+306 It's frustrating when you're telling the truth but everyone thinks you're lying, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It's also frustrating when you're lying and everyone thinks you're lying.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Meh. I'm a good liar. And lots of my friends know it. Soooo I kinda lost my right to be trusted.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

My mom accused me of this one time with my sisters journal. She thought I had taken it, and everyone thought I had taken it (my mom, my sis, my aunt) and no one would believe me and I started crying. (I was about four.) It just happened to be that my sis had misplaced it. It was sitting in the bathroom on the toilet tank. So after that I got a bunch of apologies and I rarely get accused of lying. For all of you who don't want to read that mumbo jumbo above, MORAL OF THE STORY IS, TELL THE TRUTH AT A YOUNG AGE AND THEN YOU CAN LIE FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

If we didn't want to read the rest, why would we read the bottom? But, i have gotten ridiculed for telling the truth at a young age. My cousin was making a quilt. They asked me what i thought of it, i said "Its ugly right now, but it could be really cool when its done" of course with worse wording and less complicated sentence structure (if that's possible.) and everyone; Aunt, Uncle, Cousins jumped on me, and i spent the next while crying in the bathroom, kinda scarred me from sharing honest opinions

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Because RANDOM capital words ATTRACT attention. Eh, people will always hate on your opinion. But I don't see why they did that to you so young. Usually when kids say things like that adults just let it go. Plus, kids are always honest about stuff like that.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Exactly, like they tell you telling the truth is good, no one warns telling the truth is always good EXCEPT when sparing feelings

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Don't worry 'bout it though. You would have learned soon enough. Although that was a bit early. I remember, for ages I used to go to people's houses and say "oooooh, your house is so DIIIRRTYYY!" - I don't think I stopped till I was about six, and then I got a talk about how wrong it was.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yeah, well i guess, but Its not like i said "That's ugly!" they asked me what i thought... so i told them

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I have something to confess...Draco is my lover..

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I know. It sucks.

by Anonymous 12 years ago