are not stupid, they make traps, colonies and homes. Ants even make Air conditioners from chemicals they find! Get off the internet, you disgust me.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

thank you for bringing some sense into this!!! this is just fucking ridiculous that someone could say this. i mean, its a scientific fact that bugs and humans are animals...i mean just because we're different than a lot of other animals doesnt mean we arent.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

@619513 (kokoraki): I'm not 12 dipshit, i'm 16.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Wow, Then you must really be a retard. XD [Sarcasm] By the way, Nice come back. [/sarcasm]

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(AwesomeGirl): I tried to respect your opinion, I really did. But how in the world can you think this?!?!?! Have you never read a biology book, or at least payed attention in Biology class? Here is the main reason that human and bugs are animals ( these words might get big for you, so have a dictionary handy): all animals are made up if eukaryotic cells, animal cells do not contain chloroplasts or a cell wall ( for plants). Humans and bugs have those cells.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

So, did you fail 7th grade science, then? I do believe that they go over the whole Kingdom-Phylum-Class-Order-Family-Genus-Species thing, and that mentions that people and bugs are part of the animal kingdom.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Are all 12 year olds considered idiots? I guess that means I fail to understand what mammals are...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Not all, I know many that are very mature. sorry if you've taken offense.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well, I understand your point. Most 12 year olds (online) are trolls and have nothing else to do. Though I would identify this person worse than a 12-year-old troll.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I like your name! :)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I think you're underestimating 12 year olds. It's pretty sad that she is 16 and still posted this. I am 12 and I would never even get to the point of saying this no matter how old I was. I knew that humans and bugs were animals when I was in first grade!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

*sigh* all I'm saying is that most 11-12 year olds are trolls on the internet (the majority)but there are many like you two that are not.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

one day, ants will be able to enslave the earth by inventing nuclear weapons and turning the earth into an everlasting arctic winter! according to awesome girl, if ants do this, they will no longer be classified as animals.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

awesomegirl is a totez troll, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yeah you are! She is a epic fail troll.

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

so there's this thing...its called Biology, and it's pretty awesome. You should check it out. And in biology, there's this other nice thing called taxonomy. Maybe you should give that a read too. Because yes humans are animals. Animals are incredibly smart, some like dolphins are pigs are smarter than some humans. And unless you are a vegetarian, yeah you eat other animals too. Insects are also animals, they just aren't mammals like we are. We are in the same kingdom under a different phylum you dumbass.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You made my day. <3

by Anonymous 13 years ago

haha thats what im here for =)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

i love you

by Anonymous 13 years ago

haha =)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

what are you SMOKING?!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

i don't care what she's smoking but i want some

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

ono lmao this post humors me. Just saying, but you should get back to your 2nd grade homework; this isn't the most fitting place for kids.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

People are indeed animals, you are ignorant for thinking otherwise. Where do you think we evolved from?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

correction- there's something wrong with u. if u go up to anyone that studies the animal kingdom for a living, they will tell u with proven facts that we are in fact animals. so get ur facts right before you go on the internet and sound like a ditzy 11 year old girl.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Someone never had 7th Grade science class...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Bugs are ridiculously smart, and some can grow to the size of a rabbit!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Your username does half of the degrading to this post than the actual context does.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Oh and I love how this was most likely put on the front page so Anthony and the other mods could watch us ridicule this apparently "Awesome" girl.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

This is why the world is screwed up. Cause there are fucking dumbshits like "awesomegirl". Who think that they are smart, but in reality, they are ignorant dumb asses not fit enough to eat their own shit. As everyone has said, humans are animals. Ask any biologist. Hell, ask a chemist or a physicist and they too will tell you that humans are animals. So go crawl in a fucking hole and die, because you don't deserve to pass on your genes, you fucking dumbshit.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

"not fit to eat their own shit" that says it perfectly

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Thank you :) Sorry for the rant. However, I can't wait to see this girl become a darwin award.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

you're welcome =) haha wow nice

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Oh and hey. Don't wanna sound like a creeper or anything but-- from your profile at least-- you sound kinda awesome.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

haha thank you. you can add me on here if you want..i mean as long as youre not a creeper you can

