+132 The cycle of drinking soda from a can: first few sips you think it's nice & refreshing, then you get about half way and start thinking ya know I don't think I'll get another one, and when you get closer to the bottom you offer it to anyone who's willing to take it, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

No I just drink the damn soda.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

More like this: First few sips are delicious, causing me to gulp down half the soda. I then try to space out my sips, but end up drinking the rest, ending my soda drinking experience within a matter of minutes, and leaving me feeling unrefreshed yet too full to drink another can of soda.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

So that explains why my friends never fucking finish their drinks.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I always finish my drinks too quickly, so please stop wasting your soda and give it to me please?

by Anonymous 12 years ago