+802 Women don't get raped because they were drinking, dressing provocatively, or acting reckless. Women get raped because someone raped them, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

women get raped because someone thought they looked good so in a twisted way it is a compliment but they are probaly not good with words

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Rapists rape mostly cause they want power, not cause they find you attractive. They pick easy targets. Often times, a woman that is drunk, and has sexy clothing that is also easy to remove becomes that target.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

oh really? If I was a rapist my comment would be the way it would go down

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well, there are men who rape women who aren't actually "rapists." I mean they ARE, in court. But they don't have that mindset, they just get carried away, cause he and the girl are both drunk... you know, a date rape. But either way, it's bad, so don't do it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Ya I think there's a difference between a random guy grabbing someone and forcing them to have sex with him, and a guy whose making out with a girl, they're both into it and drunk then she asks him to stop and he keeps going. Both are wrong and bad for sure, but I would rather have the second scenario happen to me, than the first.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

its not date rape. Its rape with benefits

by Anonymous 13 years ago

usually they deserve it

by Anonymous 13 years ago

So, are you telling me that, if you wore shorts that I found sexy, you deserve to be raped? That if you dressed in a nice suit and tie, that would be grounds to fucking rape you?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

yes, that is correct

by Anonymous 13 years ago

May I ask as to why you think women deserved being raped? Rapists are usually twisted in the mind- especially intentional and brutal rapes. It is the rapists action- not the woman's.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

it depends on the situation oobviously not if its out of nowhere but a lot of women have consesual sex then cry rape later on

by Anonymous 13 years ago

How do you know? I think it would be more likely for a woman to not admit it to anyone than to lie about it. And if they really are raped, why would they deserve it?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Then that isn't rape

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Unless she expressly said that she wants to have sex with you, it's rape. Silence is not consent. "Maybe" is not consent. You should always ask first to make sure.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

@1149111 (Your_Stalker): People, use your brain for a second and you'll find that obvious troll is obvious. Don't feed it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

well you could try i guess idk

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Hide yo kids, hide yo wives.....

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Sometimes, though, "statutory rapists" are like 20 yr olds who have consensual sex with 16 yr olds, but the 16 yr old whines about it and brings it to court. But whoever says someone "deserves" to be raped is a sick fuck.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

u mad?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Normally, I'd say, "no im jelly", but I'm not exactly jealous...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Can't forget that this issue is a two way street. Men have also fallen into the victim category... everyone on here so far has said she when referring to the victim.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I just re-read my post. I didn't!! ;D

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yes, though I was more referring to the comment box =P

by Anonymous 13 years ago

haha okay

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You wouldn't eat a moldy pie, why would you rape an ugly chick? the point here isn't that anybody deserves to be raped, but that looking attractive heightens your chance of being raped. thats what the post is about. and im sorry, but people rape them WHY??? BECAUSE THEY FIND THEM ATTRACTIVE!!! its not "eew, look at that heffer, lets rape them!" no, thats rediculous.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Marginal Physical Attractiveness does NOT determine rape.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

i hate to say it but um that isn't true Dweezle. Like someone up further on this page said its for power not because your attractive to them. also your idea of attractive could be ugly to someone else.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No. It's not like rapists go "Gee, that woman is so pretty l just drag her into an alley and rape her at gun point." Rape is not a crime of passion; it's a crime of violence.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Thats true. Any guy will call rape if shes a 2.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

we had a presentation in my health class on rape... rape is about power and control (sometimes revenge)-it is hardly ever about fulfilling sexual desires. wearing revealing clothes and getting a little tipsy is not a crime, but rape is. if you want to wear your sexy clothes, the fear of rape should not haunt you. nobody should ever be forced by someone into doing something they don't want to do. until people understand who is truly guilty and who did wrong, they shouldn't blame anyone...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

This has nothing to do with this post, but i like your user name.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Thanks dear!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

hey, no problem.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

1. Women CLAIM they were raped because they were drinking while dressed provocatively, and acting reckless. When they wake up and everyone knows they engaged in promiscuous activities, they claim rape. This statements excludes women who were truly raped, which is maybe 1% of the ones claiming it. 2. You also don't get shot because you decided to go on a healthy walk, but it definitely helps if you're white and decide to do it past midnight in the ghetto.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Who gives the fuck if they were drinking, dressed provocatively, acting reckless, or engaged in promiscuous activities? It doesn't matter if you rape a prostitute or a nun. Rape is Rape. It is completely the fault of the rapist. Always. Every time.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Rape is rape. That is a fact and people who "claim" to be raped have actually been raped. If someone has engaged in a sexual activity with you that you did not consent to, you have been raped. Facts are facts.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Exactly. It is not the victim's fault. It's the criminal's fault. The criminal should be blamed not the woman.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

This is all bullshit..

