+122 Ultimately, religions will always create separation. The very fact they exist with separate ideas and titles contradicts the unity many believe they're working towards. Religion is healthy for the individual in many cases, but in the broad scheme of things, will always bring opposition. Sometimes you consider, maybe the world would be more at peace without any organized religion. amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Without religion there would be no morlas thoughs we woukd prob still be cave men killing each other

by Anonymous 14 years ago

there would still be morals...we're human, we each have our own personal standards for the soul. w/out organized religion, we wouldn't try to instill our own moral standards within everybody else, and hypothetically it'd be more peaceful as a result. there's still killing with religion. there's killing because of religion. and of course many religious leaders have shown distasteful qualities that perhaps should only be found in cavemen. :P

by Anonymous 14 years ago

If only it were that easy...

by Anonymous 14 years ago

i know right :P

by Anonymous 14 years ago