+362 In an argument there is something truly gratifying about telling the other person to go fuck themselves, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Weak spoiler. To op though, I say no. If you say that it just means you have nothing else to support your argument. You lost, not to best way to end an argument IMO.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

What FalloutOW said; when that's all you've got, you got pwnt... and the person you're arguing with knows it. Besides, what's so bad about fucking oneself? At least I'm having sex with someone I like, and I know it'll be good xD

by Anonymous 13 years ago

no its not, go fuck yourself.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Agreed with FalloutOW and Meraviglia_Senzafine . It sounds more like an act of desperation for when you've run out of things to say to support your side and a poor attempt at sounding 'badass' at the same time. That is one of the many phrases on the internet like this, including "Get a life," "Grow up," "You're an idiot," and "That's sad." They're all thrown around out of spite rather than for their actual meanings, which usually are completely irrelevant to the argument itself. Therefore, you lost.

by Anonymous 13 years ago