+101 That aborted baby could have cured cancer". Yeah, what are the chances of that, .001%? It isn't worth destroying a teenage girl's life to get a child that has a one in a million chance of doing something great, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Because kids these days are sluts, those are good odds.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I lolled.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

But the kids who get to have enough sex to get pregnant aren't thr smart kids. Plus the kid will grow up in a shitty household.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

BUT I hate the kids who have sex and get pregnant (because I'm a jealous bastard) and it would be nice if her life was ruined. Hmm.... what to vote?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

"get tohave enough sex tO get pregnant" Could be the smart girl who is in a nice house and had sex for the first time who gets pregnant though

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The girl chose to ruin her life, and .001% would be a one in one thousandth chance, not millionth. Dumbass.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

There have been how many billion people born since we started trying to find a cure for cancer? And not one has found it. So it wouldn't be a .001% chance, I just made that up. It would be much less than that.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Not every girl that gets pregnant is being an irresponsible slut, many responsible adults take the appropriate measures to not get pregnant but sometimes accidents happen.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(Renegade):There's no such things as accidents when it comes to sex. You take the risk every time knowing that it can happen. It's unpIanned maybe, but you knew what the primary function of Ietting him stick his junk in you was when you opened your Iegs.I can never understand how peopIe can be so shocked when they faII pregnant.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

No... You can get pregnant on accident. Something happening without you intending it to happen is an accident. I risk falling off my bike every time I ride it, but that doesn't mean falling wasn't an accident. If you have sex and try not to get pregnant but get pregnant anyway, by definition that is an accident.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

(pikabeau):Bad exampIe, the purpose of riding a bike is not to faII off. Purpose of sex is reproduction. I'm not saying don't have sex, just don't think you're untouchable. Everyone thinks it'II never be me! So be mature and remember if you're going to jump into a pooI, no matter how weII you think you're protected; don't be surprised when you do get wet.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I know the natural purpose is to procreate, but if you don't want to have children then it's not the purpose for you personally. Sex is also about pleasure and yes, even intimacy. When two adults who are in no way, shape, or form ready to for a baby, they should still be able to have sex without anyone looking down on them if they accidentally get pregnant. Because like I said before, if something happens that you didn't intend to happen, it is an accident.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

(pikabeau):Not Iooking down on it or saying it's not aII those things. Notice how I said that there's nothing wrong with having sex if you're responsibIe and aware of your actions.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

But what if you're responsible and aware and just don't want to have a baby?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Do whatever you want. Just don't use an abortion as a fourth method of contraception. It's a IittIe weird though that peopIe are shocked when their bodies are eager to do what it was meant to do.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

They wouldn't be using it as contraceptive. They would be using it because they're contraceptive fails.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

(pikabeau):When I said using it as a contraceptive I meant using it because you don't want to be pregnant right now. The reason I caIIed it that is because peopIe who do use it because they didn't pIan to get pregnant at that moment doesn't usuaIIy consider the fetus as 'n Iiving thing yet.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Contraceptives prevent pregnancy. You can't get an abortion to prevent getting pregnant, only to end being pregnant. It's impossible to use abortion as contraceptive.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

(pikabeau):Now see that's quite rude. I am not an idiot, I just expIained why I used those exact words in the previous comment. It's how some peopIe see it, as nothing (Iike taking a piII, Iike it's a way to prevent pregnancy because they don't see it as a Iife form yet). But I've expIained my point of view now. I wasn't even trying to convince anyone of it, I was just expIaining it.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

What's rude is thinking less of an adult woman who had protected sex with her boyfriend and got pregnant anyway and decided to have an abortion because she wasn't ready for a baby yet. Say you don't look down on them all you want, but your attitude implies differently.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

(pikabeau):Huh? I don't Iook down on anyone. And I didn't have an attitude. I just stated my opinion and expIained it. But I honestIy don't care what peopIe do. This is how I wouId react to said situation and why. Don't assume things. You can read the text in any voice and emotion you want to, and it changes the meaning of said text. It's what's annoying about this type of communication.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I didn't say you //had// and attitude, just that your attitude towards abortion points to you looking down on people who get abortions because they don't want children. I wasn't reading your words in any tone. I gathered from what you were stating that you look down on people who do things that you do not approve of. Everyone does that. Denying that is pointless.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

(pikabeau):Nope I don't Iook down on them or judge them. Who am I to judge anyone? I have just as many mistakes and I haven't been in their shoes so I don't know the situation. It's just my opinion; what I beIieve. If others don't then so be it. How can you decide how I think and feeI just because of an opinion? One can have an opinion without being aII 'greater than thou'

by Anonymous 12 years ago

(pikabeau):Sorry about the second repIy, but just wanted to add: When I heard of a Iady getting an abortion because she didn't want a baby, my first thought was: 'I hope she's okay; that she isn't traumatized(because that can happen) and that her body won't be damaged.' It's my opinion, not some secret Iaw. Who am I to think any differentIy about peopIe who doesn't share it?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

People, in general, think less about people who do things they do not approve of. I'm sure you worried about her well-being, but once you find out she was 25, married, and financially stable, people usually start pointing fingers and look down on those women.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

(pikabeau):I'm not most people.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You really expect me to think you're different? Everyone is the same when it comes to judgment. It's not good, but we can't deny that we //all// do it.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

(pikabeau):I honestIy don't care what you think. I know myseIf, and I beIieve judging peopIe is a sin, Iooking down on peopIe is a sin and in aII honesty I focus my judgment inward. I defend peopIe who are judged by others, to others and mentaIIy. It's a conscious decision you know, and it's hard sometimes but I refuse to give in to those thoughts. Good day to you, and peopIe are better than you think, don't aIways assume the worst. AIso, not aII peopIe are the same.