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yeah, once I get around to making an account that is. Sure. and no, I'm not...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Oh haha okay sounds cool. okay thats good. i dont like creepers.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Holy crap, this has Epic Fail written all over it. Next time you guys (The maker of this post and awesomeGirl) go to school, try paying attention. Trust me, it helps.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

awesomegirl was the OP.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

And thus, the age of Tweenage Idiots on Amirite has begun.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

We've somewhat already been at that point for a long time. At least 20% of the amirite-population is in fact idiotic tweens.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

um we kinda eat animals... we basically feed on animals. next time take a little closer look at your cheeseburger

by Anonymous 13 years ago

DUD3 THES SI TEH SMARTEST THNG IVE EV3R R3AD!1!1!!1! OMG IT SHUD B POTD FOR TEH N3XT MONTH!!1!1!! OMG LOL Courtesy of http://ssshotaru.homestead.com/files/aolertranslator.html

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Hahahaha! Op's stupidity just amuses me!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well you are AWE-some. As in i'm pretty sure anyone who has read this is gawking.

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

Guess what! awesomeGirl is an animal! o: I mean, that's what she described herself to be. Way to fucking go.

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

No, asswipe, wrong again,

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You're just saying i'm wrong because that's what most of the people are saying so you're just agreeing with them.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

no, actually, its cuz we have proof. one would think that after all the size and intelligence examples people have posted, you might have actually looked up a couple and seen for yourself.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Before a fetus is born, you can't see it because it's too small. Every animal was once too small to be seen with the naked eye. I guess that means nothing is an animal.

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

we are "too smart" to be animals yet we are the creatures who are ultimately going to destroy the ourselves and the planet. we're real geniuses arent we

by Anonymous 13 years ago

WTF do you think beef is? Douche

by Anonymous 13 years ago

http://www.saskschools.ca/~gregory/animals/intro1.html STOP TALKING ABOUT THIS IT IS RIDICULOUS

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

Anything, other than plants, that is alive, is an animal. That's how science is, if we were classified any other way it would be troublesome to explain prokaryotes, eurkaryotes, autotrophs and heterotrophs. Human and animal cells are the same, therefore we are animals. Idiot girl, do not argue about what you do not understand.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The first line is not true. There aren't just plants and animals, there are six kingdoms of living things: Bacteria, Protozoa, Chromista, Plantae, Fungi and Animalia.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

This is. . . sad. It's pretty much been covered as to why you're wrong, but I'll add my two cents. As for the 'bugs are too small' thing, as some people have already said, bugs get pretty freaking big. And I believe there's an animal called a 'bee bat', which is somewhere between the size of a honeybee and a quarter. Is it not an animal?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I like how they said "people are way to smart", how ironic.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

This is the dumbest post i've ever seen. OP better be kidding.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Ooooh this all has amused me :) silly OP.. Bugs are animals.. Animals are animals.. And humans are animals xD humans are smart because we learn. Animals are smart too because they can learn. Bugs are smart because of all the stuff they can do. I know this has all been said 100 times already but I didn't read all the comments.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Someone please post this on amiwrong...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

If you want it on Amiwrong so bad, then why don't you post it your self.

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

I can't. It won't let me. And what the hell is with the attitude?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Sorry, didn't mean to make that sound so mean.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's cool.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

This is just as amusing as the 'money grows on trees' post... but in a different way.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(NO!!!): what was this post? I want to read it lol

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Same :D It sounds funny

by Anonymous 13 years ago

i found it. Its not even the post thats funny, its the comments lol. They made the longest poetic string of comments

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Whats the name of the post? I wanna read the comments :)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

well i went to the search bar on the homepage and typed in money grows on trees and it was the last one on the list

by Anonymous 13 years ago

So you're suggesting that the animal meat we eat isn't actually from animals? Then what the hell is my burger made out of?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Wow! This post is more controversial than all of mine combined!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I know right. You better step up your game Pedo_bear. You are certainly getting your ass kicked.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I can see that!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

oh and btw, gots any candy?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I've got all the candy you need!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'd like Reese please.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I just sent a year's supply!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

:D Imma come to ur house and pick up the candy. Where do you live?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I live everywhere. It would be so much easier if I drove to your house and picked you up in my van.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

ok! i live at 475 Main st. Sacramento CA. I'll be the boy in the blue shirt. btw I may look like I'm "balding" its not because I'm old, it's a rare disease. O and I might be bigger then you'd think. just fyi

