+266 Doctors should have to get 100% on their final exam in order to practice. It'd be horrible if somebody came in with the only illness they didn't know about and there's nobody else around to deal with it, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Surgeons should. But there's no way you can expect a pediatrician to know every disease. That's the whole point of specialty doctors.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The op is talking about within their specialty... why would a pediatrician be tested about other fields s/he won't practice?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Yeah, think about what you're asking these people to do. They are only human

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That's why doctors have colleagues and literature to consult.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

...then we'd have no doctors...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's called a second opinion...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I can see what the post is saying about the 100% thing. Sure, they may get a passing 95% on the final exam, but what about when they get 95% correct during an operation? Imagine how much that 5% incorrect could screw up a person. "...Oops. There goes their eyesight. Ah well, I got most of it right."

by Anonymous 13 years ago

There's always the internet

by Anonymous 13 years ago

ive always thought about if they cheated on their exams and copied their friends homework.... you dont wanna get brain surgery on a guy that cheated his way through med school.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

good lucky finding doctors then

by Anonymous 13 years ago

There's usually more than one doctor in a clinic, they have online medical systems to connect them to others in the area, and they usually have systems for such cases (Ie, sending a message about the symptoms to another doctor).

by Anonymous 13 years ago