-200 Man struck by lightening: Oh man I just survived a lightening attack! Atheist: I don't believe you, how come I didn't see it happen? Is there an article? A link? A picture? I've never seen it happen, so it must not be true. Why didn't I get struck by lightening? You think you're special, the chosen one? You'd be dead, those lost limbs could be just a coincidence. Amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I'd YYA this for a funny joke about skepticism...but you spelled lightning wrong.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'd YYA this if it was actually funny.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Mad, atheist?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No, just not impressed.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Precisely, thank you.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Sorry, wasn't trying to impress you.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

yeah...this is pretty disrespectful. and it's not even funny. what is up with all these disrespectful posts on the homepage?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

cause all the posts making fun of God and christians are respectful? Not so nice when the tables are turned, huh?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Well maybe if you guys didn't hurt people on a daily basis we wouldn't make fun of you. At least our arguments are valid, this is just terrible logic. Pretty pathetic that you have to make up something to make fun of someone where we can at least say the truth...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yeah missionaries are hurting everyone by educating them, feeding them and saving them from certain death. If that's your definition of evil, then I wonder how good you guys are! And I mean explain why an atheist who has never seen a person get struck by lightning believe the first guy who got struck by lightning? Aren't you all about verification and being able to repeat your studies? Just by arguing, you're making your point less valid.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

sorry I don't need a book or feel the need to threaten people with hell before I help them. Yeah I like true facts, you can tell someone got stuck by lightning with the technology we have today... I thought people knew that.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

So that technology was available when the first human being got struck by lightning? That's pretty awesome, what else do you want to exist back then that didn't? A rocket ship? Before you go assuming, you should try to understand the religion, no one is being threatened in order to help. The whole point is to help willingly. Meaning by your own choice. People who do missionary work aren't doing it because they're afraid of going to hell, they're doing it out of the goodness of their heart.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

So because we didn't have technology when the bible was written we should still believe the bible now even though we have proof that it is wrong ...that makes sense? I have no problem with the bible, but people need to realize that when things are proven true multiple times they should believe it, not a book that was written thousands of years ago. And then why is part of missionary work telling people that they will go to hell if they don't believe this. I volunteer without any strings attached

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Oh I'm sorry I forgot that evolution has been proven true, what about stories from the Bible that have been proven true? What about prophesies made in the Bible that have come to pass? How would you explain a perfect description of an atomic bomb, from a "book that was written thousands of years ago." Scientists NOW are saying that people in the old days were basically stupid and didn't know what they saw. That the scientists KNOW what the people from thousands of years ago saw. In a thousand years scientists will be talking about how they know what WE saw and that WE don't know what we're talking about. How can you rely on something that changes all the time? I'm pretty sure that everybody argued that the earth was flat, using the same argument you do now. Or maybe that the earth is the center of the universe.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You are making no sense...also on a side note the church killed people for believing the earth was round. Plus people made up stories that match the atomic bomb wayyyyyyyyy wayyyy wayyyyyyyy before Christianity. Ever read any of Greek mythology, there's a lot of coincidences between that and the bible. We call them myths...that is what we will be calling the bible soon.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Okay keep telling yourself that, then when we have new information telling us, there actually was no big bang, I'm sure you'll be the first to be calling everyone idiots for ever thinking there was such a thing as evolution.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The bible was written by the same people that thought the Earth was flat and in the centre of the universe...

by Anonymous 11 years ago

And I just told you that there are no strings attached. Depending on your denomination there might be rules that have been attached, but in the Bible it doesn't say, "Become a missionary or you will go to hell." In fact the one standard you have to meet is, believing in Jesus

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm not going keep doing it cause your arguments lack one important piece of information, logic. The only reason people believed that the earth was flat and that we roamed the earth with dinosaurs was because of the church. Also I know what a missionary is, I have done them. I never said I did them because I would go to hell if I didn't I said when people do missionary they are forced to tell 5 year old children that they will go to hell if they don't switch to Christianity. that's why now I help people with no strings attached. i help them rather or not the church believes they are going to hell or not, without telling them what they should be.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Wait, hold up! You obviously do NOT know what you're talking about... I forget who theorized the earth was flat, but http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geocentric_model take a look at that and gain a little bit of knowledge, please. Also you know about missionary, because you've done it in that position? How does that make any sense? I on the other hand have experienced missionary work, first hand! I used to live in Africa and I can assure you no one told me that I'd go to hell if I didn't become a Christian.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Okay, your stupid. On missionary work you have to teach kids the bible, in less you are in one of the very very few churches that don't. One of the happiest part of missionary work is when you "save" the people there. Secondly THE CHURCH CONDONED PEOPLE TO DEATH IF THEY SAID THE SUN DIDN'T REVOLVE AROUND US! You just gave me a source to prove you wrong right in that article you so believe proves you right...dumb.You need to go back to a real school sweetheart:)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Umm, I guess people read what they want... did you completely skip the part where there are no Churches that theorized any of it? The whole Aristotle, Ptolemy thing, they're not priests right there. That was their theory. Not the churches. The church supported the scientists and it turned out that they're wrong. So why should Churches keep believing scientists? They'll probably be wrong again... and so the Church loses faith in scientists. There goes your argument out the window. You're so snarky about your stupidity, it's incredible. You just said one of the happiest moments is when they save the people, but then you're talking about how they force them. If you know so much about the Church, you should know you can't force someone to be saved and that they don't try to force them to convert... they teach them, so the people can make the choice on their own, thus being saved.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

