+226 You're disappointed that Google didn't change their logo for 4/20, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Maybe, they'd intended to, but got so high & forgot? 0:

by Anonymous 13 years ago

"I was gonna change the logo of Google for 4/20, but then I got high..."

by Anonymous 13 years ago

They did change the logo, but you had to be celebrating 4/20 to see it...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That was funnier than the post. =)

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Celebrating Hitler's birthday is in bad taste. Sorry Adolf!

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Ummm, I'm pretty sure that's not what the OP means.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I'm not, because i'm not 13.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Not really; 1, I hate weed 2, why is there a holiday? Most people smoke every day or at least once a week (yes I fucking KNOW that not every smokes this frequently, but most do) so why would there be a holiday? It'd be pointless and it'd be like having Thanksgiving everday. Eventually, it wouldn't be a holiday because it'd happen too often.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

4/20 originated because people would light up at around 4:20 in the morning or 4:20 in the afternoon after they got off of work/school. That's why it makes sense to have the national weed smoking holiday on the date 4/20.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

No, actually, it doesn't. Like I said, most people do it everyday, so why is it neccesary to have a holiday for it?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

You kind of have to be a stoner to know why.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Still unecessary, none the less.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

The term was allegedly coined by a group of teenagers in San Rafael, California in 1971.[2][3] Calling themselves the Waldos, because "their chosen hang-out spot was a wall outside the school,"[4] the group first used the term in connection to a fall 1971 plan to search for an abandoned cannabis crop that they had learned about.[5] The Waldos designated the Louis Pasteur statue on the grounds of San Rafael High School as their meeting place, and 4:20 p.m. as their meeting time.[4] The Waldos referred to this plan with the phrase "4:20 Louis". Multiple failed attempts to find the crop eventually shortened their phrase to simply "4:20", which ultimately evolved into a codeword the teens used to mean pot-smoking in general.[5] High Times Creative Director Steven Hager was the first person to track down the Waldos and publish their account of the origins of the term. Hager wrote "Are You Stoner Smart or Stoner Stupid?" (October 1998) in which he called for 4:20 p.m. to be the socially acce

by Anonymous 13 years ago

epted hour of the day to consume cannabis. "I believe 420 is a ritualization of cannabis use that holds deep meaning for our subculture," wrote Hager. "It also points us in a direction for the responsible use of cannabis."

by Anonymous 13 years ago