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Wait... this sounds like a set up...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

What?! No! Hurry up! it's getting dark!!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

...Um... maybe another time...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Can you send me his candy instead? :D

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

I want candy too!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(anonymous+): yah shut the fuck up

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I want candy but I'm 20... :(

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You are a troll. Why? I'm not sure. Why I would assume you are a troll? Because no one would say anything as stupid as you just did, unless they were making fun of stupid people.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I think I broke my keyboard from the faceplant i just did after reading this.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I think I just broke my skull from the facepalm I did after reading this.

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

Reading this post hurt my brain it was so blatantly wrong. The reasons why have all been said so I wont go into all that, but my brain is hurting that someone who claims to be 16 is actually this stupid; this is the kind of thing I would expect my 3 year old cousin to say.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

When I read this post, I was amazed how someone could be so stupid. I thought no stupid posts could surprise me again. Then, when I read the comments, I realised how INCREDIBLY stupid the OP actually is. The only thing left to say is: ono

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Um. Not only can I not believe that there is a person out there who actually believes this, but it's also insane that people are arguing so much about this. You can't educate an idiot who starts off their post with "Let me get two things straight." You know, a while back, my aunt told me that humans were animals and I thought that was ridiculous and refused to believe her. But then I turned five. Both horrible and amusing at the same time, this comments page is.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

This made my day. Thank you for being such an idiot <3

by Anonymous 13 years ago

This totally makes sense! Humans aren't animals, we're definately in the category of bacteria! And bugs, well, heck with them, they're fungi, why do you think they look like mushrooms?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Um, Bio 101, humans and bugs are animals. I really hope this is a troll posting...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Humans are animals, as everyone stated above. We are different from other animals, but it's no different from say, a dolphin being different from a cheetah. Would you say a dolphin or a cheetah is not an animal? Since a cheetah can't speak dolphin and vice versa?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Animals can think ._.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Hahahahahahahahahaha. It's hilarious how STUPID you are! If you knew anything, you'd know that humans belong in the kingdom ANIMALIA, translating to ANIMALS. Dumbass.. Oh and next time you call any animal other than humans stupid, YOU try living outside with bipolar weather, catching food, and surviving like that EVERY DAY, with no nice warm bed, no TV, no meal served on a plate. Because that's how many animals live!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Actually Humans are a part of the Animalia kingdom, in other words animals!!!!!!!!!!! So I guess you're stupid then, and your family too, and everyone else on the website including me. You wanna know something else... bugs are a part of the Animalia kingdom toooo!!!! Wow! Just like you so smartly stated, "they're too stupid to be one", so I guess they fit in with the rest of us huh?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

This post, oh this made my day. :D As an Animal Sciences/Biology major in college, I'm pretty damn sure that I know what an animal is. And, I can tell you that insects, arachnids, and other "bugs" (considering "bug" isn't even a biological term), as well as humans, are most certainly animals. I'm not getting technical here, because I don't feel like hurting your poor, misunderstood mind.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You ma'am are the stupid one. First of all, we are animals. We DO eat other animals, ALL the time. In more ways then other animals do. Also, tons of bugs are actually RIDICULOUSLY smart, and size has nothing to do with wether or not you are an animal. There are tons of stupid animals that aren't bugs, like you for example :) I know roaches smarter then you, so there's a good example right there. I don't know how old you are, but if you paid ANY attention in school EVER you would know that humans are indeed animals.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

WEEEEEEEE! 197 comments, dang! Anyway, humans = animals, bugs = insects, totally different

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I think you're a little psycho in that head of yours.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

This post.... my faith in the human intelligence has dropped so much.... First of all, you say that humans are too smart to be animals, but this post clearly proves that humans can be dumb as shit. Second of all, are you serious? I'm not going to even bother telling you about the legitimate science that proves that we are animals. We aren't wild? Well, many animals aren't wild either. Domestic animals certainly are not. We don't eat other animals? What the fuck is meat then? And size has NOTHING to do with being an animal. Thank you, you have lowered my faith in all humans forever. Thank you.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

FUCkING LOL. Arguing with her is like shooting a cannon at a falling leaf.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

