+267 Nice try, but a "Baby On Board" sign won't stop a reckless driver from barreling into a car with said sign, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Jesus, not only is this completely and utterly WRONG, but it is also one of the thousands of repeats. http://www.amirite.net/index.php?page=search&q=baby+on+board or http://www.amirite.net/345749/582842 Also, to know how exactly wrong you are, read this previous comment I had already made(and not once!) on these kinds of posts: http://www.amirite.net/313370/529935

by Anonymous 13 years ago

...and? I'm sure that makes you feel great about yourself.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

And nothing. Your post is just a repeat of a wrong idea, and that is idiotic. Well, at least to me, Idunno, maybe other people like this kind of stuff?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I didn't know it was a repeat when I posted it. Nor do I care. Get off your high horse - and your computer.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

lol. What a douche. Anyways, true story. I was rear ended by a tahoe going 50+ while I was stopped at a light. Dude took off. But then came back like half hour later. by then my moms there, he walks up to her says 'were you the dirver?' She says, 'no, my babies.' Pointing to me and my sister (who was 3) he looks at us and says, 'ohmygod I'm so sooo sorry I had no idea there was a child in the car.'....I was like really? So if you knew you wouldn't have had your head up your ass? Stupid jerk.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

They're for if there's a serious crash they can tell if there's a child in the car or not. I should imagine when they were used properly they were useful.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Why are these stupid reposts home paged again and again? Possibly the fifth one I've seen so far

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You need to step away from your computer and go outside more often if you're on here enough to notice it has been posted before. That said, I already commented that I didn't know others have posted the same when I posted this originally. And no, "search" doesn't do much - as sometimes I even search my posts and they don't turn up. So go complain somewhere where it might actually make a differece, not a niche opinion site for youth like amirite. Thanks.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Nothing personal against you, I was actually wondering why people are voting for reposts to get on the homepage. Even if you, the poster, was unaware that others have said the same thing before, I'm guessing at least one from 120 others who voted on this did know. The 'stupid' part of my comment was because it's kind of obvious; the sign is there to tell others to be extra cautious and also for paramedics to know that that vehicle has a baby on it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

For paramedics, could be helpful, depending on the severity of the wreck. But reckless drivers probably wouldn't notice it - as they're busy texting, talking, daydreaming, speeding, et al. So their lack of attention would cause them to hit a car - regardless if it has a sign or not.

by Anonymous 13 years ago