+446 When you're watching a marathon of a certain show, they should cut out the theme song, because it can get REALLY annoying. amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The Office theme song annoys me so much and I cant stand to hear it when I watch multiple episodes in a row

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I never get sick of the office theme

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Also, the bobobo theme http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US#/watch?xl=xl_blazer&v=OUhVD1xDa0I

by Anonymous 13 years ago

not pretty little liars! i love their theme song<3

by Anonymous 13 years ago

We watched like two full seasons of That 70s Show on the bus ride home from Quebec... it got to the point where it was like "WE'RE ALL ALRIGHT" yeah okay speak for yourself -.-

by Anonymous 12 years ago