*faceplam* why cant this girl see reality?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I have a feeling that this will be the lowest rated post of all time.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It is! Well, I found it on the lowest rated posts page... Though it might have been lowest rated this week...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

People don't eat animals? *Hamburgers *Hotdogs *Bacon *Porkchops...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yeah, and apparently we don't hunt. I've got no idea what to call it that time I shot a moose though...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

*Various hunted game

by Anonymous 13 years ago

If Op is serious, I just lost faith in the human race, if Op is trolling, then almost everyone here is an idiot for arguing with her.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'd just like to point out that humans are indeed mammals, organisms, and animals, and bugs are insects.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

So you're saying humans are smart but you got all of this drastically wrong? Lol.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

um dumbass? Yea, humans do eat other animals.... its called meat. You know, like hamburgers or bacon?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

wow this is so big that even Pedo_bear got involved!! anyway this is just sad and I think that Awesomegirl is actually a 45 year old obese american man who has no family and just sits at home all day eating burgers and enraging the online community so maybe we should just ignore this person

by Anonymous 13 years ago

its a fact that humans and bugs are in the KINGDOM ANIMALS

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

You know who you remind me of? Tara Gilesbie, the author of My Immortal. She's opinionated, controversial and no one's sure if she's a troll or not. Only your spelling is better.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You're only flaming her story cuz you're a fockin prep. :p (that was a joke, if it wasn't obvious.)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

ur da stuped prep! If u don't lik da stori then go away!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

no fangz. (Geddit? cuz im goffik.)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

U Fockin Prep! Stop bein a pozer!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You're totes smart kid I mean, you should tell us how the dinosuars went poof!!!! </sarcasm>

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Um okay, so are we part of the fungi kingdom? Or maybe we're protists...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I hate when people "defend" thier arguments with stuff like "you're too stupid to understand", "I'm obviously right", etc. That isn't an argument, what does it prove? Well anyway, intelligence isn't what classifies a type of being. Monkeys are smarter than weasels but they're both animals. Also, humans are called "Homo Sapiens", tigers are called "Panther Tigris", every other animal has a name like this. It's called binomial nomenclature, used to name animals and plants. http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Binomial_nomenclatureSo there ya go, foolproof argument.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

So exactly what kingdom of life do humans and bugs fit into? That's right, ANIMALIA!!!!!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

This is just plain...stupid.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You're RETARDED. "do you see us going around eating other animals?" obviously, you just said we were animals, by saying "other animals" and where do you think our meat comes from? the clouds? zeus? Queen Mab of the faries? NO IDIOT, it comes from ANIMALS, beef=cows, pork=pigs, CHICKEN??? c'mon, you're the most stupid person i've ever seen on this site.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yes, in fact, i do see us eating other animals :)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

So, after we've stated the facts multiple times, can we just agree that awesomegirl is just... wrong? I hate being a human, and seeing this post (and comments) just makes it worse. We are probably the worst species to walk this earth. We kill every animal, for our own shallow needs, we kill others because we have the resources for it, we call each other "retard", "faggot", "fucktard", "dipshit", and other things without giving it a second thought, we steal, we lie, we bitch, we moan, we hurt people because we think it's funny, we are hypocritical, we abuse EVERYTHING (i.e. dogs, cocks, horses, benches, etc.), we we take land because we totally need more of it, and other stuff. I mean, what animals do is for survival. Most humans are self-satisfying, self-centered, whiney... ANIMALS, which kind of nullifies the OP's wrong fact-not-opinion. Please note that I know that not everyone does all of this and not everyone is a total horrid soul. But you do have to admit, a lot of people are.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(Anne Onomous): Sorry, I'm replying to my own post, having just made an actual account. There was more in that, that would have made it make more sense, but it didn't fit, so I'll put it here. Animals are actually really smart, they can learn sign language, math, and other skills, some can learn to talk, they can build things with just materials from nature, instead of manufactured in a factory, and much more. They do have emotions, I guess you're (awesomegirl) just to involved with "humanly things" to be concerned. We aren't wild? What about "animal passions?" Like someone else said, "wild and crazy sex." And don't call THE POPULATION OF THE WORLD stupid for being right. That's just stupid. Please. Just don't. I'm sorry, this post makes me feel as stupid as wide-ruled paper does.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(Anne Onomous): Actually, many animals fight just for the fun of it. A cat will play with a mouse until it's dead, just for fun, then leave it. Animals would take over the world if they could, I'm sure. That said, I'll agree that OP is stupid.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yeah, you're so right. Hamburgers, steaks, chicken...NONE of those come from animals.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I think someone missed milk from their momma's boobies at a young age.... Its ok kid, they will explain everything to you in High School Biology :]