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

PIease teII me you're not using that as an insuIt...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Why do you use a capital I for Ls?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

(penguinn):I don't have a choice. The button is broken on my phone. So it's either capitaI i or this Iine: |

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Makes sense

by Anonymous 12 years ago

(penguinn):BIackberries suck.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

i just love when ppl make up statistics to prove an opinion

by Anonymous 13 years ago

@pathetic bahhaha

by Anonymous 13 years ago

AtheisticMystic is such a free thinker with an idea like that right? You dont get it the couple had a chance and they fucked it, why kill someone who is bound to have a future because the couple is a bunch of stereotypical American pussys.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Again, it isn't killing someone, it is preventing someone from being born. The government doesn't let you get an abortion after your first trimester, specifically because during the first trimester, the baby hasn't formed yet, it's just a mass of cells. The same as a tumor

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(AtheisticMystic):Were such a powerless force compared to nature and the world itself why should we have a decision over someone who is bound to have a future without our interference and lets face it unless its a miscarriage it will be born and live just like we do and plus its not ruining their lives because its actually programed in our minds by nature to enjoy it why do you think were so obsessed over sex? We still need more people for our country however, our current population growth for this nation is heading for a decline and with that any nation can steam roll us come WW3. It will eventually be abolished just like weed will become legal but it will take a while given we follow our selfish-and-arrogant-but-seems-to-work-every-time-anyway american roots.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

A teenage mother who drops out of school to single handedly raise a kid. Yeah, her life is totally not ruined. She will most likely live in poverty. Also, WTF are you talking about? Our population is not declining. And it's gonna be a looong time before WWIII comes. Abortion will not be abolished. The way our country is modernizing and religion is decreasing, abortion will become a normal thing, not a thing to be debated.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

do you do any research about this before you comment? Amercia has a current 1.11 population growth needed about 1.24 (estimated) to remain a culture next to Islams 7.9 average we will be screwed and your retarded if you think were safe from WW3 did you hear about those missles being fired at south korea from north korea and south korea now asking assistance to destroy north? WW3 can spark at any moment with just common things like that happening almost every day. A teenage mother doesn't need to drop out of school to raise the kid and if gets really bad then she can just give it to adoption. Religion is decreasing as of now thanks to the Taliban and I doubt it will ever be destroyed. Every law eventually passes over time it just takes enough pressure on it for people to get over it and side with it. I assume nothing as optimistic or pesimisitc just the most likely to happen thanks to history and common sense your just thinking off what you want to happen.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

To sum up why I think abortion should be abolished because I feel it brings a new person to fight to become one with the elite rather than their failed parents just killing it and becoming one with the crowd.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

So, abortion should be illegal so that we can have more people to fight in a war (that hasn't even been started yet)... so that they can die anyway?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Wow. Pessimism at its worst.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Thank you.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You act like it will cease to exist if it is abolished (which it won't be)

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You CANNOT say that a baby is anything like a tumor. Tumors are not going to grow into a human being. One does not go from "mass of cells" to "living human being". It is always the same form of life. And you bring up such a poor argument for pro-life. The fact that the person has a right to experience life and have freaking birthday parties and have their first crush and eat Popsicles. It's not just "oh wow that little mass of cells I just terminated could have cured cancer". It is"oh that human being I just terminated won't have the chance to live and make the decisions like I just made." Value life a little more, you might enjoy it.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't view abortion as terminating a human being. I see it as stopping a ball of cells from becoming a human being.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

And that's where you are wrong. Just because you don't consider it life does not make it so. Science disagrees with your opinion.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I do consider it life. All cells are life. But I don't consider it murder, or killing a baby. It's life, but it's not a human.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That is exactly what I am saying. It is a human. The function of those cells are what make it what it is. The age and development of those cells does not change lithe type of life. There is not a day where it goes from mass of cells to human, which is what you are saying.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't know why that says lithe. I meant the.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

So if I get five cells from my elbow and put them in a dish, those cells are an elbow?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Not necessarily. Because an elbow in itself is not living. It is part of human. But in a more realistic example, the cells from an ear (it's been forever since I read about this so I don't have the facts 100% but the main idea is solid) on a mouse was somehow implanted in its back. And it grew an ear there.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It doesn't matter if the elbow cells are living, according to your logic. Their function is to be an elbow.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That is not my logic at all. But they are elbow cells whether dead or alive. You're basically proving my point. I'm a science major. You can be pro-choice all you want. But when you debate it, you should know your facts to make your argument stronger. I'm not going to argue anymore. We are all entitled to our own opinion. And seeing as you are a male, I'm not too worried about you having your child aborted.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

