+279 I think kids are becoming bigger assholes every year, because almost no one said trick or treat or thank you for the candy. amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I did. And i offered candy back and a lady apologized for no having candy cuz she just came out the hospital so i gave her half my candy!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Well then you are one of the nicer people I'm just saying when I was a 7 it was a sin not to say trick or treat

by Anonymous 12 years ago

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by Anonymous 12 years ago

Thats why i have two candy buckets. since only like 25% of kids say it (if that) i have a bucket with full size snickers and twix and resses and all that good stuff. And the other bucket is full of cheap-o candy like dum-dums and those crappy candies wrapped in orange and black wrappers.The kids that say trick or treat or are younger looking than 5 get a candy from the good bucket and the other 75% get the crappy ones from the other bucket

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That's such a good idea! I hardly even had any kids knocking on our door. It was so sad :( But if you don't mind.. I'm gonna take your idea >.>

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Good. If they can't be polite, they don't deserve it.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That is freaking genius.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

BuT you said thanks idiot what a hypocrite

by Anonymous 12 years ago

So true. The little kids say thankyou because their parents tell them too, but the older ones just sing obnoxious trick or treat smell my feet type songs.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

This one kid swore at me when I told him he couldn't have candy unless he said please. So I gave him sugar free gum.. hehe smirk

by Anonymous 12 years ago

most kids ARE like that.... except me and my friends. a whole bunch of 14-18 year olds saying trick or treat and thank you. like a BAWS!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

If you came to my house I wouldn't give you candy. I have a limited amount of money to spend, and I'm giving it to a little kid so they can experience the magic of Halloween, not an immature high schooler/ college student who can just drive themselves to the store and buy their own candy.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Not all high schoolers can drive. Not all of them have money either. The magic of Halloween is not limited to what age you are, and that's what makes it special. It doesn't make anyone immature if they are over 13 and choose to go trick or treating.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I could take this post much more seriously if you did not say like a BAWS!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

When I went trick or treating, people would always put the candy in my bag before I got a chance to say trick or treat, then it just felt awkward saying it.

by Anonymous 12 years ago