by Anonymous 13 years ago

oh and not all animals eat other animals, if that makes any sense.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yeah, herbivores tend to not eat other animals.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I think the contents of the bacon cheeseburger I had for lunch today differ from your claim that "humans do not eat other animals", and this post contradicts your statement that "humans are smart". Clearly, not all humans are smart.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Wow, I sure am glad all the people who spend thousands upon thousands of dollars to go to universities to learn biology got set straight by you. They sure are a bunch of dummies. Remember Native Americans? They were pretty dang resourceful before all the white people stole their land and destroyed their culture. And guess what! They were hunters! When you go hunting, you kill something, and then you eat it. How is that not the definition of "going around eating other animals?"

by Anonymous 13 years ago

if you're not a plant you're an animal. animals have animal cells, plants have plant cells. Mkay?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

"any of a kingdom (Animalia) of living things including many-celled organisms and often many of the single-celled ones (as protozoans) that typically differ from plants in having cells without cellulose walls, in lacking chlorophyll and the capacity for photosynthesis, in requiring more complex food materials (as proteins), in being organized to a greater degree of complexity, and in having the capacity for spontaneous movement and rapid motor responses to stimulation" that right there is the definition of an animal. Humans fit the definition as well as a dog or cheetah. Intelligence has nothing to do with it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

lol this entire comment section is hilarious. she's just another bitchy bitch bitch on the internet. or 40 year old man that lives with his parents that poses as bitchy bitch bitch to further aggravate people.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

10 minutes of my life spent reading these comments well spent. Thanks for the entertainment! :D

by Anonymous 13 years ago

If humans and bugs aren't animals, how did they end up in Animalia? Did some one put them there by accident? Humans did run around kiling animals way back when. Go to the library, if you know what that is, and get yourself a book on the early Stoneage. Also, saying that bugs are too small to be animals, how do you think brine shrimp (sea monkies known by your kind) feel? Are whales and sharks too big to be animals? Try (at least) half a brain before trying to post anything that requires a small bit of kneledge. It's people like you that make me sick and lose all faith in the human race.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

WOw u must be retarded we do eat other animals(WTF do u think meat is?) not all animals r wild (do u see ur dog cat or fish ect. attacking other things and eating them there) Dolphins are proven to be smarter than humans (u rnt helping that competition in our favor) and retard bugs r classified as INSECTS there is plants, animls AND INSECTS god for this one i wish there was an 'you're such a retard and you should think twice be4 adding this kind of shit to amirite' button

by Anonymous 13 years ago

i bet she googled 'are humans and bugs animals' and now she aint posting cause she got owned.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I googled it, just for the heck of it, in hopes that this page would pop up.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Wait... You're not the girl that threw those puppies in the river are you...?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I've never seen so many "No way"s in my life... this probably dropped your average score a bit...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Anon post don't affect scores, also look at http://www.amirite.net/46417 http://www.amirite.net/5741 http://www.amirite.net/3512

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Im just going to say one thing: idiot.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

LMAO! ''You don't see us running around eating other animals'' ?? really? Because i see it every day at lunch in my cafeteria. as a vegeterian, I don't eat animals but most of the world's population does, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

