+363 The first person to have diarrhea must have been scared shitless, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Ha, I see what you did there!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It would make more sense with constipation.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yeah I could just see the person fart n spewing from their butts n screaming n running cuz they don't know what's happening loltheyre clenching as hard as they can but their butt n their butt crack r getting hot n sweaty so they hide behind a tree n carefully squat n just let it happen n their thighs r shaking but boy does their stomach feel better lol then they carefully wipe themselvees n examine the pile that's behind them n they realize they see all the food they just ate n then their bowels r ok the next morning. So he gets together with one of his smart scientific friends or doctor or sommething n they do lab experiments n come to the conclusion that the body is just flushing itself out to get rid of something the stomach didn't like or they had too much milk n water. So they eventually have diarrhea on purpose to perform more tests. N its green. So they also realize thees vegetables that make them poo. But they're still healthy. Then they have to learn the difference in the feeling of a poop n a hot fart so they can warn people from being humiliated n soilong themselves. So they discover cheese n saurkraut :D yep. That's history in a nutshell, from. Urs truly :)

by Anonymous 11 years ago


by Anonymous 11 years ago