+92 It bothers you when people use adjectives instead of adverbs, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

How are you? I am good. ono

by Anonymous 12 years ago

"I am good" is correct. "I am doing good" would be incorrect.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

No. It's "well". It's not "are you a good person", it's how you ARE, a verb.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

If you google "I am good" or "I am well" it will tell you all you need to know, that "I am good" is correct. I would love to explain why, but I am tired. Alright, I'll explain. The good/well isn't modifying the verb. If you had it as "I am well", then it would mean that you exist well, just like if you said "I smell well". It is modifying the word "I".

by Anonymous 12 years ago

No. "I am good" is like saying "I am pretty". No. That's not the kind of good that you want to portray. "I am well" is like saying "I am sick" or "I am tired" or "I am happy". It's the same as "How are you doing?" "Well." It's the same as "How have you been?" "Well." And no, it's not just describing the pronoun //I//, it's answering the question //how//, which is always answered by an adverb. If you asked Superman, however, "Are you good?" he could say "Yes, I am very good, I'm the nicest of them all" because in this case it is true. Normally, you don't tell random people that your intentions are good and you're a kind person. No. You tell them HOW you are at the moment.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

http://grammar.quickanddirtytip...rsus-well.aspx http://motivatedgrammar.wordpre...e-is-nonsense/ First two results that aren't forums when I search "I am good". I can already tell that neither of us are going to see the other's point of view, and you very well may be right, but everything that I have found has said that "I am good" is acceptable, as well as several English teachers telling me the same. Alright, ignore that wordpress blog. It doesn't seem as credible as I first though.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Americans also think "Did you do good on the test?" and "Let's see where we're at" is correct. My American English teacher says that and I fucking hate that. The whole country, even, thinks this all is normal. So finding a thousand articles written by those same Americans proves nothing. Dictionaries themselves are being changed because of all the incorrect usage of words. They've added "adverb" as a secondary definition of //good// in an American online dictionary. ono No. But thanks for the polite argument.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Well, I would like to point out that you said that the language itself is changing. That is just the evolution of language. So if dictionaries say that "good" is an adverb now, then it is, regardless of whether it was incorrect at first. Languages change, words are given different meanings, and new words are added. That doesn't make the new usage wrong.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Alright, after discussing it with other people, I think you are technically right. But, it should be noted that grammar nitpicking like that is generally considered a lot less acceptable than saying "I'm good." So just don't act on your frustrations in real life and you should be good y

by Anonymous 12 years ago