+173 People argue over when corporal punishment is necessary for your children. The rule should be: When your child gets physical, you get physical. amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Ie: When your child throws something at you, then you can grab them by the collar and toss them in their room. Or if you try to take away their game as a punishment for not doing chores, if they grab it and don't let go, then you can yank it away/smack them upside the head.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I thought you meant like they throw something at you, you then throw it back but not too hard you know

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Perhaps... I'm not sure why, but I'm on the fence for that. That might teach the kid that you must always retaliate to an attack, even if it's not in self defense. I used to do exactly what you described with my siblings, and now, the fights are endless and abusive. I've not sure if it's my fault or they're just little monsters, but... Personally I want to disagree with my own post, since I think it'd be nicer to just slap the kid upside the head if they misbehave, but that's a hard thing to describe/limit in law <|D There has to be a certain point where physical punishment is 'allowed'.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I think kids should just be slapped when they misbehave too. Not for everything, but like... when I was little, like little little, I told my mom fuck you so she gave me a backhand on my mouth (obviously not THAT hard but hard enough). Another, my mom told me not to play with my grandma's glass... something, icr, and I look her in the eye and what do I do? I drop it and laugh. So she spanked me.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yes, those two acts deserve physical punishment, in my opinion. BUT BOO HOO, LAWS AND fluffy overboding mothers that think time outs work just as well. D:>

by Anonymous 12 years ago

personally when i acted up I got spanked by both of my parents. I found it weird though because there was constantly a belt on the closet doorknob in my parents room but they never used it just their hands

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

...I love you.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I came here just to say that.

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

If your kid does try to do the things in these comments, he/she should have got more spankings to begin with

by Anonymous 12 years ago

My parents would spank me as a last resort, if I did something an then they told me not to, and I did it again I got spanked

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I kind of think the opposite. If the kid is doing something bad enough and won't mind you then I think you should spank them but I think if you spank them for getting violent it just seems more like retaliation instead of punishment.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Depends on the age of the child in question.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I voted no way, but just because as a parent, you can be physical whenever you want. You're child tells you to fuck off, you got my respect even if you slap them upside the head.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

My dad only used to scare me the hell out with his "GO GET THE BELT!!" and I would cry my ass off just of the thought of it, and when I gave him the belt he barely even touched me, he was just trying to scare me and it worked ._. I will never go physical with my parents because I respect them way too much, and I know they will never go physical with me because they respect me too.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I kind of agree, but disagree at the same time. I think if a kid hits a parent the parent should yell and punish them ("time out"). But if a kid deliberately breaks something or touches something, a slap in the hand would do. Hitting a kid for hitting you is just teaching them violence, while for some reason it seems that hitting their hand for, like I said, breaking or touching is more off a "hands off!" type of action.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Spare the rod, hate the child. There has to be a level of respect and a little fear towards the parent. That's why there are no words a mom can use that are more powerful than, "I'm gonna tell your dad."

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I absolutely agree. Nothing scared me more than my mom saying, "go tell your father what you did". I always had a lot of respect for my parents as a child, because they were really tough on me when it mattered. Nowadays, it seems people are less likely to beat their kids when they need it, so they do not have that same fear/respect for their parents. I see the results of this everyday, and it is not looking good. 

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Exactly! Society is making it acceptable for the child the control the parent, rather than vice versa.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That's why they invented child leashes.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

What's your position on oven-related punishments?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Well, it depends on if you plan on eating the child afterwards. Who would waste perfectly good meat?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

so you're basically teaching your children that violence solves problems..... um no

by Anonymous 12 years ago

WWII: being won without violence since 1945

by Anonymous 12 years ago

well i don't agree with war either but that's a different story

by Anonymous 12 years ago

true' it's sort of apples and oranges, but saying that violence doesn't solve problems is, well...false.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I have mostly black close friends and like two white ones. Once we were talking about that tv show where parents are actually scared of their children because their kids hit them. My black friends and I were all laughing at the idea of even CONSIDERING treating your parents like that, and then one of my white friends (who, admittedly, is kind of a brat) said, 'My mom doesn't hit me 'cause she knows I'd hit her back!' The rest of us were in shock for a full minute before we started laughing our asses off.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Turns out, the bitch was serious.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Well, she's got issues.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yup. She's Jewish, i don't know if that has anything to do with this...

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I feel that hitting your kid when ever the do something bad is the way to go, because that way they will not do anything for fear of the consequences. That is the same way I feel that society and the justice system should work. If every time someone kill, rapes, steals something they get a buck shot to the face no one would do anything for fear of the consequences. But that's just my opinion.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

If your kid is even considering putting their hands on you and they're above the age of 3, you're failing as a parent. I don't think a kid should get spanked for everything but there are some behaviors that a kid has to know aren't acceptable in no uncertain terms. There is nothing uncertain about a whoopin'. NO parent should have to physically fight their teenager. That's ridiculous.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

My mom used to hit me with a wooden spoon when I was naughty... Half of the time it was for backchatting, and it worked. So... No.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The older the child is, the less you should use it. Assuming you DID use physical punishment when they were a young child, you shouldn't have to when they grow older.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

When they're younger, little pats when they purposefully disrespect you are okay. When they're that young, they test you and tout your authority all the time. As they get older and respect you more, less violence is necessary. You can use more punishments like time-out, groundings, forced apologies, etc. I was still occaisionally spanked in addition to being grounded when I got in trouble, and it worked out for me. It all depended on what I did. I learned not to backtalk, and to not destroy stuff just because I could.

by Anonymous 12 years ago