+132 Those kids on the commercials really shouldn't be lacing Trix cereal with LSD, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's false advertising ._.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Technically, the rabbit doesn't even get any of the Trix, so lacing it with LSD would only affect the kids, not the rabbit, leaving the reasons for the rabbits behavior unexplained.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

True...very true. I don't understand why they never give the rabbit Trix. I mean, his name is the Trix Rabbit. You wouldn't say to Cap'n Crunch, "Sorry Cap'n Crunch. You can't eat Cap'n Crunch. We don't know why, but you just can't eat your own cereal." At least Lucky puts up a fight for his cereal; sometimes he has it and sometimes the kids get it. And Cuckoo chooses not to eat the cereal. I feel sorry for the Rabbit.

by Anonymous 12 years ago