"It is a human. The function of those cells are what make it what it is." According to that logic, cells whose purpose it is to be an elbow are an elbow.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I said that elbow cells are "elbow cells". But look, an elbow is drastically different than life and the experiences it comes with. If you think that it's okay to take away the life those cells will become then so be it. It just saddens me you don't value life that much. It's rather selfish. But I'm done.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Human cells are human cells and elbow cells are elbow cells, yes. But what I think you said (maybe I just misunderstood) is that human cells constitute a human; that any human cell qualifies as a human. But you said "the life those cells will soon become", so I think I did misunderstand.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Did you just compare being pregnant to having a tumor?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It isn't killing someone unless you do it late term.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm pro-choice too, but this was a terrible example.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

A person isn't destined to do something. They decide what they want to do. Their parents, friends, society and everything that is a part of their life make them who they are and inflence their decisions, actions and thoughts. So saying that a baby could have grown up to find a cure for cancer makes so sense, because any next baby can do that provided they learn about medicines, cancer and think about finding a cure.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

If a girl made the decision to have sex, she should accept the consequences of her actions, which is possibly getting pregnant. At 3-6 weeks is when a fetus's heart starts beating (and many mothers don't even know they're pregnant then) and so I'm so freakin' tired of hearing that it's "just cells" or compared to a tumor. Uh, no, it's a little more complicated than that. Once conceived, it has a right to human life. A bit off-topic, but if my dad hadn't stayed with my mom, I, almost undoubtedly, would have been aborted and cease to have ever existed. All because my mom wouldn't have owned up and taken responsibility for her actions if my dad hadn't stuck around. And I don't feel that my life lacks any real purpose just because I will never find a cure for cancer. And no, just because a girl is a teenager, doesn't mean having a child will destroy her life. It's called adoption.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Adoption is fucked. The chance that the kid actually gets adopted is slim, then they get kicked out at 18 and have to live on their own without anyone to help them. How about get the millions of kids adopted before some bundle of cells. Besides, I don't get harassed for fucking exfoliating.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

There's actually a large demand to adopt kids in the U.S.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Similarly, that girl could cure cancer, but she'd be too busy raising a baby to study it. Just saying.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

If you hadn't used a condom, your child might've cured cancer. If you'd gotten pregnant next week rather than today, your child might've cured cancer. If only you'd raped that girl that just walked by, your child might've cured cancer. So what?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That 'mass of cells' has a heart beat at 5 weeks [when most women discover their pregnancy]. I heard my daughter's heart beat at 8 weeks. Abortion is stupid unless the pregnancy puts the mother or child in danger. I have miscarried and had a baby and it has been the best experience of my life so far. If you don't want children don't have sex. That aborted child may not find a cure to cancer but that child could be the person who encourages someone to do something great, they could be that friend who prevents suicide. They could be the only person who visits you in a retirement home. You never know. None the less, don't have sex if you can't make a commitment.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

They could also be the next Hitler, so that portion of your argument is neutralized. (Besides it's a fucking shitty argument anyway)

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I like to think countries these days would have the balls to shut down a potential Hitler before he could have the same kind of impact real Hitler did. But maybe that's just me being optimistic.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Following your logic, you think that a person who decides they don't ever want to have children should be denied sex their ENTIRE life? This would also doom them to a string of failed relationships since a) sex is part of a healthy relationship and b) no person is going to stay with someone for years and years knowing they will never have sex with them. Your argument that "if you don't want children don't have sex" is thus ridiculous.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

If you deem your self responsible enough to have sex knowing that their are risks then you're old enough to have a baby. She chose to ruin her own life.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

This is a horrible argument. Don't get me wrong, it's a horrible argument when it's for the pro-life side too. I'm not pro-life because the baby might be something great, I'm pro-life because it's a life that deserves a chance.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I know, I'm not saying that people should be pro-choice exclusively for this reason, just that the argument of "that baby could have cured cancer" (or whatever) is stupid.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

This is an old post and I worded it terribly. Just letting everyone know that I acknowledge this before you comment and tell me why it's stupid.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I say yeah they could cure cancer...or they could be the next Hitler...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Being pregnant is not the decision between ruining your life and curing cancer. Personally I think if a woman is going to get an abortion and her mind won't be changed, then by all means, use the baby for research so long as it is with respect that the lost life will go to save other lives. However, a woman, teenager or not, will not have a ruined life because she has a baby. It will be difficult, but the baby is not a punishment. A woman that made a mistake should not be punished for it for eighteen years. That's horrible if anyone thinks of a baby as an 18 year punishment. The baby is something that happened because the woman had sex not because she made a mistake the universe is out to get her.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's someone's decision on what to do with her body when she's pregnant. One person won't cure cancer for EVERYONE but it Can help someone. Someone who is currently living, with a family who wants them to continue living and to be healthy. Also stem cells can help burn victims, among other things. So many women can't take care of the child and have them taken away, or just don't care for them properly. Why have the child suffer while at home until they're taken away or until they're grown, when they can help save someones life.

by Anonymous 12 years ago