+719 Middle school is probably the most awkward thing ever. You have people who have barely hit puberty, people practically grown, giggling girls, perverted boys, emo kids, idiotic children dating, people who think they are practically philosophers, kids who think it is cool to be stupid, girls piling on make-up all the time, not to mention all the things that happen to your body. Then high school..... amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It would be hella wrong if you got homepaged for stealing ideas from my diary, be original.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(Rodrick(Wimpy kid)): Whut o3o OH WAIT ITS WIMPY KID :D I get it. Wow, I feel fail now because I read all those books and I never even considered it was the same thing e.e Eh, it's fine, nobody will homepage it anyways.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(Rodrick(Wimpy kid)): I'm pretty sure it's Greg's journal not Rodrick's.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I just thought it all was annoying, not awkward.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm from Québec. We don't even have Middle School. It goes from 6th grade elementary to 7th grade high school. We have middle school awkward-ness and all the high school crap mixed together at the same time.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Hey, do you guys really serve Pop Tarts with ketchup and call it a "Quebec pizza"?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(The Doctor): Not that I've ever seen, no, we eat regular pizza. But that certainly sounds interesting. Where did you hear that?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Middle School sucks.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I didn't really see many of these during my Junior High years. Most often was idiotic couples, and perverted boys.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

high school i like tho, ppl mature

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No we don't.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I see a lot of this at my middle school. I have 3 months until I can kiss middle school GOODBYE. My high school registration is on the 22nd of this month, and I'm actually kinda excited... xD

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Graduating from middle school this year; only three more months. I'm excited to leave the elementary-school-like building behind and start to pursue what I want to do. :D

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm sorry, but I have to say it: homeschooling. And since when does high school give you time to pursue what you want to do?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Elaborate on homeschooling? It doesn't give me the time (I didn't say that?), it gives me the opportunity. Where I live, middle school classes are set in stone and you're forced to follow basic curriculum, while in high school you're able to choose the classes you would like to take.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Basically I meant that if you'd homeschooled, you could've been pursuing what you want to do as soon as you knew what you wanted to do. Within the laws of, like, your parents', and the state, and physics. And things. But nevermind, your high school sounds cool. Where the hell do you live?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Oh, got it. That makes sense; I was confused for a bit. ^.^ Exactly, but things are a lot more subjective than they are in middle school. North shore, of course (though I have spent a long time in the South). Where else would that happen? xD

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Still. ...Because saying "North shore" tells me so much. But whatever, it doesn't matter. :P

by Anonymous 13 years ago

...You want me to tell you EXACTLY where my high school is? That's really smart. (By the way, the laws of physics don't dictate which classes I can and cannot take.)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No, I just didn't know what you meant when you said North Shore. But whatever. (I just figured it had to do with the laws of the region or something. Anyway.)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

IL is usually referred to as the North Shore, as well as a few surrounding states.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

...Oh. My geographical knowledge is sorely lacking. Anyway...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That's fine. xD

by Anonymous 13 years ago