+200 Everybody should stop this fight between Atheism and Christianity and just begin to like turtles more. amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

No because the war on imaginary friends, delusional reasoning and zero-evidence false beliefs must go on, RIP god

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't see you guys giving us any evidence either.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

we don't have to give evidence to disprove something that doesn't exist, you have to prove it does. Its called the burden of truth, you have it. Prove me there is a god

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't care about proving there is a God. For all I know there isn't one, but I choose to believe there is. Since there is no evidence whatsoever, we can believe whatever the fuck we want. And yes, you do need evidence to disprove something. The Catholic Church used to believe the Earth was the centre of the universe. By your logic, they were correct, because at the time there was no proof. *We *exist; *It's *burden of proof; *Prove to me *God.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

the spelling mistakes i was on my phone, so i do apologize for that. anyway, NO, using the catholic church suppressed science and it's reasoning for the earth not being the center of the universe + we are not talking about the theory of celestial bodies moving around, we are talking about people basing their lives around a imaginary friend who tells people they are evil at nature and the only way they can be good is by follow his rules that are immoral and that even god breaks. The burden of truth (and it is truth,) lies on you, because you are claiming for some to exist, so show me ANY proof that your god exists and i'll show you all the stupid bullshit in your fucking ancient manuscript that is FALSE, showing your 'all knowing' god cannot even get the creation story correct. he even claims the earth formed before stars did? BULLSHIT, the elements were made from stars. he turned water into wine? BULLSHIT, impossible.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

1. According to Google, burden of truth is an album. Burden of proof is the term you're looking for. 2. The burden of proof only applies when I am attempting to prove something. 3. Genesis was not written by God; it was written by Jewish men. God created the universe, so obviously He knows how the universe was created. Whether or not that story is the one written in the Bible is unknown. 4. So even if God created the universe, He wouldn't have the ability to turn water into wine? 5. If you think that not killing people is immoral, then I would feel sorry for you if I wasn't busy feeling sorry for your victims. 6. You're basically saying that a lack of proof for one side is automatically proof for the other side. That goes both ways. We both have the burden of proof, and neither of us has any. I don't have the ability to prove He exists, and you don't have the ability to prove that He doesn't. Let's move on.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm not going to get involved in the rest of this argument, I but I think Hipster is right in saying that we aren't the ones that need to provide proof. If I told you that there was a ghost in my house, you couldn't prove me wrong. But I'm guessing you still wouldn't believe me. If two people were arguing over whether Santa was real, would you expect the one that doesn't believe in Santa to prove that he doesn't exist? No. You would expect the one that does believe in Santa to prove that he does exist.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

No, I would expect the one who doesn't believe in Santa to prove he doesn't exist. You can only prove he does exist (assuming he did) one night a year and it is suposedly extremely difficult. You can prove he doesn't exist easily. The same applies to God. He doesn't want us to have proof of His existence; that's the whole idea of faith. You, however, claim to know for a fact that He doesn't exist. Most Christians are smart enough to accept the lack of proof and move on with our lives, while atheists like Hipster try to pretend otherwise.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't claim that it is a fact that there is no God, but I do believe that it is a fact and that we'll be able to prove it one day. Okay, prove that Santa doesn't exist.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

OK, I can't prove that there is not a person named Santa, but I can prove that he isn't what everyone says he is. I stopped believing in Santa before I told my parents. I still got presents from Santa. The next year, I didn't. He sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake, he knows when you've been bad or good - but you have to tell him what you want for Christmas. He has to pay the elves, buy the materials, take care of the factories, and pay for the rights to all the copyrighted stuff. Then he gives away his toys for free. Only the rich families get presents, but poor people are lucky to get one present in their life, and it's not really from Santa. It's commonly accepted that once you reach a certain age, you stop believing in Santa. Since adults would have to buy all the presents "from Santa" if he didn't exist, I think they would know whether or not he is real. Let's assume he goes to one million houses and has 24 hours to deliver them. That means he goes to about 40 000 houses per hour, which is about 12 houses per second. That means he climbs up and down the chimney, eats the cookies, and puts the presents in the right place, in 1/12 of a second.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

the point is santa doesn't exist and neither does god, 1. If god was all powerful why didn't he write the book for his followers himself? 2. Why is god allowed to kill people then tell others not too? 3. If god spends his time using his allmighty powers fucking around turning water into wine, WHY THE FUCK DOESN'T HE USE IT TO CURE CHILDREN OF HIDEOUS DISEASE? 4. Why don't you believe in Vishnu or Wotan? Others claim they are god?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

