+550 It's always frustrating when you do something super awesome that is practically impossible to repeat, and ask, "Did you see that?" and your friend replies, "No, what?", amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

inb4 comment of random awesome thing no one saw

by Anonymous 13 years ago

build a time macne so you can take them back and show them

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Once I was swinging on a swing next to my BFF and she started txting someone and I stood up on the swing, jumped off, flipped in the air, ninja rolled onto the ground, got up and did a front handspring and I turned around and my friend was still texting and I was like... *face palm*

by Anonymous 12 years ago

awh :C haha that's awful! but yah, that's the kinda ish i'm talking about. aha, it sucks!

by Anonymous 12 years ago