-63 At school it would be OK to have a gay rights club but you would get in trouble for making a straight rights club, how exactly is that fair? Everyone has their beleifs, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You're not discriminated against and judged for being straight. You already have rights that gays dont, so actually life isnt fair for gays. But its pretty fair that they can be allowed to have a club trying to stand uo for there rights.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

But it's not fair that straight people aren't allowed to have a club, because then it would be considered homophobic. Just like blacks/latinos/asians can have a club for their race when whites can't. I'm not saying it's necessary to have a club for straight people, but it definitely should be allowed.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I understand the arguments about racial clubs because at this point, there are pretty much equal rights for all races. There aren't, however, equal rights for gays. There was a time when it was acceptable to be openly racist, but that time is through in America. However, most people in schools still feel that it's completely acceptable to judge someone for their sexual orientation, and so those who are being bashed have a right to form organizations to promote themselves, because they're trying to rise enough to be seen as equals. Not to mention, most gay pride groups are GSAs (Gay-straight alliances), which could not send a clearer message of equality.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

equal rights for all races? wrong.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I understand that, and I'm not bashing gays, I'm very much a supporter of gay rights all I'm saying is that since gays can have their club, straight people should too. To me, that's a sign of equal treatment. Gays being allowed to have their clubs when straight people aren't, in my opinion, is giving gays special treatment to make up for the discrimination they endure.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

you could join any other club. When people are being discriminated against the atleast deserve a club where they can be around others that understand and where they can promote there rights.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That still doesn't justify why straight people can't have a club without being accused of prejudice.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I think it's called the Gay Straight Alliance

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Amnesty International, join it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's kind of like having a white student association instead of a black student association. There's no real purpose, since white people aren't discriminated against and don't need to do whatever it is that the black student association is. Also, you can always join a gsa. They include everyone.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(different anonymous): Whites actually are somewhat discriminated against, like all races are sometimes. [i.e. black-only schools, scholarships] But, I do agree with a straight rights club being unnecessary.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(different anonymous): White people are very discriminated against, you just may not see it where you live.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

(different anonymous): Aren't student associations just for celebrating culture? So why can't white people celebrate theirs? It's stupid. Not that that many people actually care, but still. However, a straight club wouldn't make sense, because there's nothing to give straight people. We already have our rights, what would the club even do?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I feel like whites are discriminated against often, but they can't. Really stand up for themselves or support a white club because they'd be considered racist because usually white people (back in the day) were the ones discriminating. No one will ever let go of the past and think about now. I find that blacks often discrimnate against whites and whites can't do anything about it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

1. Most gay clubs allow "straight without hate" members. 2. What precisely, do you mean by "straight rights"? Are there any rights currently available to homosexuals that aren't to heterosexuals, or any to same-sex couples that aren't to opposite-sex? 3. Gay rights is able inclusion, not exclusion. It's to provide a safe environment from bullying in schools, and working to help gay student have a future where they won't be discriminated against. 4. Just as gay clubs at school in no way discriminate against straight people, and even welcome them, I assume that any straight club would in no way discriminate against gay people, in which case why would you not be allowed to have one based on "beliefs"?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

In some areas, straight people can't get a civil union because they are heterosexual. That's not fair.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I agree, that's not fair, if that area allows same-sex couples to get a civil union, but not opposite-sex. And, as a gay person who believes in equality not just for myself, but for others, I would want those legal rights available to heterosexual couples too. But, I'd venture to say that double standard isn't typical - and, I kinda thought OP was saying something like "Straight rights is about keeping relationship/marriages between a man and woman sacred" which isn't any groups rights - it's just hate and oppression.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

i agree with everything you said there except the last part where you said gays welcome straights? i only know maybe 4 or 5 gay people but they pretty much all hate straight guys, based on the actions of other guys.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I know a whole group of gay or bisexual people, and not one of them hates people who are straight.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You always have those hostile people, but I know some bi/gay people and they are sweethearts/not discriminatory or hostile to straights. If they're mean, it's because they're assholes and not their sexual orientation.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

i suppose though, that straight people have all their rights already, so there is no need. as long as they didnt discriminate against gay people, the way gay groups dont discriminate against straight people.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You don't really need a "straight rights club" seeing as we already have rights but I do agree that you should be able to make one if people are allowed to have "gay rights club".

by Anonymous 13 years ago

How about a PEOPLES rights club?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Way to leave inanimate objects out. They have rights too.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

What about.. ummm... a Noun Rights Club??

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm an adverb, and I'm offended. -Quickly

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Hey! Whoa! Interjections!! -Ugh

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I like it :)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Just a question; why do straights need more support and rights? We already have more rights and in, most places, more socially acceptable than homosexual people. I don't understand why straight people need a rights club. Unless you're saying straights still deserve more right than gays, which means either taking more things away from homosexuals or granting more rights to heterosexuals.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Discrimination is a story of overcompensation.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

* I before E except after C * - beliefs.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

If this straight rights club was to be formed, I wonder how their first meeting would go. What would they talk about?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Their repressed homosexuality, which I'm sure most people who went to that club would have.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

you can join the gsa it's a gay STRAIGHT alliance. they only way you need you own club is if you didn't accept gays, which then you break the rule of giving everyone equal rights.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Hmmm...yes and while we are at it let's make a club for people with brown hair. It hurts my little ol' feelings when people tell me blondes have more fun. I have fun too gosh darn it!!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Stop complaining people!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Does anyone really have a "gay rights" club? Mostly you see Gay-Straight alliances. But, seriously, what the heck would you even talk about in a "straight" club?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

what exactly would you do in a straight rights club?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's stupid to have a gay rights club. Gay Straight alliance is the best. if you want to TALK about equality you have to HAVE equality. And the Gay Straight alliance isn't even a great name. there is so much more than gays and straights... it's LGBTTQQ* or something like that. At my school we call it open alliance. But a straight rights club sounds bad because it sounds like it would be a bunch of homophobes sitting around bragging about the heterosexuality. I am all for straight people, even if they hate me and many of my friends for who we are. And while there are a shitload of people in the LGBT* community who go overboard with the straight hate there are 58135185735321628 others who think they're stupid to ask people they bash for rights.. Straight people suck. LGBT people suck. White people suck. Black people suck. Asians suck. People suck. suckage isn't racist or sexist ect. but neither is awesomness.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

This post was sadly stupid. A straight club would be so boring xP

by Anonymous 13 years ago

In my school I tried to make a club for white history, but my principal told me all I need to do is join an American History class.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Straight people aren't persecuted.

by Anonymous 12 years ago