+184 If you think about it... its sad how fast life goes by. And its hard to believe in God when some people suffer from cancer or other horrible things especially when they're the nicest and most generous people who don't deserve to suffer through such pain... amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I find it a bit off how we're supposed to think the way we're to spend eternity is governed solely by what we do during a tiny fraction of what our existence will eventually be.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yeah, that makes me want to believe in reincarnation. If you don't do it right, then you just keep doing it.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

we believe what we want to believe, but that doesn't make it true

by Anonymous 12 years ago

What are you trying to say? Persuading from reincarnation or claiming that how we spend eternity doesn't depend on a few years that are equivalent to about 8 seconds in God's eyes?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm saying that what we "want to believe" isn't going to change what the truth really is. Just because you decide that you like the idea of reincarnation will not make it true. If you stick by an idea just make sure you can justify it beyond the simple desire of it to be true

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Oh okay. I see what you're saying. But it's hard to know which religion is true, considering most basic religions have similar stories and principles.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

well, like, that's why it's supposed to be so easy. I mean, who wouldn't mind being good for however long you live if you get an eternity in paradise? but I get that a lot of people don't get, or don't care, about that perspective.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I think you need actual conviction to qualify as religious, which isn't something I have at the moment.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

If there is a god he is probably having himself quite the laugh at how fucked up the world has gotten lately. He certainly isn't doing anything to right the wrongs that have been done on earth. They say god cares about everyone but he obviously doesn't if you look around at all the innocent suffering going on.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You really don't understand the Christian God at all, then.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

hahahha had a fair point. What doesn't (s)he understand about the Christian God? i've been a Christian for a long time. It is strange that in the Bible, suffering is just expected as a fact of life, but anything good that happens is a gift from God. Isn't He in control of both the good and the bad? What's even more disturbing is that in many places in scripture it seems to say that suffering is a direct punishment from God himself for our wrongdoings. This would make sense if suffering fell more often on the evil than the good in this world, but it seems terribly random

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Satan exists, too. He resides over the earth.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

No offense, but it seems like you are cherry picking what you want to believe of God. If He is omnipotent and loves humanity as much as He claims, would he not over power Satan's schemes of suffering and evil? Or at least make Himself more obviously present to those who are suffering, instead of being a very vague and hard to verify feeling of hope. I mean some of these people who suffer will not only have a horrible life now, but then God will sentence them to hell after death because they did not know Him.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yes, but he does not intend to do all that he can. Humanity has to choose who to follow, and God cannot change that. It's called free will. It has nothing to do with cherry picking, which is more commonly called upon people who DON'T believe in Satan.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

So Satan is the cause of things like disease and natural disasters? And giving humans free will, while it sounds nice, to me seems like watching a lost group of sheep walk over a cliff they couldn't see in the fog. It's not so simple as choosing who to follow. It's not like choosing either the good, perfect God or the inanimate stone idol like the Bible always makes it out to be. Some people find it hard to believe in any God at all for various reasons, one being that they don't want to believe in eternal punishment or are reluctant to use blind faith without conclusive proof as a basis for life. Also, some people don't ever hear the gospel. While the cliche Christian arguments sound reassuring at first, they just don't always make sense with the realities of the world

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The Bible was written in a time where the realities of the world weren't nearly as complex as they are now. Think about the increase in exchange of ideas and technology. That alone as given people options that on the surface sound much more attractive than Christianity.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I'm not just arguing for what is more appealing, but what seems to make more sense. I have been a Christian in a strong Christian family for most of my life, and the questions that came up seemed very difficult to decipher. I have not given up trying, but I've got to admit that the thought of no god makes these questions much easier to explain

by Anonymous 12 years ago

My thinking is that it's similar to how dogs can't understand most of what we think. God is on a higher level of intelligence.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That's why I don't believe it. That, and the mere thought of it seems, no offense, kind of ridiculous.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

well one thing someone else said: it's a fraction of how long someone will live...it my be pain and suffering but compared to eternal happiness it's not much. life isn't everything, it's the afterlife that lasts.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yeah from an earthly perspective it's terrible, but this life is a blink of an eye compared to eternity. Plus sometimes it takes a bad thing for people to find good again.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't think it matters how fast life goes by. It's the same rate for everyone, even though often times it doesn't feel like it. And a person isn't defined by how many years they live, but what they actually did with those years. You can't change what you don't have, so do what you can with what you do have. As for the God part, I don't think believing or not believing in God should have an effect on how you view the world, only your experience should change that.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's hard not to believe in God with all the good in the world.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I feel like there is a hundred times more bad in the world than good.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I also feel like the only thing that makes the world better is scientific advancement, which often contrasts with the specifics of many religions.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

i just believe god made everything and just clicked play.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I know what you mean. My six year old sister has a brain tumor and, according to the doctors, two months left

by Anonymous 12 years ago

that's so sad. i'll keep her & your family in my thoughts.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I know what you mean, but at the same time I know that without suffering or pain- life wouldn't be life, it would be a boring existence, human's living side rocks, watching a river fly by with no struggle, just a waiting. People are eternally twisted, despite fear or terror or sadness, there is a thrill, this means we are alive. We need something to live for, without that we are nothing, all we will think of is how we actually have no meaning to live for, thus, theoretical "god" gave us a gift, something to live for. Suffering is our reason to live. Its sick and disgusting, but its also true. Without it there is no happiness.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

this is the most depressing amirite post i have ever seen. :[

by Anonymous 12 years ago

There has to be evil for there to be good. I have bad things in my life, as I'm sure everyone else does, but to me the good makes it worth it. God, eternal life, love, people, kindness: they make it worth going through the bad.

by Anonymous 12 years ago