-283 Jesus is said to have risen on the third day, but they found the tomb empty then, so he had to have risen BEFORE the third day, not on the third day. amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

you miss the 3 days because you relate days in western terms. In Jewish culture, (and you'll see this if you open Genesis, a "day" starts at sundown, i.e. the "evening and morning" constituted the days. So the "Friday" started on sun down or 6pm on Thursday "the evening" and Friday was complete at sun down or 6pm on Friday. Jesus was buried before 6pm, in fact the Jewish Leaders were in a hurry to bury him before the sundown because they were forbidden to on the “Sabbath” which started at sun down. So that Friday was the 1st day. The 2nd day was sundown Friday, through to sun down Saturday “the Sabbath”. The 3rd day started sun down on Saturday through to Sunday – the day He rose.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

You're smart.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Can you try and axplain to me the rest of the bible too, like you bring it, I am almost beginning to think that book is not fictional...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Out of curiosity, can someone explain to me what supposedly happened after Jesus "appeared before his disciples"? He seems to just vanish from the story after that. Christians I know can't explain this....

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Read Acts 1 :) it'll tell you for all of you looking for more proof, I'd suggest reading Lee Strobel's The Case for Christ. Three or four chapters are devoted to supporting the historical accuracy of the Ressurrection. Strobel was a former atheist who decided to investigate the Christian claims about Jesus. He's a journalist and interviewed a lot of Ph.D's to write his book, so it's definitely academically sound.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Did you read what time they actually checked his tomb?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

He rose earlier on the third day

by Anonymous 13 years ago

BreakfastFan, what, do you know like 6 Christians? I know you just made that crap up. Jesus appeared intermittently to his disciples for about a month, then he disappeared from them. Only to return sometime in the near future as the glorious and mighty King

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm the same person. In OUR near future. Not the disciples'.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You get up at 6:30 to go meet your gay cousins at the elemantary school playground. Your 23 year old mom comes to wake you up for your job as a nude bartender at 6:37. Oh know, you aren't there! I guess you left last night even though she came in to kiss you goodnight at 10:30 and you were already sleeping with your pullup on and everything. There's no way in the world that you left EARLIER THIS MORNING! Wow why didn't I think of that??? IDIOT

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Jesus is like the best fictional character ever invented.

by Anonymous 13 years ago