+428 Gay marriage should be legalized everywhere in the USA, amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago


by Anonymous 14 years ago

most defently

by Anonymous 14 years ago

heck no!

by Anonymous 14 years ago

heck no!!!! its wrong!

by Anonymous 14 years ago


by Anonymous 14 years ago

how is it wrong?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

last time i checked boys and girl parts were made for EACH OTHER. It's like a lock and key...you can't get anywhere with two locks and two keys...

by Anonymous 14 years ago

We're not talking about reproduction, we're talking about love.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Please. Give me a break.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

So you're just trying to legalize love? That's free. Why do you feel like you have to get a legal document that says you love each other? Is it to prove to others that you are different? That the law says it's okay to be different? Why don't you just enjoy the freedom to love anyone you want here in the USA, unlike other places where relationships and marriages must be arranged by other people. You don't need a title or a document to say that you love each other. Just love each other. And enjoy your freedom and stop complaining.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

So if we legalize gay marriages, are we gonna make it legal for people to marry animals? After all, you could easily make the same arguments for that as you could for gay marriage. Where do we draw the line?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I dont know how you can make that statement. Last time I checked, two human beings is different than a human being and an animal. Fail.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

A man and a woman is different from a man and a man, is it not?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Like I said, two HUMAN beings is different from a human being and an animal. If you want to talk about two men or two women. Then say it. Don't bring in animals. It's just rude. And yes, two of the opposite sex is different than two of the same. I don't think it matters. As long as they love each other.... As opposed to a forced marriage. Now THOSE, are a pain in the ass.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Yes, but the arguments about gay marriage are typically, as long as they love each other, if you don't like gay marriage then don't get one, it's none of your business, religion should not have part in our laws, etc. You could make EVERY ONE of those arguments about marrying an animal. Am I comparing homosexuality to beastiality? No. But I am saying that we will eventually allow marrying animals, if we allow homosexual marriages. We have to keep marriage sacred.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

"You >>could<< make EVERY ONE of those arguments about marrying an animal. " Yea, we could. Except we don't. You people do.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

"But I am saying that we will eventually allow marrying animals, if we allow homosexual marriages. We have to keep marriage sacred." LOL. I can do one too! : We will eventually allow dogs to pilot our planes if we allow...uh...harsher punishments for the mistreat of animals. We have to keep our planes sacred. :)

by Anonymous 14 years ago

How can you even make that an argument? People should be granted the right to marry someone. ONE person, whom they love. It should not matter what gender. I hate it when people say "Then when can people start marrying animals?" Marrying an animal and marrying a human are two completely different things. Marriage is not just a religious sacrament anymore, and civil unions are not equivalent. Civil Unions are not recognized by the federal government, so couples would not be able to file joint-tax returns or be eligible for tax breaks or protections the government affords to married couples. I don't think a dog can file a tax return. Just saying. Marriage is a legal status that two people should be able to have. End of story.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Don't you dare say end of discussion as if this is not up to debate! This also leads to the indoctrination of children in school! I do not want my children to be told to be gay! It also infringes on freedom of religion!

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Freedom of religion? Try freedom to marry whoever you love with all the benefits of a regular marriage. I can't believe this generation is teaching the future to discriminate.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

You are ignorant. Did you know that a church in New Jersey was sued for not allowing a gay marriage to take place in it's building? In California, a kindergarten class took a school-sponsored field trip to attend a lesbian teachers wedding. Also, a photographer was sued for refusing to photograph a gay wedding! This is unacceptable! People are being sued for disagreeing with gay marriage!

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I said end of story. Like I had nothing else to say. But if someone really doesn't want their child in that environment then they can certainly home school their child or go to a private school. How does it change freedom of religion? Marriage is a legal right. Having a ceremony in a church is freedom of religion. The Church still can decide on who gets to be married by a priest in a church. Gay people can simply go to their City Hall and get married there. They will not have to set foot in your church.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I know, but the church was sued!

by Anonymous 14 years ago

What happened to the church just out of curiosity.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Hold on, back to the gay people getting beaten. Haven't you head the story of the 16 year old boy, In California I believe, that was tied to the back of a pickup by two other men and dragged down the highway. After that he was also tied up to a tree or something and left to bleed to death. His Mom was on Ellen one time

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Children aren't told to be gay in school; besides it's not something you learn, it's just the way you are born. That argument about "children being told to be gay in school" is completely irrational. And please explain to me how giving men and women the right to marry the same sex is hampering anyones freedom of religion?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

the people who disagree with gay marriage use the same arguments as the people who disagreed with biracial marriage. It will destroy the sanctity of marriage, children will be confused, it will destroy the family, etc etc. Biracial marriage has not done any of that. Gay marriage hasn't done any of that either. It is legal in Iowa, Massachusetts, California, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Vermont, Sweden, Canada, Norway, Holland, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Iceland, South Africa, Mexico, and Argentina (I might be forgetting some). Many other places recognize same sex unions and civil partnerships. Nothing bad has come from it. Marriage is constantly being redefined and this is just one step to having equality for everyone in the world.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Leave it up to the States.

by Anonymous 7 years ago