+178 Parents should never get their baby's ears pierced, not until they can ask for themselves, amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

babies shouldnt be getting their ears pierced anyway?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Yeah, I mean once the child is old enought to speak for themselves and make a responsible decesion, rather than the parents doing it for their own vanity.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

calm down. its not like they are choosing their kids spouse. its just getting your ears pierced. its better that way any way, and if the kid decides they don't want it, they stop wearing earings and the hole closes.end of story. your white arent you.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

its stabbing a sharp piece of metal through their child's ear, ripping the young flesh aside. And if the parent doesn't take enough care the hole will fill with puss that oozes everywhere, and the ear can swell up causing immense pain to the baby. A child should only go through this at THEIR OWN CHOICE!

by Anonymous 14 years ago

are you insane or something?!! that's why the piercing is done in the HOSPITAL where it is CLEAN and the procedure isn't DANGEROUS at all. think about it, it will hurt MORE if you're conscious and you know what you're doing, but if you're a BABY you'll only cry and move on. After you're older and you don't want it, you can simply STOP using earrings and the hole will close. It's not that hard to understand.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

so you want to spend a ton of money, waste doctors time and drug your baby to rip holes in their ears? Even when (as you keep pointing out) they might not want them pierced?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

a piercing is not expensive so stop being cheap. doctors are paid to work. If my daughter doesn't want to have pierced ears (which i doubt since it makes someone more feminine), she can simply stop wearing them. the end.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

then how about you stab more holes in her? maybe her eyebrow or tongue next? since it's okay right?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

no thank you.i never said that i agreed wit others so stop assuming, jerk.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

i'm sorry that i believe that children should have the right to make their own choices when and how to disfigure their bodies.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

you're forgiven. Don't worry.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

being pierced in the ears is sure disfiguring someone isn't it?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

i wish my parents had did that for me when i was a baby but they did it for my sisters ><

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's because they forget the pain. My ears were pierced at four months and i'm glad they were. You're probably white huh?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

or get it down early so the child won't remember the pain... if the child doesnt want their ears pierced later, they can let the holes close up. rather than having the child go through the pain later, when they will REMEMBER the pain. had mine done at 3 months, and am glad i did. cuz i would want them now, but not want to have to go through the pain.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

It doesn't really hurt that much.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

still. i wouldn't want to have to go through it now. it's done and over, and it has been for a long time, and im glad. when i have babies, im definetely going to get my daughter's ears pierced probably before she's six months old.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

but youre saying that from the point of view of a full grown person, if you scrap your knee when your 3 and 13 what's the difference? it hurts less.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

But I don't see why? Theres no need, as far as I can see it's completly selfish it's only what the parent wants because the child doesn't need it or want it. They shouldn't have to feel any unnecessary pain, whether they remember it or not.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I'm a teenager and don't have pierced ears, I don't see why anyone should- especially small children.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

The problem with "letting them decide later if they want them or not"-- AFTER they've been pierced at a young age-- is that the holes WON'T close up after it's been long enough for them to make that decision. "So they won't remember the pain" is a crappy reason, too-- it's BARELY painful. It takes less than a second, and most people barely wince. It's really not fair to decide something that WILL affect them, and it's their body. That's like putting a tattoo on a baby. Sure, they can get it removed later, but it's their body and should be their decision, right?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

If they don't want the piercings later on they just shouldn't wear earrings. It's not like they're going to go into depresstion because they have tiny holes in their ears. A tattoo might affect them them but I don't see how ear piercings could.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I never said it would cause "depression," but it's a violation of their body before they have a say in it.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

"it's BARELY painful. It takes less than a second, and most people barely wince." if one cant stand the little pain there is they have no right to have their ears pierced the actual piercing may not hurt that much, but the after care for it does, rotating the earings and if it get infected that can be very painful...wether you remember it of not it's still pain. just because a dog has a shorter memory than you, does that give you the right to beat the dog?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's only ear piercings. People should stop getting worked up over such small things.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

i agree. i got my ears pierced when i was a baby, and i dont even care. i decided that i didn't want to wear earings, so i didn't. it's that easy.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

if people where stabbing holes in any other part of their child it would be called child abuse. It we thought it was ok to pierce a 2 year olds nipples would you want that?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

my lord. "ripping holes in baby's ears!!! disfiguring thier bodies!!!!! the child should get to choose!!!!" calm down. they're just ear piercings. i mean, why would you hate them anyway? it's not like people look at you differently if you have pierced ears. i've never met anyone (myself included) who regrets their ears being pierced as a child. they either prefer it, or they don't care.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

my friend's mom didnt take care of her piercing, and now my friend has a disfigured ear because the skin grew up around the earring and they had to cut her earlobe open to get it out.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

They will never remember.... it's just a prick anyways. If you don't want it (like if you're a guy and don't want it (or a girl I guess)). If they don't want it just take the earring off.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(George Bush): until you have to rotate the earrings and it gets infected

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I kinda wish mine had, now Im too afraid to get them pierced xD

by Anonymous 13 years ago