+199 God only puts problems into your life to prove how strong you are, but sometimes you wish he'd move on to proving how strong the next person is, because you're tired of your life being so crappy, amirite?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That's what I was thinking about yesterday! I was like "Okay, if I'm being tested, wouldn't God know when I've had enough!" ya know what i'm sayin'?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

maybe the answer is that God's not doing anything to you. Because he doesn't exist.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Can you prove that? I mean how do I know you exist? AMIRITE?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

It's a little thing called science, Sweetie.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

How does science prove he doesn't exist? I mean, I personally don't think he does (at least not in a fatherly, all knowing, manipulating every human life sort of way) but I don't think that anything in science, or anything else for that matter, can definitively prove that.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

can you prove he does exist? nope sorry u can't. and i can prove i exist with one simple line..."i think therefore i am"

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Ooooh, a Rene Descartes quote. Now; logically explain how that proves that you exist, & follow that up with a logical antithesis to the existence of any spiritual life. Like this: The existence of the individual is proved by the fact that the individual can question it's own existence: If something was never there, it would never wonder if it ever was there. But because we ARE in fact here, we have the ability to recognize ourselves & also to question ourselves. Recognizing facts & questioning facts is a process commonly known as thinking. So then, because we think, we are. As far as spiritual life goes; you are right-but wrong. There is no scientific evidence of any God, nor of any hell, nor of any soul. Christians say that there IS proof, because there is a kind of proof that does not fall under scientific evidence. Faith. Science can err, but people tend to feel that it is 100% correct. Faith applies this certainty to unproved entities (God, the soul, & hell).

by Anonymous 13 years ago

to prove that something is 100% certain you need proof, faith lacks that.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

That's the beauty of it. It's a risk, a chance; like telling a friend a secret, or asking out your crush. Faith is believing in what we hope for and being certain of what we do not see. There is no evidence, but sometimes you need to believe something without evidence. Would you tell a friend a secret without being 100% certain that they wouldn't tell anyone? Would you ask someone out without being 100% certain that they would say yes? Of course. Faith is just taking that same unproven belief and applying it to matters of eternal importance, like God's forgiveness and mercy.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

your mixing up faith and hope, hope is believing in something you know has a chance of failure, faith is just believing that something is true no matter what having hopes a risk, having faith isnt a risk inside the person's mind

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Hope is a feeling; a desire for something to happen. Faith is believing in what we hope for; it's more than a feeling, it's certainty in the highest degree, but based upon hope instead of facts. Would faith with doubt still be faith? No; that's what makes it faith. But looking at it from an analytical perspective, it's much riskier than hope because of how much certainty we put into it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

yea i guess faith is like extreme hope lol, well, thats the end of that, came to a answer without anyone going OMG U CAN'T PROVE HE DOES EXIST/DOESNT lol.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Not necessarily to prove your strength; maybe to prove your endurance, or to build your strength. And remember Job from the old testament. Crappiest life ever, and all of that happened to him in one day. He persevered and was blessed for it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

that story was retarded, didn't god completely fuck him over just to prove a point to satan?

by Anonymous 13 years ago

God allowed Satan to do his worst to Job (who had lived a righteous life), and Job despaired, crying out to God for justice. Then a friend of Job's pointed out God's omnipotence, and how nothing bad we do can harm God and nothing good we do can give us authority over him, and how God is perfect and no matter what our circumstances are, God deserves our praise.God then spoke to Job and showed him that God does that which man cannot possibly dream of doing, and is Just in all that He does & man cannot tell God what justice we deserve. Job repented and God blessed him with twice as much as he had before. "The Lord blessed the latter part of Job's life more than the first." Job 42:12 That was the long answer. The short answer is yes, but it proved a point not only to Satan, but to everyone afterwards who might despair and question God's justice, or think that they deserve anything for the way they had lived.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

God is not perfect because evil is present' Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? then he is not omnipotent, is he able to prevent evil, but not willing? then he is not a benevolent god, if he is able and willing to prevent evil then he must not be aware of it and is therefore not omniscient. -Epicurus fuck you and your false god

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Just because he chooses to not prevent something does not mean that he is not able. Would you want a God who struck people down when they sinned? A God who didn't allow people the choice of following him or not? God gives us a choice; he loves us enough to let us reject him and then to forgive us when we decide that he deserves some of our time. God will make everything perfect in time, but he lets us choose to be with him or to live separately from him in the meantime. Just know that God loves you : ) I'll answer any other questions you have if you want me to.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

u missed the second line. he is not the GOOD god that u put all your trust in if he allows evil to be present in the world when he can stop it.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

