-38 Skrillex isn't dubstep, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Who cares what people call it. He still blazed on the music scene from nowhere and is one of the most talented dudes out there

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Also, he didn't come out of nowhere. He got big from singing in From First to Last, and was big enough from that to tour on the Warped Tour as Sonny when he left that band. He might not have gone by "Skrillex" but he's been a part of music for a while.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

From First to Last. Check it out... Thats Skrillex pre-dub

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You're all cunts!! Dubstep is wank it's all about ska!!!!

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Just another anonymous here, sry to disappoint you. As far as pressing buttons goes, that's not all that Skrillex does. He compose the songs just as much as he produce them and surely you don't think pressing buttons is always a lack of talent. Think of a piano for instance, it's just a buch of buttons. amirite? Or playing the drums, you're just hitting a bunch of objects, no talent involved there. I feel that you're probably unfamiliar with the definition of talent. And to answer the topic question, some of Skrillex's songs are electro-dubstep and some are electro-house. The definition is in the drum beat and tempo.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I hate Skrillex MP3s. Like I cannot listen to him off of my computer or iPod or whatever. But I saw him in concert, and it was the most amazing show of my life. I wish I could go back.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Equinox, Sexy Lady, Cinema, Scary Monsters and Nice sprites. Those are dubstep, the rest are Twitch, Electro-step, or some mash up of all genres.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Who cares, dubstep isn't music.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Dubstep is music, Skrillex isn't music (hence Skrillex isn't dubstep).

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Lmao. Regardless of whether you like him or not, the music he makes is definitely dubstep. It doesn't matter how he makes it or how he performs live.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Skrillex isn't dubstep, he has some dubstep songs but he isn't dubstep.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It doesn't have anything to do with how popular he is, his music simply isn't dubstep. Just because something has wobbles doesn't make it dubstep. I do like Skrilles though.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Some of his songs may be Dubstep based but he'd really mainly just techno. It's sad he's become such a huge icon for dubstep considering he isn't much dubstep himself. And in my opinion he isn't that great. He has good songs, but they all sound the same.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

He's not dubstep but HE SURE AS HELL DOESN'T MAKE TECHNO. I can kind of understand how those that don't know what dubstep actually is would call his music dubstep, I mean it's understandable, but to call it techno is 100x more wrong than those people are.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Sonny says all the time he doesn't aim to be a dubstep producer. He likes to make all kinds of music. Some of his songs could be classified as dubstep but that's about it.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Skrillex isn't "dubstep." He falls under a category known as "brostep." Brostep has no rhythm what so ever, and only consists of random wobbles put together in no orderly fashion. Dubstep is a lot more complex, and takes a lot more thinking then what Skrillex puts out. I just hate how people go "hurr durr I love dubstep cause I love Scary Monsters & Sprites hurr durr." There are so many artists a lot better than Skrillex. Skrillex is just an artist teens go to, to try and fit in with liking dubstep. -mh.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Spot on.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Skrillex is brostep,brostep is much more aggressive , what many people consider to be true dub-step is meant to chill youout and is designed for concentrated ;almost analytical listening ,similar to jazz.Brostep is random noises thrown together and so sounds like just that ;random noise

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I think everyone on here should go and listen to Digital Mystikz, Loefah, Coki, Mala(seperatley), El-b, the better side of Skream, Goth Trad, Kode9, anything on Deep Medi, Tempa, DMZ, Horsepower labels... please god... dub is bass, bass is low frequency... Skrillex is NOT low frequency at all :(

by Anonymous 11 years ago

I always thought Skrillex was dubstep....buuuuuuut i just found some of the older U.K. dubstep Dj's. There is a huge difference. Skrillex is fun if youre fucked up and want to be disoriented.

by Anonymous 11 years ago

Nah, he's not Dubstep, he's Complextro which is a mix of some aspects of Dubstep, some from electro, things from glitch, and some other things too, with dubstep and electro having the most prominence. So it's not dubstep, it's complextro. That's what pretty much all his songs are. Go listen to a complextro song like Dirtyloud-Needle and you'll notice the similarities. Of course, some of his songs are closer to dubstep than typical complextro, but on the whole, he's more Complextro than anything.

by Anonymous 10 years ago