+171 It's strange to hear teens saying things like "nowadays kids jump into relationships too fast," or "these days everyone has bad grammar." You weren't there, how would you know if it was any different 20 years ago, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

this doesn't apply to music, before anyone starts

by Anonymous 13 years ago

They aren't saying that anything was different before, just commenting on what is happening now.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm talking about when they're comparing things to some mystical time in the past, key word "nowadays." Because I hear people doing that all the time

by Anonymous 12 years ago

They have made no reference to the amount of years which they are talking about, simply stating "kids jump into relationships too fast" is correct, and if they're teenagers then they were around at least 13 years ago, when they were born. So they could mean "When I was 10, I wasn't in a relationship - but kids today are." Let's remember that teenagers can be 19; so they can see a clear difference.

by Anonymous 12 years ago