+260 It seems that so much emphasis is put into whether homosexuals chose to be gay or not. Well, even if it WAS a choice, it was their choice to make and their rights shouldn't be stripped away just because they made it, amirite?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You're silly, only the Bible can make decisions for you... Haven't you ever been to church?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Ah yeah, I see. You've probably played American football, amirite? Okay, let's kill you! :D Leviticus 11:8. Maybe you have a tattoo? Let's kill you! Leviticus 19:28. Have you ever worn gold? Death to thou I command! :D Timothy 2:9. You've eaten shellfish? Hahaha, you'll go to hell! :D Leviticus 11:10. You're planning on raping a virgin and marrying her? No death to you; Jesus Christ loves that! Deuteronomy 22:28-29. As an atheist, I love the Bible; however, I hate how selective Christians are of it: "um, yeah, lemme skip the first 1,000 or so pages, okay, what's here? DEATH TO GAYS!? OH YEAH! I LOVE THE BIBLE".

by Anonymous 12 years ago

You realize that guy was just being sarcastic, right?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It can still apply to just about any Christian on this planet.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Again ill say this because you people don't seem to understand...Maybe next time before you try quoting the content of your source you should first try understanding the context of what it is trying to tell you. The whole reason for their 'savior' coming and dying for their sins was so that we wouldn't be prosecuted for petty stuff like that.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Damn right.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

choice has a lot to do with it. If I choose to murder someone or steal something that isnt mine, it is still wrong regardless of my right to make my own choice. However, everyone talks like homosexuality is the worst sin ever... Actually, it isnt. It is just like any other sin. But if you profess to be a Christian, you cannot at the same time support homosexual actions. That does NOT mean we should hate gays and lesbos. that does NOT mean God hates gays and lesbos. It simply means we are not supposed to support the behavior. But ultimately, choosing your sexual attraction is between you and God. SHAMWOW OUT!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Yup. It's me again. Read the name.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

"But if you profess to be a Christian, you cannot at the same time support" This goes against what you said the other day. Remember when you said a sin was a sin yada yada. You can be a gay Christian, because if you're really a Christian your brothers and sisters are suppose to love you anyway, and visa versa. Regardless of what sin you choose to commit.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I agree. The argument shouldn't be "homosexuals don't choose to be faggots." It should be "faggots can do anything breeders can do." Blind people can't help that they can't see. Do we let them drive? No, because they cannot safely operate a vehicle. Faggots can raise a child just as well as straighties can. Why don't we let them?

by Anonymous 12 years ago

It is both a choice and involuntary. Being sexually attracted to the same gender is involuntary, but to commit an act of homosexuality is a choice. The committing of the act is what is a sin. But it is still their choice to make and the result of that choice is between them and god. But their rights are not being taken away, they have the same rights as anyone else. To say that their rights are being taken away is just ignorant.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

"To say that their rights are being taken away is just ignorant." You're kidding me, right? First of all, not everyone lives in the United States. To assume so is completely ignorant. In many countries, gays have virtually no rights. In Mauritania, there is a death penalty for gay sexual activity. And even in the United States, gays are denied the right to marriage in most states. Check out this link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_by_country_or_territory You're the one being ignorant.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

(YeahIAm):excuse me for that, I suppose I should have specified in the U.S.their rights are not being stripped. I was not addressing worldwide issues but specifically that the homosexuals here in the U.S. Feel that their rights are being taken, which is just not true.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Whenever you feel an attraction to the same sex aren't you committing an act of homosexuality (I'm basing this off what the Bible says about looking upon someone with lustful eyes is the same as committing adultery)? If feeling that attraction is not a choice, but is also an act of homosexuality, then isn't that sinning without meaning to? Oh yeah, and try being a gay American and saying that we are not deprived rights. We might not technically be denied legal rights, but we are denied many social rights in a lot of areas.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

I wouldn't say it is an act of homosexuality because there is no action, but yes it is still homosexuality. but my point is that it is involuntary, though yes I suppose it would still be a sin as well. yes you can sin without meaning to, nobody is without sin and no sin is greater than the other, but God forgives all sins if asked. you may be discriminated against just like any other minority group but you are not denied any rights. if you mean that you are denied rights because of the gay marriage issue then let me remind you that marriage is not a right for anyone. it is a life choice and an agreement that one makes with another, that is why government should have nothing to do with it.

by Anonymous 12 years ago