1. Do I look like God to you? I DON'T KNOW EVERYTHING. Ask him yourself. 2. Because he created us. We are all sinners, and we all die. That is his decision. If you don't like him controlling your life, there is a very simple solution. 3. Didn't see that coming. That is the best, worst, most logical, most ridiculous, and most doughnut-related argument against Christianity I have ever heard (i.e. the only one). It gets worse and worse every time someone says it. You're bad at explaining things, so allow me to do it for you: If there was a God, then it stands to reason he would ignore his infinite wisdom, forget his perfect plan on which he has spent billions of years, and do whatever I tell him. However, the world is not exactly as I want it because people are STILL dying of diseases, and there are STILL starving children in Africa, and my porn collection is STILL slowing down my computer, therefore there cannot possibly be a God, and anyone who disagrees is a complete retard. 4. Only one God can be real, because each one says that the others don't exist, and each one claims to be all knowing. I just chose this one because that's how I was raised. I don't see why you care so much.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

1. you believe in god because you were raised that way, Start thinking for yourself. 2. You basically said, if you don't like my god, kill yourself, very christian thing to say. 3. His 'perfect' went to shit when he created freewill, creating people knowing they'd go to hell, hmmm that's nice and good of him. BUT then again he doesn't really stick to the whole freewill idea, by sending a flood to kill of humanity because they didn't follow his rules? Hmm where the freewill in that? Seems like his plan went to shit, how wise of him

by Anonymous 12 years ago

1. I am thinking for myself. All the religions are basically the same, and Catholicism is the one I understand the best. 2. If he exists, denying him won't do you any good. 3. No sane person actually believes the Noah's Ark story. Lack of evidence is one thing; creating false evidence is another. Now, stop making that useless, pointless, overused argument. If you're so much smarter than I am, then come up with a better one.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

hahahah 'noone believes that story due to lack of evidence' sound abit like god! Also you just try and degrade arguments that you cannot answer. While you on amirite, you're going to have to change your about me to 'I sometimes lose arguments'

by Anonymous 12 years ago

1. That's not what I said, you illiterate imbecile. 2. I already answered it countless times against countless people, and once against you. I have no intention of repeating myself, and I have met enough trolls to last at least the next 10 years, so please use the great intellect your people always brag about or shut the fuck up. 3. I don't lie in my descriptions of myself, unlike you. You're the closest thing there is to a God, but you can't even come up with one original argument? That's not a good description. That's not even a good joke.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

hahahah yeah, I reworded it, 'No sane person actually believes the Noah's Ark story. Lack of evidence is one thing', that better? I have put up many arguments you've failed to answer. And yes you do lie about yourself in your aboutme, you are not always correct. And two I don't lie, it's a quote you fool. Also, I'm not trolling, I'm expressing my beliefs. Orginal arguments or not, they still stand. And it is not like you have come up with an orginal argument for god existing, so why are you banging on about that? + not once have I claimed superior intellect, you do on the otherhand in your aboutme. If you with to end the debate, do so now.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't need to come up with an original rebuttal for your unoriginal arguments. Mine works every time. Your argument never does. Come up with an original argument, and I will do my best to come up with an original rebuttal. No I am not always right. I SAID I wasn't always right. For the Noah's ark thing, if there had been a flood that killed everything on Earth, there would definitely be evidence of it. Also, four monogamous couples could not repopulate the Earth. This is based on evidence. I am willing to believe evidence, so if you have any, please tell me. All atheists claim superior intellect. If atheism was a religion, it would be your 1st commandment. Expressing your beliefs is not a very accurate description. You're stating as a fact what barely even counts as a hypothesis. I can't possibly prove that God exists, nor do I care. You could potentially prove he doesn't. If you can prove to me that the virgin Mary had sex 9 months before Jesus was born, or that Jesus could not have come back to life, I would accept that. Just because something isn't definitely true doesn't mean it's definitely false. I don't have to prove he could possibly exist; you have to prove he can't.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

