+149 What's up with all this new candy? We have all this Reese's stuff already. We don't need peanut butter M&M's, peanut butter Twix, or peanut butter Snickers, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I thought it was funny the captcha said "How sweet."

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Don't hate the Reese's!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Peanut butter Snickers were the fourth gift given to jesus at birth. They're that good. The M&Ms, Twix and Reeses are pretty good too, but the PB Snickers are amazing

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I haven't had PB Stickers yet, or M&Ms. I didn't like the Twix that much though.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

PB Snickers are the most divine candy to grace god's green earth. The M&Ms are good, but Reeses Pieces are way better. The Twix is ok, regular is better than the PB version.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You best not be lying (mad) Snickers are amazing in themselves.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

peanut butter m&m's aren't new, they've been around for years. they're just hard to find. and they are the most fucking amazing candy. EVAR.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

All candy isn't made by one little company. They don't think "What candy already exists?" and never make any of that kind. Companies already make T-shirts, so why do others make them in different styles?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

HERP DERP THANK YOU SHERLOCK. Newsflash: Snickers, Twix, and M&M's are all made by Mars. So they made a corporate decision to screw up all their good candy at once. Granted, Reese's is made by Hershey, but this is a lame attempt by Mars to copy the Reese's idea and incorporate it into their candy to get some of those sales.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yes, that's exactly what I just said! They took the flavour and added it to their own because they can do that! Sure Reese's are the most popular PB candy but it's still just a flavour anyone can incorporate in their own foods. All I was saying is that companies don't CARE what you want or need, as long as it brings them money they're going to do it, even if others have already done it in a different styles. The post is stupid and all I explained is how it doesn't matter if Reese's already exists since they don't own the PB flavour.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

This is America, what do you expect?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm America and so can you.

by Anonymous 13 years ago