+127 It's kind of creepy how the principals seem to know everyones name. First day of school, you walk by and they say "Hi (enter_name_here)" and you're just like "umm, hi, person I don't know...", amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You obviously don't go to a school with over 2500 students.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

this was from middle school..I don't even know who the principals are now.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

.... You obviously didn't go to a middle school with over 1000 kids.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Pretty redundant comments you've got there. Again, this was from middle school. I currently go to a high school with over 2000 students. I understand it doesn't apply now. But in my middle school, and all the others in this area, the above was true.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I meant that this still didn't apply to me in middle (and even elementary) school, and that you clarifying that this post had to do with middle school really didn't change how I vote.

by Anonymous 11 years ago


by Anonymous 11 years ago

Some teacher greeted me one time in sixth grade. I did not know her. When she signed my yearbook on the last day of middle school, she knew my name, and spelled my name correctly. I knew a lot of teachers that I never actually had as teachers, and I think that a lot of them knew me.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I was in the counselors office one time for a problem with a kid, and I told her his name and she pulled out a big book with like, every student's picture and name (Not the yearbook, it was some binder book) and she looked him up. Maybe teachers do that? They spend weeks in advance learning everyone's name with some book, lol

by Anonymous 12 years ago

hahah, my friends and I would joke about that, saying that the teacher must have all have a book with pictures of every kid and their names and just..study it all the time

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Um no. It's usually the opposite. At my old school there were 1400 kids and none of the teachers or principals (we had 5 I think) knew or cared who you were. At my new school everyone knows pretty much everyone cuz we only have like 20 teachers and 400 kids

by Anonymous 12 years ago

hah, yeah, depends on the school really..

by Anonymous 12 years ago