+694 The guy that replaced Steve from Blues Clues has no place in your heart. Amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Joe can go suck his mom's penis. Steve will always be the one!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Some one told me that they used the whole "Steve's going to college" thing as a cover-up that Steve actually died in a car wreck and they had to replace him with Joe..... that really screwed up that part of my childhood. And it wasn't only until a few months ago that I found out he is actually still alive and is an indie-rock artists...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

how would that be a cover up for his death, when he was in the episodes after he announced he was leaving? LOL. Yeah, he did leave to "kick off his music career." It made me very sad as a kid though... ... and I also always wondered, "isn't steve a little old for his first time in college? how does he make money? He owns a fairly large house and a dog and a bunch of talking shit. how can he afford his expensive lifestyle, let alone college?"

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Aw... I mean, I liked Steve better too, but Joe wasn't THAT bad...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Steve did drugs. They also say he was a child molestor. For the sanctity of the children, I believe it was the best choice. And Joe has a far more child-friendly face. Shit happens.

by Anonymous 13 years ago