+30 Knowledge is a non-violent weapon, amirite?

by Anonymous 10 years ago

Actually it can be violent via the placebo effect. For instance voodoo witch doctors telling a believer they will die, the person probably will.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

placebo effect? here doctor is a lier and believer is full of blind-faith :)

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I almost agreed but knowledge can be used for violence

by Anonymous 10 years ago

true, and that becomes a misuse of knowledge.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

very correct. knowledge can be used in many bad ways. You can have knowledge of physical weapons. You can use it to express an idea that can start a war or a fight. It just depends on other people, if they support you or not. Anyway, knowledge could be a very violent weapon. i.e. computer hackers, PEOPLE IN AUTHORITY (president, governor, ...), you get the idea. if you don't understand, go to this website: http://globegazette.com/news/opinion/editorial/knowledge-a-tool-or-a-weapon-my-turn/article_4162663e-7a32-11e1-8040-001a4bcf887a.html

by Anonymous 7 years ago

How is knowledge a weapon? If your knowledge is being used to instigate humiliation, to patronize, or harm, that's not all that wise. A true intellect uses their knowledge for good and pass on what they know. Many pseudo-intellectuals will acquire information solely for the purpose of debasing and humiliating individuals. I wouldn't call that person smart in any sense. On the flip side, I see what you mean. A person can use their knowledge to climb to the top and beat out everyone else in competition. I consider everything I know to be a part of my 'arsenal'. Any situation that needs problem solving, I pull out what ever I know and get to work. Or in the situation of defending one's self against a person who has bad intentions, then it would be considered non-violent, even if it's used to put them in their place. The key is what your intentions are that determine if it's malicious or not. But since people do use knowledge for bad, I can't agree that it's all non-violent.

by Anonymous 10 years ago

true, and you explained it very well y

by Anonymous 10 years ago