-92 Drugs shouldn't be illegal, it's a person's choice whether they're going to take it and damage themselves or not, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Hard drugs should be illegal because they screw a persons life up but also harm their family and friends. Not to mention the economic reasons.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I usually agree with what you have to say, but this is a first. A. If all major illicit drugs were legalized and taxed, the US would bring in an estimated 80 billion dollars per year; half from the sales/taxes, and half would be saved by not fighting the war on drugs. Also, there wouldn't be tax money flowing towards the prison system, where a majority of people are non-violent drugs offenders. B. Alcohol is worse than any illicit drug in virtually every way, yet it remains legal. Yes, alcohol is more addictive and physiologically damaging than even heroin.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

i'm actually just curious, where did you find out about letter B?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

But the person taking them would *know* what they were getting into, and they would be making that choice.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I think super deadly drugs such as Meth, Heroine should be addictive. Marijuana is less harmful than Alcohol and Tobacco and not as nearly as addicting. So that should be legalized.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yeah, who cares about cokeheads robbing and murdering people for drug money? And how bout that HIV that people spread around? No big deal, right?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Wouldn't that like, not happen anymore if it were legalised?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It would still happen. Maybe more, because the government would tax the crap out of drugs. People would still get so addicted that they would spend all of their money on drugs, then do whatever they have to to get more. And addicts would still be too lazy or too cheap to get individual needles so they would still spread HIV.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

If they sold heroin in a needle, and not refillable, it would make it a lot less likely that people would get HIV. Besides, I think HIV from a dirty needle is a risk people take, like getting alcohol poisoning from drinking to much, or lung cancer and bronchitis from snoking

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You're being ridiculous. Crack would completely disappear, so that's one more addictive drug gone. If they were legalized, drug prices would actually plummet. The amount of money and effort the cartels spend getting their drugs over here would be gone, and it'd all be gone if we controlled it. Also, nicotine is one of the most addictive substances known to man, yet you don't see people robbing people to get their next fix. It's worth mentioning that only 25% of cocaine users qualify for abuse, and that cocaine isn't as harmful as tobacco or alcohol. Furthermore, if drugs are being sold by legitimate vendors, robberies would go down. You can't exactly jump an entire store for their drug supply, and the same stores really wouldn't accept stolen goods as payment. Finally, HIV only spreads BECAUSE those drugs are illegal. If they were legal, there'd be safe injection sites with proper instruction on how to use the needles, and sterile needles provided.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

So, please, if you're going to bother arguing about something, make sure you won't look like an idiot compared to someone who actually knows what they're talking about. Good day.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I think this OP is trying to compare drugs legality with abortion

by Anonymous 13 years ago

If not I do believe drugs like heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine are too dangerous to be legal, but drugs like weed are fine if under control.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I don't want a bunch of tweakers running around.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Marijuana should be regulated/taxed. Hard drugs should not be legal, BUT they should actually help hard druggies/junkies when they arrest them instead of putting them in prison where they WILL STAY ADDICTED to their drugs. They should put those people in rehab so they will get better.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Why can't the systems work together? Drug abusers CHOSE to use the drugs, therefore there criminal actions should lead to jail. Plus criminal justice is what often triggers treatment for the abusers. They deserve punishment however, I think it would be beneficial (and well worth the money) to have some type of rehabilitation program in prison.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Jail is what got my brother off of drugs. Rehab is not always the answer.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

If this is a trollpost, it failed, because it caused an intelligent discussion as opposed to argument and anger.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

If drugs were legalized, the government would have control over the manufacturing and selling of them. This would not only make them much more expensive, but probably a lot safer to use.This could help boost the economy. Also, one reason some people get into drugs is because they are illegal. If drugs are legalized, less people would be interested in starting because they have the mind set that if its legal its no fun. The only people who would buy these newly legalized drugs are the ones who are already addicted to them.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

What I've always thought about is the fact that the government would probably make these drugs expensive. That means people will still be getting killed over drugs because people will be selling it cheaper on the streets than at the stores, and drug abusers can get as much as they want with no questions asked.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That could be a valid arguement, IF it only affected their lives. What if all they became and all the high people go on the road and killed innocent people...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Alcohol is, by far, the most dangerous substance to take when dealing with other people. Anything, literally anything else, would be an improvement.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yeah, because if someone was drugged by a rapist or murderer, it would totally be THEIR choice! -_-

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Drugging people without their knowledge is already illegal, that wouldn't change at all.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yes, but if drugs were legal, it would be easier for that to occur. And even if that person is in prison for it, you can't get your life back or get rid of the emotional scarring.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I believe the reason most drugs are currently illegal is because they cause harm not to only the user, but to people around them. And the most common rebuttal to this argument used on this thread is that alcohol is allegedly highly similar to drugs in this respect (since people under the influence of alcohol also cause harm to others), but I also believe that it's handled differently legally. I could also be COMPLETELY mistaken; if I am, my apologies. But that's the understanding I have on it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Thats like saying guns should be legal. It's the person's choice. The point is to protect people from poor and stupid decisions that can hurt themselves and other people

by Anonymous 13 years ago