+239 The Simpsons, Family Guy, and South Park are all declining in quality. amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The thing I hate about South Park is that it's so animated now... The shitty, stop motion construction paper gave them character.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That's why I'm happy Beavis + Butthead is coming back. Hopefully it will be just as good as it used to be.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Seriously? That show was sooooooo stupid

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That show is so freaking hilarious.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The Simpsons has always been awful. But how do you think South Park and Family Guy are declining in quality? The recent Family Guy episodes have been decent. Not the best ever, but good. As for South, have you not seen the latest one where Cartman joins the border patrol? It's one of my favorites. That being said, the two episodes of Stan changing before that were painfully awful.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The Simpsons have not always been awful. They paved the way for shows like South Park and Family Guy. Personally I've never really liked Family Guy because the 22 minute episodes can usually be boiled down to 10 minutes if all the gags are taken out. The last couple seasons of South Park have had a few good episodes, but most of them are stupid. They're not really satirizing anything important and don't end with a good lesson.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I think the simpsons are still pretty good but the recent episodes of south park are terrible. I think family guy is probably the same im just tired of it.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

South Park is still really good, in my opinion. Family Guy only started to get bad in the last year or two, simpsons has been shit since around season 12.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

South Park is the best shit ever. I will never get tired of it.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

//The// //Simpsons// have been on top of their game for a long time, but recent episodes are proving to be dull, so that is fair. //Family// //Guy// took a really bad turn into season 8 when the plots all started focusing on character development, but as for right now, I think the shows quality has maintained a constant slope, steadily approaching an increase in quality. The episodes aren't as funny as they used to be, but they represent more than they did with previous seasons. I honestly think that season 8 was intentionally bad so Seth MacFarlane could redirect viewers' interest to //The// //Cleveland// //Show// and //American// //Dad//, which have both become quite impressive lately. I think the HURRICANE episodes are what convinced me. As for //South// //Park//, I gave them a shot when I started watching the show with that WoW episode a while back, and it was pretty interesting, but most of the plot devices are pretty redundant. Seriously, we get that adults tend to overdramaticize things in tv now. That doesn't mean some random guy needs to shoot himself in the head every episode. They are running out of material, and it has shown since their 300th episode.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I concur. What's cool about SP is that they relate to current news events and rip them off, like a while back with the Tiger Woods saga and the economy and the high school musical episode. But since their 300th episode I've lost so much interest.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I stopped watching Family Guy around the time were it stopped trying to be funny and just did its best to piss off everybody who doesn't agree with Seth Mcfarlane's political and social views.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

So true

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The Simpsons have been declining and lost their old style, its nothing horrible but its not as good as before. Family Guy has actually been doing good, with the exception of Season 8, the Star Wars episodes were just hilarious. With the exception of that recent Stan becoming older and seeing everything as shit, South Park is still as awesome as ever! Seen Last of the Meheecans? Fucking brilliant. And from the preview for the next episode its going to be something crazy, stupid, genius and hilarious.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Family Guy and American Dad both got atrocious this past season (The Cleveland Show was never good to begin with). Both used to be very good when they served their rightful purpose- Family Guy was mostly stupid humor, and American Dad was used as an outlet for Seth MacFarlane to vent his political views/make fun of Republicans. Leading up to this last season, Family Guy started to get more and more political, and American Dad pretty much abruptly got awful at the start of this last season. The main issue that South Park seems to be suffering from in recent seasons is consistency. While I don't think anything else will live up to the golden days of South Park, when Cartman was the immature brat that we all knew and loved and before he became a downright psychopath, Trey and Matt have produced a few gems in the last few years. The Jersey Shore and TMI episodes, admittedly, got a few chuckles out of me. However, it seems that the downright stupid episodes (HumancentiPad and Reverse Cowgirl being two good examples) are getting more and more frequent.

by Anonymous 11 years ago