why believe in something that you have no proof even exists? That is so stupid! Why believe in a book that half it's stories are clearly false, it seems god made a lot of mistake when creating his book... You seem less of a christian more a deist. You have to prove to me that mary didn't have sex, why believe she didn't because some spurious book tells you? And as for orginallity in questions, that irrelevant, you don't answer them anyway.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It doesn't take a whole lot of effort to believe something. After I die, I will wake up to see that I was at least partially right, or not at all. You will wake up to see that you were completely wrong, or not at all. Is it really that difficult to acknowledge the possibility of religion being accurate? Once again, God didn't write the Bible. Some parts are true (or might be true), and some parts are false. Is that too complicated for you? I don't have to prove anything to you. I don't know who's right anymore than you do. The difference is, I don't pretend to. If I really didn't answer any questions, then ask them again, and I will answer them. *Why *its *half of whose stories *false? It *God *mistakes *Christian *and more of *Mary *sex; *originality *that's *irrelevant;

by Anonymous 12 years ago

you really don't understand my point. You are so blind. Why believe in a book some farmers wrote thousands of years ago? And the book as we know is full of lies and false stories, so why believe one part is from god and one part is not? And the point is religion controls your life and limits things you can do, that's why I'd rather live my life, and I am certain the monotheistic god you believe in will not be waiting for me.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

So, basically, you believe that the hundreds of different Bible stories and hundreds of different verses must be all right or all wrong. Also, the idea of respecting people, telling the truth, and staying committed to one God (when you currently have zero) is too difficult. I guess common sense is too mainstream for you.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

do you not think the word of god should completely correct? Why would he put lies in his book? I don't need to believe in god to not tell lies or be a good person..

by Anonymous 12 years ago

If you don't need religion to follow these rules, then which rules are you so afraid of? Once again, He didn't put anything in the book directly.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm not afraid of rules, I don't value rules like banning premarital sex, keeping the sabbath holy, etc. I especially do not like the philosophy that the only way we can be good people is to ask for Jesus' forgiveness... Then how can you trust any part of the bible?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Most Christians don't follow the premarital sex rule anyway. I don't go to Church every week, or even every year. Also, you don't have to go back in time and find Jesus to ask for his forgiveness. Anyone who is sincerely sorry will be forgiven. If you especially don't like being sorry for your sins, then pouring holy water on your head isn't going to do you much good anyway.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I just don't think we need to be forgiven by some totilatarian dictatorship, we need to be forgiven only by the other human beings we have hurt. People only ask god for forgivness because they feel guilty and want a pleacebo.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't ask God for forgiveness directly. I figure that if I'm sorry for my sins, but I don't go into a room and talk to some bald virgin guy about everything I've done, I'll probably be fine. Also, the word totalitarianism implies the person is evil. He created all of us; I think He deserves more than that.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

we'll it is totalitarian, there is no escaping the god you believe in. You don't seem very devout, why don't you follow all the rules?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't know. Some of the rules are ridiculous and clearly don't belong in the Bible, but there are some rules which I should probably follow. I just can't convince myself to go to Church for an hour or more every week, or pray 5 times a day, or sit in a room to confess every bad thing I've done, or any of the other things like that. Anyway, if you don't want to follow the rules yourself, then don't convert to Christianity, but please don't go ranting on the internet about how stupid religion is.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

All that can be explained with magic. Santa is magic.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

No, only the 3rd and last one can be explained with magic. The first two can only be explained if there is no magic.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That's all logic, not proof. Which is enough for me, but logic like that is also why I don't believe in God. I assume you're a Christian. Why does logic make you reject Santa but not God?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't believe there is any real logic to deny the possibility of a God. And yes, I am a Christian.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

God wasn't spelt wrong. If you say "a god", it's not a proper noun.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Mwahaha, turtles are atheists!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

This MLIA-esque obsession with turtles should end

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I agree with you (except the turtle thing was a bit random.) Who cares what other people believe? Christians and atheists should stop trying to prove that God does or doesn't exist because there's no proof either way.

by Anonymous 12 years ago