honey, you make no sense at all. Put down the bible and go out into the real world or at least pick up a history book.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I love how you're trying to belittle me. You have strayed from the main point of the argument (like an undisciplined dog), so I'll cut your leash so you can frolic in your field of idiocy and rot in your own ignorance. What you're arguing with me is a lesson you can get in an intro to astronomy class (which I'm a tutor and TA of) a class for freshman in college. That's the most basic class you can take and you obviously don't know it. Continuing to argue with you is as pointless as trying to educate a rock.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yeah, I'm not an athiest. And my bad for pointing out it was disrespectful. Just because most of the religion posts on amirite are disprespectful doesn't make it okay for any one of them to be. It was wrong in the first place, it's still wrong now. No one should be making fun of any religion.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Atheism isn't a religion

by Anonymous 13 years ago

My bad. No one should be making fun of anyone's religious decisions or anti-religious beliefs.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

This just isn't even true at all.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

just like 99% of the posts that bash other religions

by Anonymous 13 years ago

What isn't true? An atheists wouldn't be skeptical of someone getting struck by lightning?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No. If someone has burns and was obviously struck by lightning, athiests would clearly believe it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago


by Anonymous 13 years ago

This just isn't even true at all.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I thought this was funny. It only has so many reds because you made the mistake of posting on a site with a majority of butthurt atheists.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No, not really. I'm an atheist, but I'm not butthurt. This just isn't true outright. We don't need documentation for everything or measurements from instruments. Science is way closer to religion than one would think. Some things, we just have faith in that they're true, like the big bang theory. We have little to no evidence of it ever happening, but we still believe in that theory. It's the same with any religion.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Which essentially goes against everything... we need proof and authentication on everything, EXCEPT the biggest thing to ever happen to the universe... that one, we'll just have faith on that one. Where is the consistency?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Did you not read the comment? "We don't need documentation for everything or measurements from instruments." The thing is, we believe in the big bang because there's cosmic microwave background radiation, which comes from the superheated hydrogen plasma coming from a rapid and extremely hot expansion of the universe. Also, galaxies are moving away from each other. This means they must have come from one place, they can't just have always been moving away from each other. There's a lot of evidence to support the theory, but we'll never be able to prove it because there's no way to go back to the beginning when everything was just a singularity.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

People don't explain their whole existence by the man struck by lightning.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Lolololol at mad athiests. They'd love to YYA a bash about christianity though!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

"They'd love to YYA a bash about christianity though!" Fuck, you could say the same thing about Christians/religious. A post bashing religion would get support from the Atheists, a post bashing Atheists would get support from the religious; not a coincidence you voted YYA on this. Stop making it as if double standards only exist on one side; this world isn't black and white. it's pathetic and it's annoying.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

on this site, yes, for the most part there is double standards. Someone was to make a post "You love God, amirite?" It would be ultra negative with people commenting disrespectful things, while if someone posted "You don't believe in God, amirite?" It would probably be pretty positive and have the same nasty comments about religious people.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Haha as long as it's just about the extremist Atheists, then I'm fine. I think it'd just make more sense under the joke category instead of the life category.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Hey, guy has burns proof for me(i'm an atheist) where are the burns that prove Jesus lived the bible HA

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The burns that prove he LIVED? You can not believe that he is the son of God if you want, but to claim that he was never ALIVE is just plain stupid.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Pics or it didnt happen

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Welll...technically everyone can see lightning happen in a storm, and hear the thunder afterwards (unless you're blind/deaf). Not to rain on anyone's parade or anything.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

As delightful as your pun was, it didn't ruin this post at all, in fact it strengthened it. Everyone can see it, but unless they've SEEN it strike the ground, then anyone who uses common sense would assume it never touches the ground. So the first guy to get struck by lightning wouldn't find ANY atheist that would believe him. Because they're so logical and no one else in the world is.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Huh? How does it touching the ground have anything to do with the fact that everyone can still see it in the sky? Even if people don't see it hit the ground they'd still believe that it existed, they just wouldn't know it had the ability to hit the ground. That's like saying an atheist believed in god, they just didn't know he could come down to earth. Aaaand I'm pretty sure atheists don't believe in god at all.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

How does your question make any sense at all? If lightning doesn't touch the ground, then how would a person get struck? The person who watches lightning from far would just believe that lightning was something that happened in the sky and the only chance of you getting in contact with it would be if you were up there in the middle of the air....