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I had repeated attempts of rape (against me; freshman year at college), also attempts of molestation (from age 8) by teenage boys. Unfortunately, one night, after about 30 minutes of physically fighting a beastly man, having first screamed NO STOP HELP, I was too weak, too tired, in too much pain from his fists.....my legs were forcibly pried open, despite my attempt to keep them c lenched!!!! It was IMMEDIATELY painful - this AWFUL STRANGER, even though I was no virgin (had no hymen to be torn, was 18, in 1985!) .........Then, he was erect for another go...and another,..then, he raped my THROAT!! ....Proceeded to my rectum!!! ....At some point, I (perhaps my "soul", my "being"? was on the ceiling, looking down watching, feeling no pain, waiting for the end......Eventually, he quit having more gos. But, he did NOT LEAVE!! He went to sleep...In fact, he farted in my face, as if to say "you're shit" even in his sleep!!......Smewhere in all of that, I died.....i was never the same again, but, hold on, I did not leave my dorm room for a coupld of days. I just spent the days and nights shaking, weeping, staring into space. There was a sink in every dorm room and so, at least I never had

by Anonymous 12 years ago

(too verbose I guess) .... There was a sink in every room - thank goodness I didn't have to {# 2}....I decided to try to get back to my life, as an el. ed. student at Pitt. Shower, get some FOOD, return to classes. As soon as I opened my door HE RUSHED ME AGAIN!! AS IF< HE"D BEEN HANGING AROUND THE HALLWAY< WAITING!! I had not gone to the police, because he convinced me he'd have someone kill me and now this. . . .I decided to kill myself.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Obviously, I'm not a ghost, so...but I did become a disabled and mentally ill person as a result. I felt even WORSE, back then, when i read in the Pittsburgh Press, that he'd raped 13 other girls at Pitt, in Lothrop Hall, and was in jail for it. It gets worse..... Days later, I read that he had been released due to a TECHNICALITY. Yet, still... ....I read later, one of his alleged victims killed herself. That much is my fault (for not telling) amirite?? :( :(

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yes, the bastard had told me his name: Darren G. and that he wasn't a student at all, but lived in his mother's basement in The Hill District. I saw hum again, in the later months, around that door. He talked to me - the nerve, yet, he wanted to be my boyfriend! I read many of your posts and many of you are dead wrong! You cannot tell me it wasn't because he DIDN'T think I was pretty and had a body! I was neither drunk, high, nor even outside at might alone! I was in my room at 2 in the morning! A bit of a friend, from across the hall, Shelly, called me saying that Dee and his cousin (her boyfriend) had missed the last bus to the Hill District and Dee needed to crash on my floor, other wise, Shelly and her boyfriend wouldn't be able to have sex. How you like me now.??? Because I was too stupid and said "well alright", I OPENED MY DOOR! UNLOCKED IT! Gave him a sheet and pillow, turned off my light and headed for my bed when all of a sudden, he JUMPED ME. I screamed no, I started punching back, but....30 minutes later... 30 years later, almost.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's 1:47 a,m, on 4/21/'12 here in Farrell. I'm past middle age now and still unemployable. i was fortunate enough to be blessed with two children, so, at least i have accomplished something. I can't hold a relationship to save my life. I'll leave you with this: after about 18 years of being obese from having to swallow fuckin' psychiatric pills because of Darren, aka, Dee, i was never once raped or even had it attempted. But, before Dee, when I was thin and pretty, I couldn't even walk the streets of Oakland or downtown without getting whistled at or even chased down the damn street! *P.S. -Many such prescriptions, whether antidepressants or antianxities, cause weight gain, or increased appetite. [the difference? you may ask? Only the list of side effects - some lists say "causes weight gain" and some lists say "causes increased appetite" I am sorry I did nothing, which might have kept him off the streets, but I DO hope none of you, whether male or female, EVER go through rape of ANY kind! Believe me, I wish it on no one, except one.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Btw, almost forgot to mention, I agree 100% with some of your points.

by Anonymous 12 years ago