+287 Whenever you get in trouble by your parents, everything you shut seems to slam when you don't mean it too. amirite?

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Most of the time I slam stuff just to test my parent and then when they yell at me for slamming I'll just say it was an accident :3

by Anonymous 11 years ago

There was a woman at a day camp I used to go to who had an office door that always got stuck on the carpet. They'd had to replace the carpet a year after the door was installed, and the replacement was too high and so you had to lean really hard on the door to get it open. She usually just left it open all the time, but one day I got in a fight with two other girls and she closed it so she could interrogate us in private. I was eventually found guilty and told I could go, and, not wanting to have to stand there for another thirty seconds getting out the door, I walked up to it and rammed it as hard as I could. For the first time anyone in the building (I was later told) had ever seen, it did not stick in the slightest, and bounced off the wall so hard it swung partway closed again. I was shocked, of course, but assumed I'd still be allowed to go because she knew how horrible her door was and so it was clear I hadn't done it on purpose. Apparently it wasn't clear, because she sent everyone else away, closed it again, screamed at me for another twenty minutes, then called my mother and told her about my deplorable behavior. Probably one of the more traumatizing moments from my past.

by Anonymous 11 years ago