+568 Your parents insist on talking all through your favorite TV shows, but if you say one word during theirs you get harshly shushed, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

Omg that happens all the time for me (Me watching t.v.) Mom: Hey what do you want to eat? Me: I don't know I don't really care. (Notices that I'm watching t.v.) Mom: What are you watching Me: Victorious Mom: Oh who that girl Me: Victoria Ju- Mom: Who that? What are they doing? Are you aloud to watch this? (Mom watching t.v.) Me: Mo- Mom: SSSSSSSSSSHHHHHH!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Mine do it to piss me off... (watching Glee) dad: Hey is that one Rachel? me: yes.. dad: She's annoying. why does she open her mouth like that when she's singing? Do you think she's lip syncing? Why's that guy in a wheelchair? Who's that one? Where's Sue Sylvester? She's really funny. Who's your favorite character? Is that one gay? Who does he like? Does he like that guy? Why aren't they going out? Who's she going out with? Does she like him? Why does she always have her cheerleading uniform on? Man, Rachel has a really big nose- me:SHHHH! dad: How dare you shh me? You're grounded!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

My dad does that when we watch Harry Potter. Him: Who's that? Me: That's Neville. He's awesome. Him: What'd he do? Me: Just now? He stunned a Death Eater. Him: What's a Death Eater? Me: One of Voldemort's followers. Him: Is Voldemort the bad guy? Me: Obviously. Now, shh! Him: Why? You've watched it a gazillion times.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

oh my god i hate my parents when they do that... like STFU IM WATCHING TV im marrying Neville Longbottom

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Hey kids don't have any right to complain. Get your own TV.

by Anonymous 5 years ago

The people who own the house can do what they want, sounds like it is time for you to get a job and get your own place and Tv.

by Anonymous 5 years ago