+257 I don't care how feminist you are, the bottom line is that MOST MEN are stronger than MOST WOMEN. amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

physically, most men are stronger. but strength comes in various forms that you cannot just compare in a guy and a girl, it depends on an individual.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Physically I think so. And in certain ways emotionally too. For example, the military won't let women fight on the front line because a man is more likely to just kill who he is supposed to without feeling empathy (not necessarily a good strength, but a strength of sorts). However, a man could never fathom what the pain of child birth feels like, and most doctors speculate that if they did feel the pain they'd probably die, no joke.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

DEFINITELY. lol. Other women need to get over the fact that men will almost always be physically stronger than them. That's just the way it is xD

by Anonymous 14 years ago


by Anonymous 14 years ago

only physically:) being mentally and emotionally strong, however, has nothing to do with gender.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Actually, (I guess I should've clarified this) yeah I did actually mean physically. Mentally, I think women are stronger because of the fact that they have to grow up in a world where men have the advantage despite their fewer numbers. While I am not a woman myself, it is my firm belief that one can gain a much higher apreciation for one's own power when comparing one's own struggle to the struggles of those around them. EXAMPLE TIME! Growing up, we didn't have a whole lot of money, but all my friends did. They didn't have to share nearly as much with their siblings as I did with mine, although honestly, I think i became a better and more appreciative person for it. No offense to rich kids, but the one's I've met... kinda bitchy.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

yeah i think youre right. its just the way humans were made. so if a boy and a girl the same size and age had a wrestling match or something without either of them ever having been physically active, the boy would probably win. everyone has just got to accept that thats the way it is.

by Anonymous 13 years ago