He created a perfect world, but because humans wanted power, and because Lucifer wanted power, humans and some angels fell from perfection. God instantly condemned the rebellious angels to eternity of punishment for rejecting him, but was good enough to show us mercy. The goodness of God is found in his mercy, grace, love, and tolerance of the Sin that man and fallen angel brought into the world. Can we call him evil for letting us exist in the condition which we brought upon ourselves? Everyone has sinned, and that separates us from God, but God provided means for our salvation by taking our punishment upon himself when he died on the cross. If someone constantly rejected you for thousands or millions of years, would you still love them? God has been rejected by his own creation for as long as we have been around, but he loves us just the same, and that makes him much more than good, it makes him perfect.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

first things first, the rebellion story is totally wrong. satan fell from the heavens because he refused to Love and bow down to Adam(humans) because he loved God and the angels to much and wouldn't bow to inferior beings. and if your saying everyone is a sinner automatically, then what's the point of ethics/morals? if were fucked anyway, who gives a shit amirite? and for final: God cannot love everyone and everything, if he truly loved us no matter what, why does he threaten and input the punishment of eternal suffering on those who merely disagree with him. little bit harsh for a "loving" god, but im done with this discussion, i know the answer will probably just be "jesus sacrificed himself for us!" always dead end answers when it comes to religion

by Anonymous 13 years ago

First things first, you seem an educated person, respectable, who has done their research. I appreciate this. However, your story is flawed. If God Is perfect, all-powerful and all-knowing, would he make his creations bow down to something which he knew was going to fall? If he was perfect and all-knowing, he wouldn't. If Lucifer really fell because he was not willing to bow to Adam, he would be more Righteous than God, who tempted his creations to bow to another (imperfect) creation. If Lucifer's more perfect, why would it be him and not God that now tempts others? Satan fell for trying to set himself higher than God. I agree with you on the matter of ethics/morals, with one slight deviance: we are not automatically sinners. At birth, we are as a clean slate, but later; when we know right form wrong, we all make a decision to do wrong. Finally, God doesn't threaten us with death and punishment for disagreeing with him. He offers us love while we are still si...

by Anonymous 13 years ago

He offers us love while we are still sinners, forgiving us whenever we repent, showing us his plans for us that we may live and live life to the fullest. WE turn our backs on HIM and separate ourselves from Him, and so He, being a perfect God, cannot allow imperfection into his presence and must make the separation which we chose a permanent one. Has God ever denied anyone forgiveness? No. Was it God or Man which brought mortality upon the human race? Humans chose to eat the forbidden fruit, even after living in the presence of God since they were created. Can we "merely disagree" with God? Let me take that further: Is there any dispute we can have with God in which we can do anything other than claim ourselves wiser/more powerful than the Creator of the universe? No, for he is the source of wisdom, power, knowledge, and all things. By disagreeing with him, we blaspheme him. But he forgives us, loving us even while we reject and mock him. That's why God is so good

by Anonymous 13 years ago

woah long answer, but yea, satan fell because he thought himself higher than Adam, thats why we refer to him of having too much pride( im athiest but i LOVE catholic angeleogy/demonology myths)according to the story lucifer thought he was strong enough to take god's place sicne he was the first/strongest angel ever created, so when god left he sat on the throne which scared the bejeezus out of Archangel Michael who immedietly threw him off thus sparkn the war. i do disagree with you on saying we will all choose to do wrong eventually, its like saying its ok to be bad because i am not perfect. we can be morally perfect if we put in the effort, someone could go all thier life only making good choices because thats in our control, our choices. its not likely in this society but its up to us, not automatic.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I agree, it's not automatic, but have YOU ever sinned? Have YOU made every good choice, do you know anyone who has, or have you ever heard of anyone (other than God) who lived/lives a perfect life? All have sinned. It's a fact. Jesus, in his famous Sermon on the Mount said that calling you brother a fool is as bad as murder, and looking at someone lustfully is as bad as adultery. Those who don't sin in a blatant manner sin in the dark, where their sin will never be seen by anyone else - but its still sin. Just because we all die, should we not try to protect ourselves from death? Of course not. In the same way, do not sin because you know that we all sin. Sin separates us from God, it is NOT okay to sin. All I said was that God forgives us when we ask him, because he proved his power over sin when he died an undeserved death, and proved his power over death by coming back to life. P.S. that's the story of the fall of Satan from the Koran, not the Catholics.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

id love a god who struck down all sinners because then thatd be proof enough and we'd be controlled through fear and panic. kinda like slaves, which technically all religious people are already

by Anonymous 13 years ago

I have several things to say to that: 1) Everyone has sinned; weather it was a small lie, some petty act of theft, murder or rape, sin is sin. So... that means that we all should be dead right now. 2) That means that you are judging from a point from which you have no authority, because if it was as you wanted you wouldn't be here to judge, and I wouldn't be here to answer. 3) The Bible agrees with you on the last part; everyone is either a slave to sin or a slave to Christ. However, Christ promises that his yolk is easy and his burden is light, while sin leads nowhere but to death. 4) While we are slaves to Christ, it is not out of fear or panic. Rather, it is because we know what He has done and know that he deserves our lives, and more (if we could possibly give more). He died for me while I was still a sinner, and the same applies to you.

by Anonymous 13 years ago