........humans don't eat other animals? Obviously you've never been to a grocery store. Or a restaurant. Or the house of any non-vegetarian.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

people should calm down about this. Judging about how this post was written it's most likely a little girl around the age of eleven who hasn't taken 7th grade science yet to understand what an animal is.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

lol. If humans aren't classified as animals, what are they classified as? Yeah, our meat probably does come from plants. -____-; We're definitely wild. And obviously, insects aren't animals.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

this is the most idiotic post i have ever seen. in my life. i've read the hundreds of comments above, and see that my point of view is shared. i see only two options here: 1. "awesome girl" is a 12 year old who has yet to take life science/biology 2. or she is the stupidest 16 year old ever to exist. i don't feel it's necessary to argue about the details, because when arguing with an idiot, it's pretty much pointless. so i'll leave you with that. good day.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Hey--- don't offend the 12-year olds. She's more like a 7-year old who's yet to take life science/biology.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

hmm, i guess you're right.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Humans ARE animals. We're mammals, and we're decended from apes. While our brains have developed beyond insticts, so technically we are "smarter" than them, while do you see fighting over trivial things and causing harm to the planet. Animals or humans? Our intelligence is what's killing us.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well put.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I completely agree with you.People who think meat comes from pigs and cows and stuff are comnplete idiots.Obviously,it comes from plants.retards.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You are being sarcastic right? I do hope so...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

.......... You honestly don't see the red around my post?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Oh, and did i tell you about my garden? I have bacon plants, chicken strip bushes, corndog trees...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

that's awesome,I'm working to getting a fried chicken grass

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Actually some bugs are actually way more intelligent than some humans nowadays. Such as yourself.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Oh my god, OP your are a MORON. I can't even explain in words how FUCKING IDIOTIC AND MORONIC YOU ARE.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

**hugs OP** I actually feel sorry for you, you must be ACTUALLY retarded or something... Here's a site that might be better suited to you: http://www.playkidsgames.com/ Have fun!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Most posts on amirite that become home paged end up with a huge debatable fight with two sides. This post on the other hand, is no where near debatable, and so horribly stupid and wrong I really have to wonder how (insert insulting name)girl passed the freaking FOURTH GRADE. Now THAT will be a very debatable topic. Awesomegirl, you said you're sixteen. I have not seen what grade you reside in. Im sorry, were those words too big?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I hope you kill yourself in front of your parents.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Okay people, let's get THIS straight. "People" are HUMANS. A HUMAN is a type of animal, just like a cat or an elephant is. Also, there are a lot of "animals" that are a lot smarter than you are. And maybe you're a veagan, but i'm not, so lets see... steak, burgers, etc.-- cow meat. Pork, bacon, ham, etc.-- pig meat. Shall i go on? Bugs are INSECTS. While some people may consider them animals, it's still a debatable topic. And intelligence has absolutely nothing to do with whether a certain species is an animal or not... if it did, i know where you sure would be. And last but not least, if you don't agree with something, that doesn't mean there's something wrong with you. It just means you're of a different opinion. And my opinion is that you're WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too opinionated.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Guys come on.It isn't hard to figure out OP is trolling. Don't take it seriously, and all will be well in the world

by Anonymous 13 years ago

how can the op be trolling if its true? god you people are idiots

by Anonymous 13 years ago

dogs and cats and other household pets aren't considered wild, does that mean they aren't animals?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

DAMN STRAIGHT! So many people on this site are Goddammed morons. I mean bugs and people obviously aren't animals

by Anonymous 13 years ago

ok im 16 (and smarter than you =D) and im going to give you a lesson: biology 101... •biology→"bio" meaning life, "logy" meaning study of science. When we put these two words together, what do we get? biology, the science of life•classification→putting things into groups based on how they are the same and/or how they are different•the five kingdoms→ANIMALS,PLANTS,PROTISTS,MONERA,FUNGI •taxonomy→a system of classification: KINGDOM→PHYLUM→CLASS→FAMILY→GENUS→SPECIES HUMANS Kingdom-Animalia Phylum-Chordata Class-Mammalia Order-Primates Family-Hominiade Genus-Homo Species-Sapiens BUGS (example-ladybug) Kingdom-Animalia Phylum-Arthropoda Class-Insecta Order-Coloptera Family-Coccinellidae Genus-Hippodamia Species-Convergens incase youre still too stupid i'll spell it out for you KINGDOM ANIMALIA means its an animal intelligence and/or diet/eating habits and/or size have nothing to do with how things are classified therefore both bugs and humans are animals

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I love you

by Anonymous 13 years ago

awww ♥ thanks :D

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Haha, I thought the species would be Cro-Magnon? or Homo Sapiens Sapiens...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

well i got my human classification from my bio textbook and i cross checked the bug one with three different sources... all the same :D

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Haha, alright just making sure. :P

