+294 Baths always seem like a good idea, but they turn out to be WAY too much work, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I hate that there is just no damn way to read a stupid book. I mean, it's too cold to keep your arms out the whole time and if you put them under, you can't flip the page. Annoying as hell.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I know, it's just so hard to turn on a tap, wait for the bath to fill up and then turn off the tap. After all this, you actually have to get in the bath and sit there for an hour or so. Just too much effort.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

First, you have to scrub out the tub, because it's filthy. Then you have to wait forever for the tub to fill up. Once you're in the tub, you have to figure out how to wash your hair, because if your tub is like mine, you can't really submerge properly. It's hard to relax in the tub, because only half your body is in it, so you get cold. If you move around too much, you splash water over the sides, which is another mess to clean up. And once you get out of the tub, you have to rinse it down again, so it doesn't accumulate soap residue. And that is why it's too much work.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Oh my god, so much work.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

We don't have a shower so I'm used to bathing, and it's not really that much work.

by Anonymous 13 years ago