+211 Whenever someone posts a math or science joke, someone will always say something along the lines of "OMG I love math jokes! <3" or "LOL! Physics humor!" Amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

We should take all the chemistry jokes, and barium.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Omgad I love overused jokes! <3

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Translation: "I didn't understand this joke until I read the explanation in the comments, but I still want others to think that I'm smart, and I'm doubting my own intelligence and could really use the self-esteem boost, so I'm going to comment something completely meaningless (that way I don't have to deal with the actual science/math of the joke) but also gives off the impression that I understand the joke and have interest in the topic so that everyone thinks that I //am// intelligent LOL."

by Anonymous 12 years ago