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Penis penis butt hole penis.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm sorry to point this out, but bugs, animals, and humans all have animal cells.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Finally, I got through all the comments. OP, you are FUCKING STUPID! Seriously, you should be in the Guinness Book of World Records for being the stupidest person in the world! And you're sixteen? God, I feel sorry for your parents. You keep repeating your arguments that have already been countered by a lot of people here. Save the human race. KILL YOURSELF.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm calling troll on this one, even though she makes it seem like non-troll.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

=_= Can not tell if troll or...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Bugs arent smart? They know they need someone in charge over them to control things (a queen ant queen bee) they can make a shelter for themselves and provide food bees can commumicate they do some sort of morris code with their wings telling each other where the flower ia and how would ants be able to form such a good line like they do when salvaging food without communication...... We used to be wild and people do eat other animals we hunt them down and kill them for food and other stuff like whales ...... Animals can talk they just use different means of communications..... Animals are really smart they can sense where there will me an earthquake or other types of storms.... They can sense when ur sad or sick and dogs can be used to guide blind people around.... Cats know how to use a liter box from the day they are born YOUR SUCH A DUMBASS

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You are an idiot if you think intelligence has anything to do with whether or not something is an animal. Studies show that the average whale is smarter than the average human, but whales are still animals, thus, humans are as well. Insects, arachnids, and crustaceans (the term "bugs" is a bit general and I refuse to use it like this) are also very intelligent. Spiders are able to spin huge and complex webs, bees and wasps have their own languages, and ants are able to rely on each other and work together to move objects far larger than themselves. These facts completely destroy the credibility of your post, but to go further, the definition of animal is "any of a kingdom (Animalia) of living things including many-celled organisms and often many of the single-celled ones (as protozoans) that typically differ from plants in having cells without cellulose walls, in lacking chlorophyll and the capacity for photosynthesis, in requiring more complex food materials (as proteins), in being organized to a greater degree of complexity, and in having the capacity for spontaneous movement and rapid motor responses to stimulation" (Merriam Webster). It has nothing to do with intelligence.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm sorry, but people eat animals for fun, not for survival, so what the hell were you thinking saying that people don't eat other animals?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

AwesomeGirl, you are my hero. You might be an obese 45 year old with no life, but who am I to judge a genius like you are. You have restored my faith in humanity. ALL HAIL THE TROLLMASTER

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

I want to slap all the dumb out of you.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

OMG HOW CAN YOU ALL BE SO STUPID?! isnt it obvious? we dont eat animals. We eat other humans. THAT is where our meat comes from. DUHHHH! we dont go hunting around after them. no. we invite them into our homes 'for dinner' and we provide our family with fresh food. Obviously healthier because its been cooked and not eaten as soon as we catch it. WHAT?! wait. you guys think intelligence doesnt have to do with our classification of animal or not? O.o what planet did you come from? its obvious it has everything to do with it. I dug a hole and burrowed underground to sleep and spent my days eating grass. i never thought. i just did. People threw rocks at me but because i didnt feel anything emotionally i stared at them. then one day.. I learned. I really. really learned. to say hello. and they took my collar off and allowed me to sleep inside like a real human. they still make me pee outside tho. they sent me to school last month. its great. i come back with more knowledge everyday and the smarter i become the more human i feel and am treated. No sarcasm in this post. ALL is true. All of it.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Please don't call this poor girl "stupid", she is obviously ignorant. What she said made sense in a way, and was actually once considered true, even though it had been proven wrong since. It depends on the acception of the term "animal", which has changed over time. Nowadays, "animal" has two different meanings, depending on the context. In biology, "animal" is a term that has a (universally accepted) definition, and by that definition, humans and bugs are animals. That's it, there is no point arguing on it, for this is a fact and not an opinion. In everyday's language, the line is more blurry, but there has always been a contrast between animals and humans (the same goes for bugs, to a lesser degree). Anyways the biological term seems to take over the second, as we can see. Anyways, you asked "amirite ?" and the great majority said that you weren't. Not that the majority is always right ; but the problem lies on the meaning of a word, and since the meaning of a word is conditioned by its usage, the majority is right in this case. Now if you still disagree for no reason, you might be stupid as well.

by Anonymous 11 years ago