+86 the world needs to slow down on the technology, we need to stop finding cures for things, the world is becoming over populated with dumbasses and people who should not really be alive, let natural selection happen, let nature takes its course, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Overpopulated with the unintelligent, yes. Ending the search for cures, no. Our answer lies in murder.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

but if we keep finding cures for diseases the weak will continue to live on and weak ppl will continue to repopulate which is making the human race more pathetic the point of diseases is to weed out people who cant take it and just hav the best strongest people left

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's funny, I haven't heard of a single disease that only affects people with low IQs

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Whatever you say, mein Führer.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You're too late. We selected against natural selection as we developed our technology, and isn't coming back unless the human race somehow loses most, if not all, of its technology. Also, overpopulation doesn't have anything to do with people being dumbasses.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I disagree. The tech industry is an important part of the economy, and slowing it would cause many people to lose jobs and stop paying taxes. Besides, it's not like you can write a note to the tech industry execs asking them to "please slow down". Moreover, when is it fair for you or I to say that someone doesn't deserve a cure for an illness they have??? I know that if I was dying, I wouldn't tell my family, "no thanks, I don't want a remedy. I don't deserve life, so let's let natural selection take it's course". It's interesting to know that you don't value technology and medical cures that may save your life one day. I imagine that your opinion may be different if someone you love dies with a disease that you think there shouldn't be a cure for.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

i love how you think i haven't thought about that, i didn't just post this because it popped into my head, it's legitimately something i think that would be a very good idea, and yes even if it may save my life i don't want it to, if i'm not supposed to live, then that's just fine, let it be

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You, my friend, will be one of the first to go. There are lovely little things called periods. Some sentences require periods, not a bunch of commas.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I get what you're trying to say, but what if the person in need of the cure was your mom. Would you still want people to stop finding cures?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

actually yes, i hate my mother :P she's an awful bitch nice try though

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Well what if it was someone really close to you that you really love?

by Anonymous 12 years ago