+287 You're not afraid of the dark. Until the power shuts off when you're in the shower, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

you're right sexy lady ;) shower for me ;)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm going to attempt to relate this post to food: Sometimes, you're in the shower, and you haven't had dinner yet. The power goes off. This is scary, and you get out of the shower. In the dark, you attempt to dry yourself off and get dressed. It's very difficult, and you can't quite get your pants on. You head downstairs to make yourself a burrito, but the microwave doesn't work because the power's out. You're super hungry though, so you take a flamethrower to the burrito, but it catches on fire, and it burns your house down. You manage to escape though, but while you're standing outside without your pants, you get raped and you get chlamydia. I tried :)

by Anonymous 11 years ago

This answers all of my questions.

by Anonymous 11 years ago