-37 When you think about it fact is really just the opinion of the majority. At the moment it's "fact" that I can't blow up a watermelon with mind while 500 years ago it was absolute "fact" that the world was flat. amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Interesting thought, but people didn't think the world was flat 500 years ago. When ships set off to sea, they would eventually go below the horizon, making people believe that the earth had some curvature.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I think what they mean is that we learn new things every day. And who knows what might drastically change in 500 years from what we believe now.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

That was how the earth was originally proven to be round yes. 500 was just thrown out there read the post again and put 2000 if it makes you happy

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Except that it's scientifically proven that the brain can't do telekinesis and nearly all its functions have been discovered already. This is a bad example, since it's something humans have long studied and is within their reach. Whether or not life is 50 planets away, THAT could be a false opinion, since we haven't the technology yet to find the truth. There wasn't proof the Earth was flat, it was just imagined, so it wasn't as much of a fact as it was a belief.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Nearly all*. I'm saying with the technology of 500 years ago they *knew* the world was obviously flat, just like now a days with the technology we possess we *know* that we can't blow up a watermelon with our mind. It's all about perspective and the realization that things are always changing. That is the thing, they couldn't prove it was or wasn't true, but it was held as fact anyways. Just like blowing things up with your mind

by Anonymous 12 years ago

A fact is something you cannot argue with. Things will fall to the surface of the earth. Fact. A long time ago Earth was flat. Opinion as nobody had experimented to see if it was true.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

The assumptions of many do not make it true.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

THATS THE WHOLE POINT OF THE POST! That what people call fact is sometimes just a very widely believed opinion!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I don't think anything's really fact. The entire world could be some alternate reality you've dreamed up in a coma. Or we could be in something like the Matrix. It spuds crazy, but there's really no way we can know.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I wish I could blow up a watermelon with my mind.

by Anonymous 12 years ago