+216 When people are crybabies and think that their lives are so horrible, you want to slap them and say "SHUT UP! PEOPLE ARE DYING AND YOU HAVE NOTHING TO CRY ABOUT!", amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Unless their mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother, brother, sister, aunt and uncle died in a texting-while-driving accident, motorcycle accident, drunk driving accident, airplane crash, train crash, house fire, murder, and/or suicide. Then you're just rubbing salt in the wound.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

I mean like crying over something trivial. I'm not that horrible.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

2 things: maybe you don't share the same idea over what is trivial as the other person. Sure there are extremes to that, but there is also a lot of gray area. Also, you would be in an emotional doldrums if you compared every single problem you had to the worst possible scenario. If my dog dies, I'm going to cry and I'm probably going to be very upset for days. Do I care about that more than a carbomb in Iraq? Probably. Should I be made to feel like shit about that? No.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

u have a valid point, but i hate it when people constantly complain about how bad their life is because of an annoying sibling or a bad grade in school. yes, u have every right to be upset about something like your dog dying. in fact, u have every right to be upset about something even less significant like a bad hair day or something, but that doesn't mean your life sucks, or that you should go around saying that when people who suffered from something major like a huge earthquake would do anything to be in your place.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Just because there are worse problems in the world, doesn't mean someone's pain who is going through something minor in comparison is invalid. Pain is pain and we all have our process for getting through it. Maybe having your heart broken or not getting into your dream school is minor on a global level compared to the issues of others, but it can still cause major distress in a person's life. We as individual's have no right to measure someone else's pain as invalid because their problems don't seem that bad to us. If it is causing them distress, than it's bad. Also, 9 times out of 10, you don't know the full story or reason the situation is so painful for them, so either be there to support the person in pain or keep your mouth shut and move on. You have no place to judge.

by Anonymous 14 years ago