+66 The order of creation is nonsensical. God created light, but didn't create the source of light until later. He created vegetation, but didn't provide a habitable environment for vegetation until later. It took him three days to create Earth, but only one day to create an infinite universe. amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Makes more sense than the THEORY of evolution.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I think you need to go back to science class.

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

Go back to science class and you'll see.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Hm. Do you know that a theory is in science? http://notjustatheory.com/

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Also, Genesis 1:16-17 reads "And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth." First of all, it differentiates between the sun and the stars, implying that they didn't know the sun was a star. Secondly, by placing them "in the firmament of the heaven" it implies that heaven is a tangible barrier and the stars are simply decorative dots in that barrier, which explains why this is the only mention of the creation of the rest of the universe -- they thought the universe was simple and didn't need explaining.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Sometimes people use "the heavens" to refer to the sky. When a novel says, "he looked to the heavens," he wasn't literally gazing at God's throne.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

This isn't a quote taken out of context from a random book using the word heaven. This is a direct quote from the very beginning of the Bible.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Also, the fact that the sun is differentiated from other stars means nothing at all. The sun is obviously essential to life on this planet and therefore plays a different role to the people reading this book than any of the other stars would. And it makes sense in creation, too, that God would create the star that supports the life on this planet before he creates the other stars.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Then why doesn't it say "he made the other stars also."

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't know. I'm not God, I can't explain why He chose to word a phrase slightly differently than you would prefer Him to have written it. I'm just offering a possible other interpretation of the phrase. You're not going to be able to disprove an one of the largest religions in the world that has been in existence for thousands of years because of a simple issue with the phrasing.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Fair enough. I even considered this interpretation before commenting. My interpretation is just as possible, though. And I have no intent and no aspirations of "disproving" anything at all.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You are correct that the authors of the Bible were limited by the science of the time. You didn't need a Bible verse to prove that. Obviously, they didn't have all the answers to scientific mysteries and neither do we. The Bible doesn't imply that heaven is tangible, that's just the way its described. In fact, most of the Bible works like that: describing abstract philosophies in concrete terms. For example, God is described the "Father" of all. That doesn't mean that God is a physical material dude floating somewhere in the sky who banged some chick who proceeded to push the entire world out of her vagina. "Father" just like the story of creation, is a sophisticated religious philosophy described in concrete terms for the sake of understanding. God is believed, by the majority of the religious world, to be a immaterial force or "ultimate reality" that nature is derived from as opposed to a floating wizard man. Religious scholars, philosophers, monks, and mystics have been trying to make sense of the spiritual and natural world for millions of years. They most certainly did not think the universe was simple and didn't need explaining.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I swear dude, you've made it your lifes mission to be completely intolerant. Just fucking let people do what they wanna, its not like you're gonna change anyones mind with an amirite post.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

How do any of my posts equate to intolerance? I am not intolerant of religion whatsoever. If this was intolerant, it would end with "Therefore creationists are stupid, amirite?" And you tell me to let people do what they want, and then tell me to stop doing what I want? Hypocrisy at its finest. And how exactly am I not letting people do what they want? I am not saying believe this, not that -- I'm saying there is a flaw in this.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Ok, maybe intolerant is the wrong word to use. Maybe "always posting controversial religious posts to try and get a reaction out of people and start a meaningless debate" is a better term. Case and point: http://amirite.net/647080, http://amirite.net/647066, http://amirite.net/647049, http://amirite.net/647026, and that's just on the first page. Surely you have more relaxing things to post about...surely? Ok true, that was hypocritical of me. You're right there. However, pointing out "flaws", in this situation, stands to benefit nobody except yourself. I just find it unnecessary to be so controversial ALL THE TIME.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The word "light" isn't an exact translation. The devil's name is Lucifer, meaning light, and all angels are also related with light. It means that he created other beings first. He made angels and souls and such when it says that he first made light.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't take the creation if the Earth literally in the Bible. I believe that God did create the universe, but perhaps in a scientifically correct way. Also, this was probably the easiest way for them to explain this back then when they had so little knowledge of the science we have today.

by Anonymous 12 years ago


by Anonymous 12 years ago

I think God created the universe and man. I also believe in the big bang theory, and evolution.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You can believe whatever you want to believe, and I think it's perfectly reasonable to believe God and science are both part of how the world was created, but how can you believe the big band theory AND God created the Universe, or that God AND evolution created humans? Those are different things to believe happened, you can't believe both of them.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yes, you can. I believe God used the method of evolution to create man, and I believe that God used the method of the big bang theory to create the universe.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

But that's not really what you said. You said you believe God created man, which doesn't really mean you believe he created the first living things that eventually evolved into man over millions and millions of years. Just saying "God created man" implies you believe God created human kind from scratch. You can believe what you say you believe, but you worded it very poorly.

by Anonymous 12 years ago