+421 Men and women are not the same as some feminists like to believe. We are equal yes, but men naturally have a tendancy to provide and protect while women have a tendancy to nurture and love. This makes us different yet equal, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

So... men dont love?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

no, no they do not ono

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I didn't say we don't love. We just show it differently.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

its like people think them having more testosterone and us having more estrogen doesnt have an effect on anything

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Contemporary Equality isn't about proving that two things are the same. It's about providing an equal starting point for everyone and giving non-citizens and females a chance to catch up with the more priviledged.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

And women have a tendency to make sandwiches, while men have the tendency to eat said sandwiches.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Bullshit. I don't mean to be disrespectful, but bullshit. You're presenting a completely restrictive, false, socially constructed idea of gender. If women are sweet and men are powerful, what about intersex people? Transpeople? Are they neither? Both? Or, as I strongly suspect, perhaps they have individual character traits unique to each person, just like men and women do. This rigid binary is harmful to people because it forces them to put on a constant act to prove that they fit their gender roles. How many times have you seen a boy tell a crying male friend to stop being such a girl, or a girl hold back and present her points timidly and weakly in an argument to avoid seeming too aggressive? For me, personally, these scenarios are far too common, and I believe we would be freer and happier as people if we rejected the repressive rules of the gender binary and saw people as more than the sum of their junk. Sorry to get all indignant on you, but I just wanted to get my point across.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

TL;DR version: NO.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I believe I said the word tendancy. Meaning not all the time but most of the time. Obviously there are exceptions.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

you know how teenagers are said to be horndogs because of their raging hormones? well thats because hormones effect things, and boys and girls have very different hormone levels.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

fact: one who tries to change genders is so stupid that they cannot be considered human. because they do not even have a true gender

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I love you. Lets get married and have tons of children and treat the boys and the girls equally.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

...for some reason, I find myself bothered by the fact that you just had to mention feminists in this post. As if they're wrong in fighting for EQUAL RIGHTS AND TREATMENT of genders? They're not saying that there is no physical or mental difference between the genders. The idea is that they should be TREATED the same, because they are all HUMAN. (many feminists also fight for equal treatment of ethnicities, sexualities, and other groups) As such, that means that there should be no pointing fingers at those who don't fit their gender stereotype, as Unjellify said above me. There are "feminine" men that AREN'T gay, and "masculine" women who AREN'T lesbian. I would count myself, and several of my friends, as part of these generalised categories. There are many more, obviously. Point is, why not let people just be people? It's a social issue and we should stop enforcing this idea that women have to be submissive & nurturing and men have to be aggressive & protective. Above comment>mine

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I didn't say all feminists are like this and I didn't say that they have to be this way. Just that they are. Also I have met women who think that women are just as physically strong as men. This is scientifically false.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

"I didn't say all feminists are like this and I didn't say that they have to be this way. Just that they are." Sorry...but uh...what? Anyway, technically, everything depends on the specifics of the genetics of individuals. In some cases, women can be stronger than men. While yes, I admit, there are evolutionary traits that make the genders differ in some ways, it doesn't mean that these traits are absolute. And I hate to nitpick, but uh, why only give an example of a woman incorrectly believing something? As Credetemi said above, some guys think that men are more intelligent than women. Everybody has their stupid mistakes and misconceptions, and they all depend on the INDIVIDUAL. Some people actually do fit the assumed identity that their gender gives them. Others deviate greatly. It just depends. I think your original post could've said, "Men and women aren't exactly the same, but they ARE equal. Different, but complements. They should be treated the same."

by Anonymous 13 years ago

being male I encounter men feeling smarter than women less than I encounter women feeling stronger than men. And we shouldn't be treated the same. We should be treated equal. You should respect both genders the same amount but for different reasons and in different ways. If you need a problem solved you should probably go to a woman for her brains. If you need something heavy lifted you should probably go to a man for the muscle. This not the same but equal.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I do rephrase the "treated the same" bit. I do agree it should be...well... Actually, even saying equal is a bit of. Fair, I suppose. Either way, both genders should receive equal opportunity and there should be no tolerance for denouncing one gender while praising the other. I'd assume you'd agree?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well, actually, I would go to a smart person for a problem and a strong person if I needed muscle. That just seems to make more sense.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

guys are girls arent different because of social standrds, theyre different because they have different hormone levels and that causes them to think and act differently.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

And girls don't have penises.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Eh... Kind of? I know that you said tendancy, and it does all go back to nature, but there are many examples when it is the other way around. And all people are different but equal. It's not just a gender spilt but a personality spilt. It does happen to be that more women are on one side and more men on the other, but does it really even matter? That was probably pointless rambling...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I find the word equal is a poor choice when discussing genders and even race; fair is the word you want. I do not want to be treated identically equal to a black woman. I want to be given a fair chance of similar oppertunities with the same sort of start. I feel Feminist is a redundant group that needs to have a name change, modern Feminists fight for the rights of so many groups so naming it after the womens rights seems counter productive and feeds the excuse for nasty women. If we are to all co exist and work well as a larger society we must EMBRACE difference and not IGNORE it by claiming we are all equal. More often then not a man will think in a certain train of thought while the woman thinks in a different way, our center of gravity is different which allows different movements to be easier to do, women tend to have more body fat when of equal sizes, nutrients needed are different. The same can be said for race too but on different points. If we work these things tog...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Only in movies is strength and resourcefulness overestimated like this in men and underestimated in women. In life, people are much more diverse and real.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

May I also add that men also have a tendency to beat, rape and abuse? Don't get me wrong, all I'm saying is, they have a TENDENCY.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

in abusive cases there is a tendancy for it to be male. But men do not have a tendancy to do that.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Your post adds nothing to any argument, plus that would be the case seeing as men are physically stronger than women, thus the tendency to abuse, and obviously men are more prone to rape, given that women can't rape...unless they had a strap-on

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Wow guys stop arguing like a bunch of little bitches

by Anonymous 13 years ago

why do you want guys and girls to be the same? you arent attracted to girls and if guys acted the same it wouldnt be as fun or special.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Don't make assumptions about other peoples' attractions. You can't just extrapolate your own opinions out to everyone. I, for example, find androgynous guys supermegafoxyawesomehot.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

and androogynous guys are different than you. i wasnt "assuming"

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I don't think it's really clear what you're trying to say here.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

why would a guy want to date someone who is just like them why would a women want to date someone just like her we LIKE our differences.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Uh, for one thing, gay people seem to be pretty happy liking someone with the same junk. And it is not only junk that makes a person different with you. I would argue that different personalities are more important.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

gay people are the minority, most people are attracted to the different sex

by Anonymous 13 years ago

funny how all the femenists feel the need to type up big comments to say how unfair or incorrect the post is, even though it was only mentioned so that it would not be "oh it must be talking about such and such a group."

by Anonymous 13 years ago