+217 The TOMS "no-shoes" day is pointless. All you're doing is walking around barefooted. If you really wanted to help out, you'd go find an organization and volunteer your time. amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

How do you know they aren't volunteering? Given, the majority of them aren't, but still. Plus, I did I earlier in the year and I had 7 people ask me why I wasn't wearing shoes. I explained and they were like "that's really cool, I like what your doing" and I said thank you Yada Yada. -cool story, I know. But I dislike the point of this post going against something A LOT of people are doing. The people who did this, actually buy toms. "one for one". They donated. Point blank.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I have a pair too. What TOMS does with the one for one thing is cool. But walking around barefoot to "raise awareness" is pointless.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

How is it pointless? It's noticeable, that's all it needs. The more people that do this, the more people are curious about what's so special about this day, and therefore more people find out what it is and get to decide to help or not. Otherwise they just walk around and are still unaware of TOMS.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, so I won't argue.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It raises awareness for the company and why they give shoes. Like the commenter above me said, when people who don't know about TOMS see someone not wearing shoes on that day, they ask why and find out about the mission, and could go buy a pair, which in turn gets a pair of shoes for an underpriveleged kid somewhere.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I actually like their idea. Not only does it raise awareness but it will also give perspective to what people have to go threw everyday.

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

"toms shoes" are pointless. I just got back from a mission trip to Ghana Africa. Some of the village kids had toms and they didn't even wear them because they are not durable. All of the villages said they were thankful for the shoes but would rather have drinkable water. The toms shoe company is a parasite. the shoes you buy (counting the one they send somewhere else) cost less than 8 dollars to make. If you pay 50 dollars that means the toms company is pocketing the rest of it. the shoes are also flown over seas for free. If you really want to make a difference, send over a pair of useable shoes, or send over money for a family. Wear toms, buy toms do what you want, but don't write it off as you wanting to help someone because there are far better ways to do it.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It raises awareness that not all people have shoes, dumbass.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It raises awareness as Anon said above me. It also puts us in someone else's shoes (no pun intended) and shows us what it's like to be in a poor country where many people don't have shoes. Saying that the day without shoes is pointless is saying like doing a 30 hour famine is pointless.

by Anonymous 12 years ago