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Exactly. He would believe that lightning existed, he just wouldn't know how it worked. Atheists do not believe in god at all; they do not think he is in the sky or anywhere else for that matter. The person who saw the lightning would believe that it existed, they just wouldn't know it had the ability to hit the ground.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I understand the point of view you're looking it at, but I'm talking about thinking of it as the possibility that the lightning could strike a human being as being God instead of the lightning existing. Because no one can deny that lightning does exist, we all see it. But the first people who saw it probably didn't think that it would even come close to the ground.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I hate how so many people(I almost said everyone, lulz) generalize when it comes to religion. Just because there are Christian extremists doesn't mean that everyone who is Christian is hurting people. Just like how there are Muslim radicals, but also some good Muslim people.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yeah I agree with that statement.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

A real atheist: I can see that you are badly burned and have missing arms and legs so yes I believe you were struck by lightening. Atheist don't need an article or whatever to make them believe something is true. I'm atheist and I never read an article or anything I just believe it because it makes the most sense to me. It might not to you, but your a different person.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(I+am+Awwwesome): How does this atheist know what the effects of lightning are? I mean this is supposed to be the first lightning attack in the world.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You just can not be this dumb lol. Lightning would have struck tons of things before ever hitting a person, I'm pretty sure primitive humans knew what the "effects" of lightning were before there was an articulate language. So an atheist(btw this label means absolutely nothing about a person besides that they do not believe that a god or gods exist, other than that they all have nothing in common, most atheists are drawn to science for facts, logic, and reason but there are a variety of people and they are all different). So any fucking person would see this poor chap with his lightning wound and be like "holy shit, that bright stuff that hits trees and causes fire probably hit you huh?" KickAss, kick your own ass please.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Oh so you are saying lightning is the only thing that causes fire? Burn marks can only come from lightning attacks. Right! That makes so much more sense, than assuming the guy is crazy and probably burned himself. Your whole argument is so idiotic and you think you've won this argument with your cunty little pun shit? Telling me to kick my own ass is the best that you could think of? That is one of the most pathetic insults anyone has ever used on me. I just cannot be that dumb? So you're saying if someone gets burned and they tell you a lightning struck them, you're just going to be like, "Herpa derpa yes, that must be it."?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Why did all the atheists no way this? If someone had been struck by lightning, and I didn't witness it, and the effects of lightning strike had never been documented I'd be skeptical. Only fools would believe something without any proof...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Mobile wont let me change vote right now but funny joke. Now i just look like some hard ass whos just like "NUHUH THUS AINT TRU. GRABLLHSKAKFBSKSNF"

by Anonymous 11 years ago

The ignorance in this post... An atheist does not have to see to believe something. I've never seen cells divide, but I still believe it happens. I've never seen Jesus, but I still believe he existed. All the evidence we have makes those things make sense. But I do not believe in the god of the Bible. When comparing how accurate Christianity is to how accurate other religions are, you will find that they are all pretty much equally valid. How can you choose between different religious theories when they're all equally credible? At least with science, you've always got one theory that is the most accepted. It might always be a different theory, but you have to test and retest to find out what the truth is. Religion never improves, but science is always expanding.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

On your last sentence, religion isn't static. It evolves too, mainly because the world around it evolves too.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I can't think of a religion, as a whole, that has really changed too much, not as far as what they believe about their god and how we got here anyway. All I've seen is new denominations of the same religion form. Hell, if something new arises, whole religions form out of nowhere sometimes.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Well religons are based on a central set of beliefs, that's the whole essece of it. But our understanding of them evolves over time as new culturesor philosophies develop. Religio changes are never the paradigm shifting revolutions that science goes through, but they evolve nonetheless.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

That's an awful comparison...we actually know that people can get struck by lightning and live; we've seen it happen.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

This is for before we knew it and saw it.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

This post displays such a low understanding of an atheist mindset.

by Anonymous 11 years ago


by Anonymous 11 years ago

People can survive being struck by lightning. I'm confused on one thing though, why is the implication that Atheists are the only ones that would question that. Almost everyone I know, that is religious, would still question that event if there wasn't proof.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

woah woah hey guys i love all of you, regardless of race or religion or sexual orientation. and for those who don't bash on people's personal beliefs, there are cookies waiting for you somewhere. less hate more love guys. unless you're a murderer. no love for murderers.

by Anonymous 11 years ago