+189 If there was a zombie apocolypse, the fat people would go first, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yeah we all saw Zombieland; yay. Cardio, cardio, cardio. We got it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

lol yup

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No, they could go really high up, and their body would be able to feed on itself for the longest period of time (due to their fat).

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Depends on your definition of fat. BMI chart fat or obviously lazy fat? Because you can be obese according to your BMI but be ridiculously healthy/ in shape.. Just ask Michael Jordan. The reverse can also be true; a thin person can be physically unfit. Even someone who is in the gym a lot can be a slow runner if they only lift weights and don't work on their cardio. Running away from something is really all about stamina. Other variables: How long can you maintain a steady speed and how agile are you? How quick are your reflexes; are the zombies loud or silent; are they slower or faster than the average person? Do they have reasoning skills? Can they build a trap to catch you and feast on you afterward? There really is a lot more at play than someone's weight in a situation like this.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

If you really wanna be that technical about it, then give me the ratio of fat fast people vs skinny slow people, then we can talk.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Give me your definition of fat first.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Anywhere from above your weight class (relative to your height) to morbidly obese and incapable of moving.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The measurement of weight relative to height is called BMI. BMI is a practically useless tool, however, because it does not take into account muscle mass, body fat percentage, or activity level. It is just how tall are you and how much do you weigh. according to BMI numbers, Michael Jordan is obese. (above his weight class) So, yes, I do think it is //plausible// for a "fat" person to outrun a zombie. Someone incapable of moving is an obvious answer because (duh) they can't move. Real world example: My trainer weighs 180 pounds and is 5'7" my husband weighs 150 at the same height. According to BMI, my husband is healthier because he is only 10 pounds "overweight" instead of 40. When you look at them in an educated way though, my trainer is only 10% body fat and works out daily (except Sundays. Don't ever try to make him do something on a Sunday.) So he's obviously healthier.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yes, it is plausible for an over a fat person to out run a zombie, but it's also possible for a twig man... this problem isn't a health issue it's a physics issue, a fat man and a thin man, both of equal health will have different speeds, because different amount of energy is required to move different amount of mass. Do you get it now?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You didn't mention they were of equal health before. If two people of varying sizes were to run from zombies, I really believe they'd both be caught. With the exception of them being pursued by the same zombie at the same time. Then there's a good chance the thin man would get away. However, you're assuming that either person would not do something to sabotage the other and that's just naive. The survival instinct is a strong one and someone could be pushed to do something they normally couldn't or wouldn't. There are still many variables.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Have you ever heard of ceteris paribus? It means all things held constant... when you're arguing about something, you don't consider all the variables being changed constantly... we're trying to figure out if weight plays a role in speed, so ALL other things must be the same. So things like height, health, shoes/clothes worn must be the same otherwise it'd be hard to indicate which variable is playing what role. This is basics of any experiment. I didn't realize I had to point it out. For that, I apologize.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'd nominate you as my zombie apocolypse partner

by Anonymous 12 years ago

So you can trip me and get away while they devour my screaming body?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

So we'll just have a shitload of boomers?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I disagree completely, the squeamish would go first in my opinion, they'd freak out and freeze up

by Anonymous 12 years ago

it depends if we are talking about the zombies that walk at like half a mile an hour, or the zombies that can run at normal speed. if it is the first option, strength and intelligence would play a better role that speed and agility, i mean, if you are skinny enough to hop a fence, you should be good, no matter what your weight is.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Cruel as it sounds, I think hospitalised people, children, and the disabled would go much more quickly. There are some fat people in my karate class and I think they'd handle themselves better than the average untrained person, actually.

by Anonymous 12 years ago